Associate Professor, Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine at New Mexico State University
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Both kidneys lie in close proximity to the abdominal aorta and inferior vena cava. These major vessels extend branches to each kidney that enter at a notched, medially located area of the parenchyma known as the hilum. At the level of the kidneys, the abdominal aorta lies directly anterior to the vertebral column, passing about 2. The inferior vena cava lies to the right of the aorta, nearly touching the medial aspect of the right kidney. Both kidneys are Area for liver Duodenum Peritoneum (cut) Area for colon Area for small intestine rotated so that their medial surfaces are slightly anterior, facilitating their connection to these major vessels. The suprarenal glands, historically referred to as "adrenal" (a misnomer that incorrectly implied a subservient relationship to the kidneys), are bilateral glands typically related to the superomedial aspects of the kidneys but not attached to them. They are attached to the diaphragmatic crura, a relationship maintained in the presence of nephroptosis ("dropped kidneys"). Like the kidneys, the suprarenal glands are surrounded Area for descending colon Area for small intestine by a variable amount of fat. The crescentic left suprarenal gland lies medial to the upper third of the kidney, extending from the apex to the hilum. The pyramidal right suprarenal gland sits caplike on the superior pole of the right kidney. The anterior relations of the left and right kidneys differ, reflecting their associations with the various unpaired organs that constitute the abdominal viscera. The posterior relations of both kidneys are similar, reflecting their associations with the paired muscles of the posterior abdominal wall. During growth of the liver and rotation of the gut, certain portions of the gut fuse to the posterior body wall and become secondarily retroperitoneal. Throughout this process, peritoneal reflections are shifted from the midline and distorted in an irregular but predictable pattern. After development is complete, certain parts of the kidneys contact intraperitoneal organs through an intervening layer of peritoneum, whereas other parts contact primarily or secondarily retroperitoneal organs without an intervening layer of peritoneum. The presence or absence of intervening peritoneum may affect the spread of infection or metastatic disease. Separating these organs is the peritoneum that forms the posterior surface of the perisplenic region of the greater peritoneal sac. A triangular area on the superomedial aspect of the left kidney contacts the stomach. The two layers of the peritoneum that form the splenorenal ligament enclose the splenic vessels. The perihilar region of the left kidney contacts the tail of the pancreas, a secondary retroperitoneal organ, without intervening peritoneum. This point of contact occurs posterior to the left extremity of the transverse mesocolon, a horizontally disposed derivative of the embryonic dorsal mesentery that suspends the transverse colon from the secondarily retroperitoneal viscera. The inferolateral aspect of the left kidney contacts the descending colon, which is secondarily retroperitoneal, without intervening peritoneum. The inferomedial aspect of the left kidney contacts loops of jejunum through an intervening layer of inframesocolic peritoneum. On each side, two or three nerves pass posterior to the psoas muscle, emerge from its lateral border, then travel between the kidneys and the aponeurosis of the transverse abdominis as they descend obliquely to the inguinal region.
The anterior scalene muscle is now carefully separated from the subclavian vessels acne treatment during pregnancy discount tretinex 10 mg amex, and its attachment to the first rib is divided acne zapping machine cheap tretinex 20 mg without prescription. A rib shear is next positioned anteriorly over the rib acne practice buy tretinex with visa, which is divided almost at the level of the costal cartilage acne gluten order generic tretinex. Following clearing of residual muscle and any fibrous attachments remaining, the rib is divided posteriorly just anterior to the brachial plexus. Considerable care must be taken following removal of the rib to smooth the posterior stump to prevent any subsequent T1 injury. At this point, any further encountered anomalies (fibromuscular bands, scalenus minimus muscles) should be resected. Cervical ribs are resected in a similar fashion to the first rib, requiring division of their attachments to the middle scalene and intercostal muscles. Before closure, irrigation is placed into the wound, and inspection is made for a pleural leak. In the presence of a leak, a small chest tube can be used for pleural drainage but is rarely needed. Careful follow-up and physical therapy are also employed in the early postoperative period. The supraclavicular approach for scalenectomy (with or without first rib resection) is considered in three situations. As described by Roos,35 it is reasonable to use an approach in which these nerves can be more directly decompressed. The second situation is in patients who have undergone transaxillary operation but now have upper plexus symptoms. The third situation is a matter of preference when a surgeon feels the supraclavicular approach is as effective as and safer than the transaxillary operation. The first rib can also be resected as a component of this procedure, although some argue that it cannot be done with the same margins as the transaxillary approach. As with the transaxillary approach, no paralytics are used so that nerve function can be assessed intraoperatively. The patient is placed in the semi-Fowler position, with the head turned away from the operative side. An incision is placed two fingerbreadths above the clavicle, extending from the external jugular vein to the sternocleidomastoid muscle. This muscle is subsequently mobilized medially, and the omohyoid muscle is usually transected. The scalene fat pad is carefully divided, taking care to avoid the underlying phrenic nerve. There are usually adhesions between the muscle and the subclavian artery and brachial plexus components that also must be freed. The area between the C7 root and the subclavian artery is next cleaned, including the division of a subclavius minimus muscle if present. At this point, the five roots should be completely cleaned and tested using a nerve stimulator, although many surgeons have noted that it is often difficult to assess the T1 nerve root in this manner. If the operation is to include first rib resection, the middle scalene muscle must be divided. The rib is divided posteriorly and a finger used to dissect it from the pleura while elevating the divided end. The subclavian artery must be freed from the anterior portion of the rib before it is divided. If present, the soft closed suction drain can be positioned so that the tip drains the pleural space. Postoperative chest radiograph is obtained, and the patient is usually discharged home within 1 or 2 days. Although offered at several centers, this procedure has not gained widespread acceptance. Again, this has not been demonstrated in any large series to be superior to the traditional approaches. Although this disease was historically treated with a conservative approach of anticoagulation and arm elevation, most therapeutic protocols now emphasize thrombolysis, anticoagulation, and surgical decompression as the key components of treatment. When patients present acutely, as is often the case, they should undergo catheter-directed fibrinolysis of the clot expeditiously. Currently, fibrinolytics such as alteplase and reteplase are used and have largely replaced streptokinase and urokinase, owing to improved safety profiles. Patients tend to respond better to thrombolytic therapy instituted within days of the onset of symptoms, but many may still benefit as far out as 4 to 6 weeks. Traditionally, clinicians would advocate for a 1- to 3-month period of anticoagulation following thrombolysis, prior to surgical intervention. Previous work by Machleder and Kunkle demonstrated that this protracted time frame allowed for intimal healing of the damaged vein and reduction in the inflammatory response, thus facilitating a successful surgical outcome. In particular, none of the theoretical concerns for bleeding following the use of thrombolytics were realized,nor were there particular technical problems secondary to the thrombosis-mediated inflammatory response seen in these patients. In a series of 110 first rib resection and scalenectomies, the number of patent vessels at 1 year was equal at 91% in patients undergoing preoperative thrombolysis and those who only had anticoagulation. Because venous compression commonly occurs within the costoclavicular aperture, it is imperative to adequately decompress this space. Furthermore, the first rib should be cut as far anterior as possible, well into the costal cartilage. Many advocate lysis of any fibrotic tissue surrounding the vein, although this may increase the incidence of a vein injury.
A portion of blood from the super ficial system is directed to the deep system through the com municating perforators skin care salon order 20 mg tretinex. While standing acne keloid tretinex 40 mg discount, about 22% of the total blood volume is localized to the lower extremities skin care in 30s order cheap tretinex, and hydrostatic pressure in the foot veins can reach 80 mmHg acne while pregnant purchase tretinex 5 mg with visa. In healthy individuals with competent venous valves, the effi cient calf muscle pump can reduce venous pressure by two thirds during exercise. Venous insufficiency occurs when any of these elements do not function adequately. Pressure in the venous system increases, and (most importantly) ambu latory venous pressure rises during leg exercise. The pri mary cause of venous hypertension is insufficiency of the valves of the deep venous system and perforating veins of the lower leg. The exact mechanism by which ulcerations develop in patients with venous insufficiency is not clear. One theory is that ulcer ation is due to increased intraluminal pressure within the capillary system of the leg. Fibrin, albumin, and various macromolecules leak into the dermis, where they bind to and trap growth factors, making them unavailable for the tissue repair process. Tissue hypoxia appears to be the major underlying factor in developing venous ulceration. Unlike ulcers associated with arterial insufficiency, this hypoxic state is not caused by decreased blood flow to the legs. Patients with venous insufficiency usually have adequate blood flow to their lower extremities. Direct measure ments of transcutaneous oxygen levels on the lower leg have dem onstrated that exercise produces a marked rise in skin oxygen tension in normal legs, but not in those affected by venous insuf ficiency. Exercise reduces venous pressure in patients with compe tent valves, thus removing the stimulus for reflex vasoconstriction. In patients with compromised valves, venous pressure remains high during exercise, and reflex vasoconstriction persists. Leg elevation, compression therapy, local wound care, and surgical correction of selected underlying pathology are all important components of the treatment plan. Risk factors for development of atherosclerotic lesions causing leg ischemia include diabetes mellitus, smoking, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, obesity, and age. Wound healing and tissue regeneration depend on adequate blood supply to the region. Ischemia due to vascular disease impedes healing by reducing the supply of oxygen, nutrients, and soluble mediators involved in the repair process. The diabetic foot is a common and serious clinical condition that has its specific characteristics. The American Diabetes Association Consensus Group found that among persons with diabetes, the risk of foot ulceration was increased among men, patients who had had diabetes for more than 10 years, and patients with poor glu cose control or cardiovascular, retinal, or renal complications. Foot ulcers occur in up to 25% of patients with diabetes and precede more than 8 in 10 nontraumatic amputations. Nearly half of all patients who undergo amputation will develop limbthreatening ischemia in the contralateral limb, and many will ultimately require an amputation of the opposite limb within 5 years. Preventing ulcerations and/or amputations is critical from both medical and economical standpoints. Four footrelated risk factors have been identified in the genesis of pedal ulceration: altered biomechanics, limited joint mobility, bony deformity, and severe nail pathology. Although there are many causes of peripheral neuropathy, diabe tes mellitus is by far the most common (see Box 601). Neuropathy is present in 42% of diabetic patients after 20 years27 and is usually a distal symmetrical sensorimotor polyneuropathy. Peripheral neuropathy is postulated to result from abnormalities in metabo lism, one of which is a deficiency in sorbitol metabolism via the polyol pathway. These are most com monly encountered over the bony prominences of the metatarsal heads and forefoot region because of the requirements of mid stance and heeloff during the gait cycle. Loss of protective sensation in the foot can lead rapidly to ulceration if patient education and preventive measures are not taken. Diabetic patients are especially prone to development of a neuroosteoar thropathy known as Charcot foot. Rheumatoid patients with high plantar foot pressures but no sensi tivity deficit have almost no evidence of foot ulceration. This manifests as a distal symmetrical loss of sensation described in a "stocking" distribution and proves to be the primary factor pre disposing patients to ulcers and infection. Injuries such as fractures, ulceration, and foot deformities therefore go unrecognized. Repeat stress to highpressure areas or bone prominences, which would be interpreted as pain in the non neuropathic patient, also go unrecognized. Sensory dysfunction results in increased shearing forces and repeated trauma to the foot. Because this goes unrec ognized in the insensate foot, gait patterns remain unchanged, and the stresses eventually cause tissue breakdown and ulceration. The distal motor nerves are the most commonly affected, resulting in atrophy of the small intrinsic muscles of the foot. Wasting of the lumbrical and interosseous muscles of the foot results in collapse of the arch and loss of stability of the metatarsalphalangeal joints during midstance of the gait. Overpowering by extrinsic muscles can lead to depression of the metatarsal heads, digital contrac tures, and cockedup toes; equinus deformities of the ankle; or a varus hindfoot. Hypohidrosis leads to a noncompliant epider mis that increases the risk of cracking and fissuring. Arteriovenous shunting diminishes delivery of nutrients and oxygen to tissue regions, and skin and subcutaneous tissues become more suscep tible to breakdown.
The cutaneous diagnosis of polyarteritis nodosa should alert the clinician to the possibility of systemic disease acne with pus order tretinex now, and appropriate testing should be undertaken to evaluate for widespread disease acne practice order 10mg tretinex visa. Most cases of polyarteritis nodosa are idiopathic acne vulgaris icd 10 tretinex 20mg with visa, but this condition can be seen in association with viral infections skin care during pregnancy home remedies order tretinex online, malignancy, or autoimmune disease. Coinfection with the hepatitis B virus is the most classic and most frequent association with polyarteritis nodosa. Clinical Findings: the primary cutaneous manifestation of polyarteritis nodosa is palpable purpura. The cutaneous findings tend to be spread over wide areas of the body and are not found entirely in dependent regions, as is the case with leukocytoclastic vasculitis. The patient may develop livedo reticularis of the extremities, and secondary ulcerations may form as the vasculitis progresses and causes necrosis of the overlying skin. The diagnosis of the type of vasculitis is difficult to make from clinical examination alone. Tissue sampling is needed to determine the type of vessel affected by the inflammatory vasculitis. Polyarteritis nodosa has also been shown to have nonspecific findings, such as red macules and papules, that mimic drug eruptions or viral infections. If the only organ system involved is the integumentary system, the prognosis is good, and the disease typically follows a chronic, treatable course. Once the diagnosis of cutaneous polyarteritis nodosa has been made, a systemic evaluation must be undertaken to pursue potential life-threatening involvement. If other organ systems are involved, the patient will need to undergo systemic therapy, and a multidisciplinary approach is required. This leads to a peripheral neuropathy, and it is cited as the most common extracutaneous finding in polyarteritis nodosa. The kidneys, heart, and gastrointestinal tract are also routinely affected, and any of these can lead to life-threatening complications. Renal artery aneurysms can form along the branches of the renal artery and can become thrombosed. This leads to wedge-shaped infarcts in the kidney with varying amounts of kidney function loss. Gastrointestinal arterial infarcts can also cause bowel ischemia and symptoms of an acute abdomen. The central nervous system and the musculoskeletal system are also frequently affected. Pathogenesis: the pathomechanisms that incite polyarteritis nodosa are poorly understood. Hepatitisinduced polyarteritis is believed to be partially caused by viral disruption of arterial endothelial cells as a result of circulating antigen-antibody complexes. Inflammatory cell infiltration and fibrinoid necrosis of walls of small arteries lead to infarction in various organs or tissues. Mononeuritis multiplex with polyarteritis nodosa Pattern of diverse, asymmetric nerve involvement (nonsimultaneous in onset) Unilateral ulnar nerve Unilateral radial nerve Unilateral femoral nerve Unilateral tibial nerve Bilateral peroneal nerves (Lower limb more commonly affected) Sudden occurrence of foot drop while walking (peroneal nerve) Sudden buckling of knee while going downstairs (femoral nerve) Histology: Necrotizing vasculitis of medium and small arteries in the deep reticular dermis is the hallmark of polyarteritis nodosa. The inflammatory infiltrate is predominantly made up of neutrophils with an admixture of other leukocytes. Depending on the type of skin lesion biopsied, varying amounts of skin necrosis are seen. The use of steroid-sparing agents early in the course of the disease may help decrease steroidinduced side effects. Therapy for polyarteritis nodosa induced by hepatitis B virus infection is targeted at the replicating viral particles. It has been shown to have no bearing on pregnancy outcome or on the fetus or newborn. Those patients with onset after delivery typically have a shorter course, with 1 week of severe itching followed by remission soon afterward. Prurigo gestationis has no primary lesions and manifests as diffuse itching with excoriations. Scabies infection can also be highly pruritic and can be considered in the differential diagnosis. Scabies is easily diagnosed with a scraping and microscopic evaluation of a burrow. Scabies can have its onset at any time during a pregnancy, and urticarial papules and plaques within striae are not typically seen. Herpes gestationis, also known as pemphigoid gestationis or bullous pemphigoid of pregnancy, is the most severe of all the pregnancy-associated rashes. It can begin as urticarial red plaques on the abdomen and then spread to other regions. The biggest differentiating point is that the rash of herpes gestationis will begin to blister: Small vesicles form and quickly coalesce into larger bullae. Herpes gestationis is caused by maternal antibody formation against hemidesmosomal antigens. The rash remits after delivery but tends to recur during subsequent pregnancies, and it can flare when an affected patient starts taking birth control medications. Pruritic bullae develop on a background of erythematous or urticarial-appearing skin. Immunofluorescence studies Herpes gestationis (pemphigoid gestationis) show linear staining of C3 along the basement (H&E stain). There are no ill effects on the fetus, and expectant mothers can be given topical medium- or high-potency corticosteroids to help decrease the itching.
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