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By: X. Raid, M.A.S., M.D.
Deputy Director, New York Medical College
In addition anxiety 7 year old purchase cymbalta with a mastercard, ubiquitin modification occurs with multiple Kv channel isoforms anxiety coping skills order cymbalta cheap, implicating the proteasome in channel degradation anxiety symptoms 6 year molars buy discount cymbalta on line. However papa roach anxiety best 40 mg cymbalta, few papers directly address posttranslational modification of channels and its exact role in Kv channel trafficking. Validation of this mechanism in cardiac myocytes will be an important step forward. In the second example, it was shown that under peroxide-induced stress a single cysteine residue (C581) in the C-terminal domain of Kv1. Retrograde Trafficking of Channels in the Heart At the plasma membrane, localization to specific membrane microdomains, and association with scaffolding proteins into macromolecular signaling complexes, likely contribute to the stability and biological function of Kv channels. Addition of the histone acetylase inhibitor anacardic acid reduced Cx43 N-lysine acetylation and restored Cx43 localization to the intercalated disc. Correspondingly, lateralization of Cx43 was achieved by a short drug treatment that increased total protein acetylation. These studies and others have revealed multiple new functions for proteins normally associated with gene expression regulation in directly affecting connexin trafficking. Alterations of Channel Trafficking in Pathophysiological States KvChannelTraffickingintheDiseasedHeart Alterations in the cell surface expression of functional Kv channels occur in numerous cardiovascular disease states and undoubtedly contribute to their pathophysiology. Nevertheless, these vicissitudes are intriguing, given that several other K+ channel trafficking defects lead to the development of disease. This highlights the possibility that many of these reported alterations in surface density reflect changes in protein folding/stability events versus the surface transport of channels. In this report, it was shown that specific diseaseassociated mutations in these channel subunits disrupt normal endosomal recycling of potassium current channels. Interestingly, the disease-causing mutations G406R and G402S were found within exons 8 and 8a, which are alternatively spliced in a mutually exclusive fashion and are present in different relative amounts in various tissues. It was suggested that the multitude of severities of symptoms across multiple organs reflects tissue-specific expression of splice variants. In patients with hypertrophic heart failure, aberrant splicing of the mutually exclusive exons 31 and 32 was detected such that re-expression of the fetal exon contributed to disease progression. Thus, it was hypothesized that the G490R mutation, which is located in a linker region, interferes with -subunit binding to inhibit current density. Cx43RegulationintheDiseasedHeart the density and composition of gap junctions determine cell-cell coupling efficiency and ensure orchestrated current flow. Changes in Cx43 expression and trafficking can alter conduction and impair heart function. Many types of ventricular remodeling that occur in humans as a result of cardiac overload are characterized by changes in the expression and distribution of Cx43. Early myocardial infarction studies revealed decreased Cx43 at the intercalated disc and lateralization of remaining channels in the infarct boarder zone. More recent studies have explored the mechanisms of altered Cx43 distribution in disease. Reduced cardiac cell-cell coupling in ischemic and nonischemic hearts is strongly associated with Cx43 dephosphorylation, which generally has been inferred from Western blot band shifts and phosphospecific antibodies. For instance, Cx43 dephosphorylation leads to cell-cell uncoupling in the setting of ischemia, which can be rescued by direct suppression of Cx43 dephosphorylation. An elegant study recently found that inhibiting three specific casein kinase sites (S325, S328, S330) from dephosphorylation protected cardiomyocytes from Cx43 remodeling and arrhythmias during ischemia. It is not known whether diminished cell-cell coupling is a result of increased rate of plaque internalization or diminished rate of Cx43 delivery, or both. We recently found that hearts with end-stage ischemic cardiomyopathy were characterized by specific disruption of the cytoskeleton-based Cx43 forward trafficking machinery without changes in total expression. Pharmacologic Manipulation of Channel Trafficking and Implications for Cardiac/ Antiarrhythmic Therapy New therapeutic strategies that focus on the regulation of ion channel surface density are emerging. There are two ways to decrease channel current: either through a direct effect on the conduction properties (classically pore block) of channel subunits or through alterations in surface density of the protein. The concept of drugs modulating ion conduction and/ or surface density of channels it not new. Nearly 70% of these mutant channels can be rescued to the plasma membrane by antiarrhythmic drugs such as E4031. These drugs likely act chronically to stabilize misfolded protein through facilitation of quality control machinery in the endoplasmic reticulum to facilitate its maturation and export from the endoplasmic reticulum. Recently, a previously unrecognized mechanism of antiarrhythmic drug action in the acute modulation of Kv1. In this study, quinidine resulted in a dose- and time-dependent internalization of Kv1. Although much work needs to be done to identify the precise cellular trafficking machinery and the mechanisms regulating ion channel surface density, the recent studies highlighted in this chapter suggest that modulation of ion channel trafficking pathways may be an alternative or complementary strategy for treating cardiac arrhythmias. Gaietta G, et al: Multicolor and electron microscopic imaging of connexin trafficking. Lauf U, et al: Dynamic trafficking and delivery of connexons to the plasma membrane and accretion to gap junctions in living cells. Sohl G, Willecke K: An update on connexin genes and their nomenclature in mouse and man. Fromaget C, el Aoumari A, Gros D: Distribution pattern of connexin 43, a gap junctional protein, during the differentiation of mouse heart myocytes. Eckardt D, et al: Functional role of connexin43 gap junction channels in adult mouse heart assessed by inducible gene deletion. Piehl M, et al: Internalization of large doublemembrane intercellular vesicles by a clathrindependent endocytic process.
Outcome of Ablation Catheter ablation of accessory pathways has been shown to be highly effective and is associated with a low risk of complications anxiety meds purchase generic cymbalta on-line. A few years ago anxiety levels cheap cymbalta online mastercard, the results of catheter ablation of accessory pathways were pooled from several electrophysiology laboratories anxiety symptoms grief order discount cymbalta. Among 6065 patients anxiety symptoms diarrhea cymbalta 40mg sale, catheter ablation resulted in a successful long-term outcome in 98%. In general, the approach depends on the experience of the electrophysiologist and the availability of specialized equipment, such as intracardiac echocardiography. The main disadvantage of the retrograde approach is the longer vascular recovery time that is required. Disadvantages of the transseptal approach include the cost and the time required to set up intracardiac echo. If an appropriate target site cannot be identified in the coronary sinus venous system, mapping and ablation within the pericardial space may be required. In this case, coronary angiography is important for assessing the proximity of the target site to an adjacent coronary artery. Pappone C, Vicedomini G, Manguso F, et al: Risk of malignant arrhythmias in initially symptomatic patients with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome: Results of a prospective long-term electrophysiological follow-up study. Pappone C, Santinelli V, Manguso F, et al: A randomized study of prophylactic catheter ablation in asymptomatic patients with the Wolff-ParkinsonWhite syndrome. Takatsuki S, Mitamura H, Tanimoto K, et al: Clinical implications of "pure" Hisian pacing in addition to para-Hisian pacing for the diagnosis of supraventricular tachycardia. Dandamudi G, Mokabberi R, Assal C, et al: A novel approach to differentiating orthodromic reciprocating tachycardia from atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia. For greater depth and a full bibliography, please refer to the fifth edition of this text. If the mapping catheter had been positioned across the ToT, the catheter would have been oriented parallel to the His bundle catheter. Activation propagating inferiorly along the posterior aspect of the Eustachian ridge produces an early far-field atrial potential recorded from the inferior aspect of the ToK (Afar in Figure 77-4). The two wave fronts, propagating in opposite directions on either side of the ToT (green arrow #2 and blue arrow #6 in Figure 77-3, A), suggest conduction block across the ToT and Eustachian ridge. Left atrial activation proceeds rapidly leftward (green arrow #4 in Figure 77-3, B) while slowly reversing direction to propagate rightward toward the septum (dotted green arrow #5 in Figure 77-3, B). Activation then propagates across the interatrial septum to activate the right atrium behind the ToT (green arrows #6 and #7 in Figure 77-3, B). Thisseptalleftatrialwavefrontactivatestheinteratrialseptum(dotted green line, #6),whichisfollowedbyactivationoftherightatriumposterior totheToTandtheEustachianridge(green arrows, #7),whichproducesalatefar-fieldpotentialrecordedfromtheinferiorToK. Atrial activation following the second ventricular complex had a longer H-A interval (440ms) and a different retrograde atrial activation sequence. Bip 1-2, Distal bipolar electrogram recorded from the mapping catheter; Uni 1 and Uni 2, unipolar electrograms recordedfromthetipandsecondelectrodes. The anterograde limb of the tachycardia can be identified by using the resetting response to late atrial extrastimuli. If an atrial extrastimulus is delivered close to or within the atrial component of the reentrant circuit (or close enough to capture the anterograde pathway of the circuit), the extrastimulus will advance (or delay) the timing of the next His bundle potential and will reset the tachycardia. The atrial extrastimulus coupling interval (A-S2) is shortened by 2-ms decrements until the timing of the next His bundle potential (H-H2 interval) is changed (usually shortened, but may be lengthened). The site where the latest extrastimulus (relative to a reference atrial or ventricular potential) advances or delays the next His bundle potential and resets the tachycardia identifies the anterograde limb. An important technical consideration is that the extrastimulus must be delivered sufficiently late to prevent the paced atrial impulse from reaching the site of earliest retrograde atrial activation before normal retrograde activation occurs. However, in some patients, the induction of tachycardia may follow a smooth increase in the A-H interval (without a 50-ms "jump") because of similar conduction times over the two pathways at the time of transition. S2didnotadvancethetimingofHis bundle activation (H) or the timing of retrograde atrial activation (A-A remained 475ms). The endoftheretrogradeHisbundlepotentialoccurred5msbeforeanterogradeHis bundle activation would have occurred (H-H = 470ms, compared with 475ms). C, Further shortening of the extrastimulus coupling interval resulted in earlier retrograde activation of the His bundle. This was associated with an identical advanceinthetimingofretrogradeatrialactivation(H-H=A-A=430ms). To record the end of the most proximal retrograde His bundle potential, ventricular pacing must be performed at a site that separates activation times of the His bundle and the local ventricular myocardium. This can be accomplished by pacing at the superior-basal right ventricular septum, very close to the proximal right bundle branch, without capturing the proximal right bundle branch (para-Hisian pacing). This results in retrograde activation of the His bundle long after completion of the local ventricular potential (see Figures 77-1, 77-9 through 77-11). This technique minimizes any change in autonomic tone between pacing and tachycardia. Histologic examination in a small number of explanted human hearts with documented dual-pathway physiology revealed no atrio-Hisian pathway and no evident anatomic differences from "normal" hearts. However, a histologic study of 687 autopsy hearts identified a possible true atrio-Hisian connection in only 2 (0. The H-A interval measured in the His bundle electrogram is relatively short, usually 25 to 90 ms (median, 50 ms; see Figures 77-2, 77-4, and 77-9, A).
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Representative curves of the interframe strains over time in the lateral and septal wall are shown in Figure 36-2 anxiety symptoms eye pain purchase cymbalta now, D anxiety disorders symptoms quiz best order for cymbalta. The study by Gurev et al25 further advanced understanding of the three-dimensional (3D) electromechanical delay distribution in the intact ventricles for sinus rhythm and epicardial pacing anxiety and alcohol purchase cymbalta with a mastercard. The authors employed an electromechanical model of the rabbit ventricles and dissected the role of loading conditions in altering the 3D distribution of electromechanical delay anxiety jewelry buy cymbalta 40 mg online. Figure 36-3 presents the epicardial and ApproachestoExperimentalValidationof ElectromechanicalModels Validating the ventricular (or atrial) model of cardiac electromechanics with experimental data is a pivotal component of model development. It constrains the model parameter space and enhances the physiological relevance of the model. Electromechanicaldelayduringsinusrhythmandepicardialpacing in a model of rabbit ventricular electromechanics. Simulation results revealed that regions of wavebreak were those undergoing stretch. This simulation study suggested an explanation of the degeneration of ventricular tachycardia into ventricular fibrillation that offered an alternative to the restitution hypothesis. The study by Kuijpers et al31 addressed this issue by developing endocardial electromechanical delay distributions for sinus rhythm and epicardial pacing obtained in the study. Results revealed that during normal sinus rhythm, the electromechanical delay was longer on the epicardium than on the endocardium and at the base than at the apex. After epicardial pacing, electromechanical delay distribution was markedly different. For both electrical activation sequences, the late-depolarized regions were characterized by significant myofiber prestretch caused by contraction of the early-depolarized regions. This prestretch delayed the onset of myofiber shortening, thus resulting in a longer electromechanical delay, giving rise to heterogeneities in 3D electromechanical delay distribution. This study underscored the central role that the electrical activation sequence and thus the loading conditions play in modulating the relationship between electrical activation and mechanical contraction. The heart achieves an efficient coordinated contraction via a complex network of feedback mechanisms. The simulation research demonstrated that lengthdependent changes in Ca sensitivity and the filament overlap, which is believed to constitute the Frank-Starling law, were the two dominant regulators of the efficient transduction of work. The absence of either mechanism not only altered the spatial distribution of stress and strain, but also determined the transmural variation in work. These results showed that feedback from muscle length to tension generation at the cellular level is an important control mechanism of the pumping efficiency of the heart. In a recent study, Land et al27 developed a murine model of electromechanics to explore how length-dependent and velocity-dependent feedback mechanisms alter the pressure developed by the ventricles. Simulation results revealed that the length-dependent changes in Ca sensitivity and filament overlap are the principal regulators of ejection and isovolumetric relaxation. These two studies illustrate the importance of the cellular feedback mechanisms in regulating the emergent electromechanical activity of the whole heart. In this model, the mechanical problem was represented by interconnected segments, each consisting of elastic and contractile components, rather than continuum mechanics equations. In cases of significant mechanical stimuli, such as impact to the precordial region of the chest, as often occurs in normal young athletes, tissue stretch can lead to arrhythmia induction, a phenomenon known as commotio cordis. The study by Jie et al32 provided the first evidence that mechanically induced membrane depolarizations and their spatial distribution within the ischemic region are possible mechanisms by which mechanical activity contributes to the origin of spontaneous arrhythmias. CardiacResynchronizationTherapy MechanismsRegulatingPumpDyssynchronyandthe ResponsetoCardiacResynchronizationTherapy Heart failure patients often exhibit contractile dyssynchrony due to electrical intraventricular delay, which diminishes the heart systolic function. Ventricular electromechanical simulations offer an opportunity to elucidate the mechanisms that underlie heart failure dyssynchrony and to provide novel therapeutic strategies. The abnormalities examined were dilatation, dyssychronous activation, decreased inotropy, and prolonged relaxation. With the use of transmural electromechanical delay maps (Figure 36-6, A), the region with the longest electromechanical delay during left bundle branch block was determined to be the endocardial surface of the lateral wall between the base and the midventricles. In addition, quadripolar leads, in which two pacing stimuli can be delivered from one lead, have recently been developed. Transmembrane voltage maps following shock application, shown in Figure 36-7, B,C for the undeformed and dilated ventricles, respectively, illustrate the different postshock responses in the two cases. Results of the study suggest that not only ventricular geometry but rather rearrangement of fiber architecture in the deformed ventricles is responsible for the increased vulnerability to electrical shocks and for reduced defibrillation efficacy in the dilated ventricles. A,Short-axisviewofventriculargeometryandfiberhelixanglefor undeformed (left) and dilated (right) rabbit ventricles. Aguado-Sierra et al41 used an iterative estimation scheme to approximate the unloaded geometry from end-diastolic geometry and ventricular pressures. To help accelerate the clinical adoption of personalized simulations, Lamata et al16 developed a robust method that uses a variation of the warping technique to accurately and quickly construct patientspecific meshes from a template heart in a matter of minutes. To date, no imaging method can obtain the fiber/sheet architecture from in vivo images. Hence, the first patient-specific electromechanical models have incorporated fiber orientations adapted from animal hearts or have used rulebased methods17 to assign the fiber orientation. Image transformation algorithms for fiber estimation from in vivo hearty scans have shown significant promise. Validating the model with patient-specific metrics personalizes the model and establishes its predictive capabilities.
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