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These hydrocarbons are generally regarded as less toxic than their higher-molecular-weight counterparts mens health yoga buy flomax 0.2mg on-line. Inhalation exposure to gasoline has been measured for service station attendants prostate yoga buy flomax canada, self-service customers androgen hormone x for hair discount flomax 0.2mg on line, truck drivers mens health blog buy flomax 0.2 mg cheap, distribution workers, and workmen removing leaking underground storage tanks (Kearney and Dunham, 1986; Shamsky and Samimi, 1987). In one survey, short-term exposures of self-service customers averaged about 6 ppm. The most extreme exposures occur to those intentionally sniffing gasoline for its euphoric effects. Several case reports of acute and chronic encephalopathies are testament to the dangers of this habit (Valpey et al. Gasoline is one of the most popular and lethal inhalants (Spiller, 2004; Wu et al. An all too common occurrence is the ingestion of gasoline during siphoning events. If aspirated into the lungs, gasoline may produce pulmonary epithelial damage, edema, and pneumonitis. Consider, for example, the retrospective cohort study of the "Tranguch Gasoline Spill" in northeastern Pennsylvania (Patel et al. The standard incidence ratio for leukemia of all types was significantly elevated (4. However, the excess was based on only four cases, two of which had a history of smoking, a potential confounder. Such a study exemplifies the problem with inferring causation for environmentally exposed populations based on limited data. Reese and Kimbrough (1993) and Caprino and Togna (1998) have reviewed the acute toxicity of gasoline and its additives. The question of whether there is a "fetal gasoline syndrome" has been raised, although case reports are confounded by tetraethyl lead, alcohol abuse, and the possibility that an aberrant gene is distributed within the small Amerindian population where the cases reside (Hunter et al. At about the same time, a chronic inhalation study revealed not only nephropathy but also increased renal tumors in male rats (MacFarland et al. These are thought to be more representative of human occupational exposures than wholly vaporized gasoline. In addition, the authors of a gavage screening study of 15 pure hydrocarbons and gasoline fractions concluded that branched aliphatic alkane components were primarily responsible for the nephropathy (Halder et al. It was hypothesized that 2u-globulin accumulated secondary to a defect in renal lysosomal degradation of the protein. This binding rendered the protein less digestible by lysosomal enzymes, which accounted for its accumulation (Charbonneau and Swenberg, 1988). This accumulation, in turn, led to cellular degeneration and necrosis, primarily in the P2 segment of the proximal tubule. Chronic inhalation of gasoline at high concentrations has also resulted in increased hepatocellular adenomas and carcinomas in female B6C3F1 mice, possibly due to the promotion of spontaneously initiated cells that occur with unusually high frequency in this mouse strain (MacFarland et al. The epidemiological evidence for an association between gasoline exposure and cancer in humans is inconclusive. Vehicle emissions from gasoline combustion are a major contributor to urban air pollution, which is at unhealthy levels in numerous cities. In response, the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 require the use of oxygenated gasoline in such areas. Oxygenated gasoline contains additives that add oxygen to gasoline, thereby boosting its octane quality, enhancing combustion, and reducing exhaust emissions. Effects were described as generally mild and adaptive in nature, and returned to normal after exposure cessation (Chu et al. The risks and benefits of ethanol as an oxygenate are discussed in detail by Williams et al. The most obvious concern is that longer or more persistent gasoline plumes could lead to a higher probability of gasoline constituents affecting public water wells. By 1997, it was being used at the rate of 10 million gal per day, with more than one-third of the usage in California (Williams et al. It is highly water soluble, travels faster and farther in water than other gasoline components, and is resistant to degradation. These symptoms include headache, eye, nose and throat irritation, cough, nausea, dizziness, and disorientation. The publication of Bird and colleagues is actually a recapitulation of reports by Chun et al. Taken at face value, one might interpret these cancer bioassay findings as ample evidence of carcinogenicity in animals and suggestive of a cancer risk for humans. The relevance of these findings to humans, however, has been a source of debate among toxicologists. Two articles that discuss this subject in considerable detail are by Spitzer (1997) and Erdal et al. All are kerosene-like mixtures of hundreds of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons. Civilian and military personnel are exposed to jet fuel by inhalation and dermal contact.

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The varied systemic toxicities of metal compounds are presented in detail elsewhere in this book; however mens health belly off buy genuine flomax, it should be appreciated that the effects of metals delivered by inhalation may differ from their impacts when administered by other routes man health warehouse buy cheap flomax 0.4mg on line. For example prostate 4 7 discount 0.2 mg flomax with amex, oil may have vanadium prostate cancer 60 cheap flomax 0.2 mg on-line, nickel, and perhaps zinc and iron, while coal may have zinc and selenium. Other metals are emitted from vehicles burning fuels to which metal compounds were added to alter functionality (eg, lead, manganese, platinum) or as engine wear and catalyst by-products. Similarly, metals may also derive from brake (copper, iron), tire (zinc), and dispersed road (earthen silicates) wear. Metals have many biological properties, some essential to life while others being directly toxic to cells or act indirectly in a pro-oxidant toxic fashion. Metal compounds can be separated nominally by physicochemical characteristics: those that are essentially water-insoluble (eg, metal oxides and hydroxides such as those that might be released from high-temperature combustion sources or derived from the geocrustal matrix) and those that are soluble or somewhat soluble in water (often chlorides or sulfates such as those that might form under acidic conditions in a smoke plume or leach from acidhydrated silicate particles in the atmosphere). Solubility appears to play a role in the toxicity of many inhaled metals by enhancing metal bioavailability (eg, nickel from nickel chloride vs nickel oxide), but insolubility can also be a critical factor in determining toxicity by increasing pulmonary residence time within the lung (eg, insoluble cadmium oxide vs soluble cadmium chloride). Moreover, some metals, either in their soluble forms or when partially coordinated on the surface of silicate or bioorganic materials, can promote electron transfer to form reactive oxidants. Complexes with particulate organic material in a partially hydrated form (as might be promoted by the presence of sea salt) have been shown to interact with poorly soluble metals to free coordination sites that again are pro-oxidant (Kieber et al. Simply measuring total metal mass to estimate effects in the lung can be misleading. However, more than 40 years ago, generic binary interactions between particles and gases in the absence of light were shown to alter the toxicity of either the particle or the gas acting alone. The metal salts of manganese, iron, and vanadium, on the other hand, catalyzed the formation of sulfate. Studies in humans have been less revealing about such interactions, but this database affirms the need to consider the complexity of the atmospheric challenge in estimating biological outcomes. Using a laboratory-scale furnace, the emission mix of sulfuric acid and metal oxide particles common to metal smelting and coal combustion was used to explore potential plume interactions that might impact respiratory irritancy (Amdur et al. These emitted metal oxide particles, once aged and cooled, were a mixture of singlet and agglomerated ultrafine particles that would be expected to distribute throughout the lung on inhalation. It is unclear whether the acid was on the surface of the particles or made the metal more soluble, but the combination was clearly more toxic than acid alone. Combustion studies using different coals again emphasized the significance of surface-associated acidic S-compounds. Despite the greater sulfur content of the Montana coal, this emission ultrafine particle had neutralized the irritating sulfate (Chen et al. Similar studies using inert carbon black appear consistent with its role as carrier for reactive gases such as O3 and various aldehydes to enhance delivery of toxic materials to the deep lung (Jakab, 1992). The result of the latter study was enhanced infectivity when the carbon-gas preexposed test animals were subsequently exposed to pathologic bacteria. Similar interactions may result from gaseous pollutants that impair the clearance of particles from the lung or otherwise alter their metabolism. It was thought that impaired clearance and greater residence time in the lung led to the enhanced probability of carcinogenic expression of the particle. The fibers were deposited in the distal airways and penetrated more deeply into airway tissues making them less accessible to phagocytic removal (Pinkerton et al. These studies, together with those focusing on irritancy and infectivity, raise the prospect that realistic exposure scenarios of gaseous and particulate pollutants can interact through either chemical or physiologic mechanisms to enhance health risks of complex polluted atmospheres. Ultrafine Carbonaceous Matter Ultrafine carbon particles (often called black carbon) typically result from high-temperature pyrolysis or as the product of atmospheric transformation involving organic vapors and sunlight. The size of these particles allows them to slip between gas molecules moving primarily by diffusion and principles of Brownian motion. Agglomeration on surfaces or other particles in the air is their primary mode of dissipation. When concentrations exceed 1 million/cm3, they rapidly agglomerate with each other to form larger clumps or chains of ultrafine particles. As an air pollutant, therefore, elemental carbon particles generally do not exist as singlets except near their emission points- for example, traffic or other high-temperature sources. Elemental carbon has traditionally been associated with traffic, but it is a better marker of older vehicles as new engine technology for diesels, designed to meet new emission standards in 2007 and 2010, emits substantially (>98%) less black carbon. The expected result over the next 20 years, with the turnover of truck fleets in particular, is a great reduction in ambient levels of elemental carbon. Most notably the observed adverse effects have been cardiovascular, thus giving some credence to hypotheses that ultrafine particles somehow find their way into the systemic circulation (see below) or trigger systemic inflammation that links to the cardiovascular effects (Peters, 2006; Tong et al. The penetration of ultrafine particles into the circulation under experimental conditions appears to be composition dependent (Kreyling et al. Diesel particles vary widely in the ratio of organic and elemental carbonaceous materials, which in empirical studies has been shown to influence toxic outcomes, such as to their inflammatory and carcinogenic potential (Singh et al. Some diesel particles also appear to have adjuvant activity when tested with bioallergens in both animals and humans (Diaz-Sanchez et al. When reacted in vitro with O3, there appears to be an enhancement of lung inflammation relative to the diesel or O3 alone (Madden et al. Exposure to diluted diesel exhaust in humans reveals that the exhaust mix is inflammogenic and to a degree cytotoxic to airway cells (Ghio et al. The use of diesel particles alone in toxicology studies does not seem to display similar toxicity, thus underscoring the potential importance of interactions among air pollutants as a critical consideration in air pollution toxicity (Mauderly and Samet, 2009). Elemental carbon itself is generally considered to be of low toxicity, although long-term, high-concentration exposure conditions in rats can lead to lung "overload" where there is evidence of lung damage and carcinogenicity (addressed below).


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