Assistant Professor, University of South Alabama College of Medicine
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Huberfeld G, Dupont S, Hazemann P, et al: Stupeur recurrente idiopathique ches un patient: Imputabilite benzodiazepines endogenes ou exogenes Rosenberg H, Clofine R, Bialik 0: Neurologic changes during awakening from anesthesia. The term syncope (Greek: SlJnkope) literally means a "ces sation," a "cutting short," or "pause. Feeling faint and a feeling offaintness are also commonly used terms to describe the loss of strength and other symptoms that characterize the impending or incomplete fainting spell. Relatively abrupt onset, brief duration, and spontaneous and complete recovery not requiring specific resuscitative measures are other typical features. Practically every adult has experienced some presyncopal symptoms, if not a fully developed syncopal attack, or has observed such attacks in others. Description of these symptoms, as with other predominantly subjective states, is often ambiguous. The patient may refer to the experience as light-headedness, dizziness, a "drunk feeling," a weak spell, or, if conscious ness was lost, a "blackout. In many instances the nature of the symptoms is clarified by the fact that they include a sensation of faintness and then a momentary loss of consciousness, which is easily recognized as a faint, or syncope. This sequence also informs us that under certain conditions any difference between faintness and syncope is only one of degree. The first, reflex withdrawal of vascular sympathetic tone (vasodepressor effect), triggered by centrally mediated inhibition of the normal tonic sympa thetic influences, is often associated with excessive vagal effect and bradycardia (vagal effect). The type associated with bradycardia is called vasovagal syncope, a special form of neurogenic, or neurocardiogenic syncope, by which is meant the withdrawal of sympathetic tone through a reflex neural mechanism. Neurocardiogenic syncope usu ally signifies that the inciting stimulus originates in neural receptors within the heart. Each may cause the common faint, the clinical details of which are described later. The second is a failure of sympathetic innervation of blood vessels and of autonomically activated compensa tory responses (reflex tachycardia and vasoconstriction), which occurs with assumption of the upright body posi tion and leads to pooling of blood in the lower parts of the body-causing orthostatic hypotension and syncope. Typically, in individuals with these first two forms of syn cope, there is no evidence of underlying cardiac disease. Syncope of a third type is caused by a primary dimin ished cardiac output because of disease of the heart itself as in the Stokes-Adams bradyarrhythmia attack, severe aortic or subaortic stenosis, or ischemic heart disease. Greatly reduced blood volume from dehydration or blood loss usually causes only near syncope, but complete loss of consciousness may certainly occur in severe circumstances. As a rough guide to the relative frequency of the various causes of syncope, the large amount of information from the Framingham Heart Study accumulated by Soteriades and colleagues can be taken as representative: the leading cause was vasovagal, a cardiac cause was established in about 10 percent; and orthostatic hypotension in another 10 per cent. Also, 7 percent of cases were attributed to medications, mainly those that interfered with sympathetic tone, and remaining 40 percent could not be categorized. The three main types of syncope as well as several others that cannot readily be classified within these cat egories can be further subdivided by their pathophysi ologic mechanism, as follows: I. Diminished C02 as a result of hyperventilation (faintness common, syncope rare) D. Environmental overheating this list of conditions causing faintness and syncope is deceptively long and involved, but the usual types are reducible to a few well-established mechanisms. So as not to obscure these mechanisms by too many details, only the varieties of fainting commonly encountered in clini cal practice and those of particular neurologic interest are discussed below. Peripheral nervous system autonomic failure (peripheral neuropathy, autonomic neuropathy 1. Antihypertensive medications and other block ers of vascular sympathetic innervation and presynaptic alpha agonsits 7. Centrally acting antihypertensive and other medications Reduced cardiac output or inadequate intravascular volume (hypovolemia) A. Myocardial: angina, infarction, or severe congestive heart failure with reduced cardiac output 3. Obstruction to left ventricular or aortic out flow: aortic stenosis, hypertrophic subaortic stenosis, Takayasu arteritis 4. Obstruction to pulmonary flow: pulmonic ste nosis, tetralogy of Fallot, primary pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary embolism 5. The evocative factors are usually strong emotion, physical injury-particularly to viscera (tes ticles, gut)-or other factors (see below). As described earlier, the vasodilatation of adrenergically innervated "resistance vessels" is postulated to lead to a reduction in peripheral vascular resistance, but cardiac output fails to exhibit the compensatory rise that normally occurs in hypotension. Some physiologic studies sug gest that the dilatation of intramuscular vessels, inner vated by beta-adrenergic fibers, may be more impor tant than dilatation of the splanchnic ones.
Side Effects the side effects are seen in 10%: n n Bromocriptine Bromocriptine antifungal for candida buy butenafine 15 gm mastercard, a synthetic ergot derivative (lysergic acid derivative of ergoline) and a powerful dopamine agonist fungus white spots butenafine 15gm without a prescription, was discovered in 1971 fungus wood treatment purchase generic butenafine pills. Results the drugs normalize prolactin level in 86% of idiopathic hyperprolactinaemia and 77% in microadenoma anti fungal lung medication discount 15 gm butenafine free shipping. Beta unit contains 145 amino acids, and has specific biological activity in pregnancy and ectopic pregnancy. The hormone secreted by the syntiotrophoblast is luteotropic and secretes progesterone by the corpus luteum until the tenth week when the placenta takes over the hormonal functions. Treatment of microadenoma and preoperatively in macroadenoma to shrink the tumour prior to surgery. In infertility due to hyperprolactinaemia, 70% to 90% ovulate and menstruation is established, 70% pregnancy rate is also encouraging. If pregnancy follows, the treatment should be discontinued, though no teratogenic effect is reported in the fetus. In pregnancy, the level of prolactin rises and the followup is mainly by fundus examination which suggests optic nerve pressure by the tumour. Bromocriptine can be continued during pregnancy if the tumour appears to increase in size as suggested by fundus examination. In those who cannot tolerate the oral drug or in resistant cases, the vaginal tablet or cream is to be used daily. Alternately, the long-acting tablet in the name of cabergoline (dostinex) is available. In hyperemesis and in hydatidiform mole, the level is high, so also in multiple and diabetic pregnancy. While the level is high in trisomy 21 (Down syndrome), it is low in a fetus with trisomy 18. Its role in ovarian stimulation in anovulatory infertility has already been described. Enumerate the indications and the commonly used oestrogenic medications in clinical practice. Progesterone as injectable in oil or micronized preparation is used in corpus luteal phase defect and early pregnancy support. Progestogens are used in abnormal uterine bleeding and as combined contraceptive pills and mini-pills. Androgens (danazol) are effective in the treatment of endometriosis and fibrocystic disease of the breasts. The side effects of all hormonal preparations should be known and avoided in clinical practice. Human chorionic gonadotropin hormone is used in the induction of ovulation and pregnancy support in early gestation. Treatment of hirsutism: Comparisons between different antiandrogens with central and peripheral effects. Re-surgery for various conditions has discovered a high incidence of such adhesions and the increased morbidity associated with them. It has therefore become important to understand the causes of abdominal and pelvic adhesions and attempt to prevent them. Various pharmacological and anti-adhesive agents have been manufactured that may prevent or reduce the risk of such adhesions. However, they may also occur due to pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis and abdominal tuberculosis. The risk of an ectopic pregnancy in these women is somewhat higher than in the normal population. Menorrhagia and dysmenorrhoea are secondary to pelvic adhesions, so also dyspareunia and backache. The obstruction may be acute, developing shortly after the surgery, or may be chronic with longterm illness and malnutrition. Re-surgery may be very difficult adding morbidity in the form of trauma to the organs, bleeding and infection. Incidence It is recognized that 95% women develop adhesions following infection, trauma and surgical procedures, though not all manifest the symptoms. Flimsy adhesions may remain asymptomatic and may never be discovered unless repeat surgery is performed for other indications. In obstetrics, the rate of caesarean section surgeries has gone up two- to threefold, and that alone has increased the risk of abdominal adhesions. Nonsurgical Causes n Sequelae As mentioned earlier, flimsy adhesions that remain asymptomatic are not recognized unless the woman undergoes another surgery. Peritonitis causes abdominal as well as peritoneal adhesions that lead to chronic abdominal pain or intestinal obstruction. Surgical Causes the following are the most common causes of adhesions due to surgery: n n n n n n n n Trauma to the organs or peritoneal membrane abrasions caused by rough handling, dry pack, prolonged surgery leading to damage to the peritoneal surface.
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All that can be said is that some form of sleeplessness is a frequent complaint (20 to 40 percent of the population) and is more prominent in the elderly and in women antifungal liquid soap order butenafine 15gm on line. Only a small proportion of persons who perceive their sleep to be inadequate seek professional help or use sleeping pills fungus gnat predators uk purchase butenafine 15 gm, according to Mellinger and colleagues antifungal terbinafine cheap butenafine 15gm fast delivery. Two general classes of insomnia can be recognized one in which there appears to be a primary abnormality of the normal sleep mechanism antifungal base coat discount 15gm butenafine overnight delivery, and another in which the sleep disturbance is secondary to , or perhaps more accu rately comorbid with, a medical or psychologic disorder. Polysornn ographic studies have defined yet another subgroup who actually sleep enough, but who perceive their sleep time to be shortened or disrupted ("paradoxi cal insomnia"). P ri m a ry I n so m n i a and periodic leg movements of sleep are not considered in this category and have their own physiology, phenom enology, and treatment. Restless Legs Synd rome, Periodic Leg Movem ents of Sleep, and Related Disorders the disorder known as the restless legs syndrome may regularly delay the onset of sleep and usually occurs in its early stages. This disorder is surprisingly prevalent, affecting more than 2 percent of the population. The patient may complain of unpleasant aching and drawing sensations in the calves and thighs, often associated with creeping or crawling feelings; other descriptions have included "worms," "internal itch," and "coldness," and the legs may feel tired, heavy, and weak. The symptoms are provoked by rest, and rapidly, but temporarily, relieved by moving the legs. An urge to move the legs can be suppressed voluntarily for a brief period but is ultimately irresistible. It is interesting that a small proportion of patients have similar symptoms in the arms after many years of symptoms. There may be variants of nocturnal restlessness in other parts of the body such as the abdomen, as suggested by Perez-Diaz and colleagues. Their patients described an unpleasant abdominal mus culature restlessness that required movement for relief and was eliminated with dopamine agonists. Fatigue worsens restless legs syndrome, and there is a tendency for it to be worse in warm weather. In a few patients, mainly older ones with a severe form of the nighttime disorder, these movements and an asso ciated myoclonus spill over into wakefulness and are accompanied by restlessness, foot spasms, foot stamping, body rocking, and marching that are only partly under voluntary control. The daytime phenomena may require several medications used simultaneously for control. Iron-deficiency anemia and low ferritin levels are associ ated with the syndrome in many instances, as is thyroid disease, pregnancy, and certain drugs, such as antide pressants and antihistamines. Occasionally, it is a prelude to a peripheral neuropathy, particularly in relation to uremia. The basis for this relationship is not well defined, but it makes it advisable to check for reduced iron stores and anemia in most patients. Another potential relationship, unproved, is that iron is a cofactor for the enzyme, tyrosine hydroxylase, which is required to produce dopamine. Like the restless legs syndrome, it may result in sleep deprivation and daytime somnolence or, more often, in disturbance of a bed partner. However, the this term i s reserved for the condition in which nocturnal sleep is disturbed for prolonged periods and none of the symptoms of anxiety, depression, pain, or other psychi atric or medical diseases can be invoked to explain the sleep disturbance. In some patients, like those described by Hauri and Olmstead, the disorder is lifelong. Unlike the rare individuals who seem to be satisfied with 4 h or even less of sleep a night, insomniacs suffer the effects of partial sleep deprivation and resort to medications, alcohol, and their lives come to revolve around sleep to such an extent that they have been called "sleep ped ants" or "sleep hypochondriacs. Personality inventories have disclosed a high incidence of psycho logic disturbances in this group, but whether these are cause or effect is not clear. Although insomniacs, regard less of the cause, tend to exaggerate the amount of sleep lost, primary insomnia should be recognized as an entity and not passed off as a neurotic quirk. Seco n d a ry I n s o m n i a this common type o f insomnia, which i s often transitory, can be ascribed to pain or some other recognizable bodily disorder, such as drug or alcohol abuse or, most com monly, to anxiety, worry, or depression. Of the medical disorders conducive to abnormal wakefulness, certain ones stand out-pain in the joints or in the spine, abdomi nal discomfort from peptic ulcer and carcinoma, pulmo nary and cardiovascular insufficiency, and the nocturia engendered by prostatism. Originally described as "nocturnal myoclonus," periodic leg movements are slower than myoclonic jerks. They consist of a series of repetitive movements of the feet and legs occurring every 20 to 90 s for several minutes to an hour; mainly the anterior tibialis is involved, with dorsi flexion of the feet and big toes, sometimes followed by flexion of the hip and knee. The movements are similar to the triple-flexion (Babinski) response, which can be elicited in normal sleeping persons. These movements produce frequent microarousals or, if severe and peri odic, full arousals. The patient, usually unaware of these sleep-related movements at the time they occur, is told of them by a bed mate or suspects their occurrence from the disarray of the bedclothes. Periodic leg movement is closely associated with the restless legs syndrome and many sleep specialists consider it an integral part of the syndrome, but it also occurs independently with narco lepsy, sleep apnea, following the use of tricyclic and sero tonin reuptake inhibiting antidepressants, L-dopa, and withdrawal from anticonvulsants and sedative-hypnotic drugs. Approximately eighty percent of individuals with restless leg syndrome will display periodic leg move ments, but the opposite is not the case, as only twenty to thirty percent of patients with periodic leg movements have restless leg syndrome. A seminal genetic finding by Stefansson and col leagues derived from several populations, including the homogenous Icelandic, is that a nucleotide variant in a short segment of chromosome 6p is associated with peri odic leg movements of sleep. If nothing else, as pointed out by the authors, this establishes that periodic limb movements are a distinct entity as defined in the era of genomics. The biologic significance and frequency in other populations of this variant is not yet known. Nonetheless, we continue to be impressed at the frequent cooccurrence of the two conditions and several shared underlying conditions such as iron deficiency, and treatments that are effective in both. Treatm e nt A search for iron deficiency, and its correction if present, is indicated in almost all cases. A large number of symp tomatic medications have proved helpful in the treatment of both the restless legs syndrome and periodic leg move ments.
Safety and Regu lation of Physical and M ental Activity D r i v i n g and E p i l e psy A person with incompletely controlled epilepsy should not be allowed to drive an automobile fungus gnats diseases order 15gm butenafine overnight delivery. Only a few states in the United States and most provinces of Canada man date that physicians report patients with seizures under their care to the state motor vehicle bureau fungus gnats in cannabis generic butenafine 15 gm online. Nonetheless quick aid antifungal cream order butenafine american express, physicians should counsel such a patient regarding the obvious danger to himself and others if a seizure should occur while driving (the same holds for the risks of swim ming unattended) antifungal over the counter order butenafine in united states online. What few data are available suggest that accidents caused directly by a seizure are rare and, in any case, 15 percent have been the result of a first episode of seizure that could not have been anticipated. The Epilepsy Foundation website can be con sulted for updated information regarding restrictions on driving, and this serves as an excellent general resource for patients and their families. G e n e r a l H e a lth H yg i e n e the most important factors in seizure breakthrough, next to the abandonment of medication or a natural reduction of serum levels of medication, are loss of sleep and abuse of alcohol or other drugs. With proper safeguards, even potentially more dan gerous sports, such as swimming, may be permitted. However, operating unguarded machinery, climbing lad ders, or taking baths behind locked doors are not advis able; such a person should swim only in the company of a good swimmer. There is concern about epileptic mothers bathing their infants without additional safety guards. Advice and reassurance to attempt to pursue a normal life will aid in prevent ing or overcoming any feelings of inferiority and self consciousness of many younger patients with epilepsy. However, the situation is rarely so simple and patients and their families may benefit from more extensive counseling. N Commission on Classification and Terminology of the International League Against Epilepsy: Classification of epilepsy and epileptic syndromes. Cunningham M, Tennis P, et al: Lamotrigine and the risk of malformations in pregnancy. Arya R, Gulati S, Kabra M, et al: Folic acid supplementation pre vents phenytoin-induced gingival overgrowth in children. Eclampsia Trial Collaborative Group: Which anticonvulsant for women with eclampsia Blumer D, Montouris G, Hermann B: Psychiatric morbidity in seizure patients on a neurodiagnostic monitoring unit. Callaghan N, Garrett A, Goggin T: Withdra wal of anticonvulsant drugs in patients free of seizures for two years. Commission on Classifi c ation and Termi nology of the International League Against Epilepsy: Proposal for revised clinical and electroencephalographic classi fication of epilepti. Geschwind N: lnterictal behavioral changes in epilepsy: Epilepsia 24(Suppl):523, 1983. Goldensohn E: the relevance of secondary epileptogenesis to the treatment of epil epsy: Kindling and the mixror focus. New York, Dover, 1964 (origi nally published in 1885; reprinted as volume 1 in the American Academy of Neurology reprint series). Gurtler 5, Ebner A, Tuxhorn I, et al: Transient lesion in the splenium of the corpus callosum and antiepileptic drug withdrawal. Giirtler S, Ebner A, Tu xhorn I, et al: Transient lesion in the spleni um of the corpus callosum and antiepileptic drug withdrawal. Lefevre F, Aronson N: Ketogenic diet for the treatment of refractory epilepsy in children: A systematic review of efficacy. Lempert T, Bauer M, Schmidt D: Syncope: A videometric analysis of 56 episodes of transient cerebral hypoxia. Mcintyre J, Robertson S, Norris E, e t a l: Safety and efficacy o f buc cal midazolam versus rectal diazepam for emergency treatment of seizures in children: a randornised controlled trial. Leutzmezer F, Serles W, Lehner J, et al: Postictal nose wiping: A lateralizing sign in temporal lobe complex partial seizures. Litt B, Esteller R, Echauz J, et al: Epileptic seizures may begin hours in a dvance of clinical onset: A report of five patients. Parviainen I, Usaro A, Kalvi<rinen R, et al: High-dose thiopental in the treatment of refractory status epilepticus in intensive care unit. Todt H: the late prognosis of epilepsy in childhood: Results of a prospective follow-up study. Plouin P: Benign neonatal convulsions (familial and n oniamilial), in Roger J, Drevet C, Bureau M, et al (eds): Epileptic Syndromes in Infancy, Childhood, and Adolescence. Rasmussen T: Further observa tions on the syndrome of chronic encephalitis and epilepsy. Rasmussen T, Olszewski J, Lloyd-Smith D: Focal seizures due to chronic localized encephalitis. Rivera R, Segnini M, Baltodano A, et al: Midazolam in the treat ment of statu s epilepticus in children. Rodin E, Schmaltz S: the Bear-Fedio personality inventory and temporal lobe epilepsy. Clinical mani festations and outcome in 82 patients treated surgically between 1 929 and 1988. Silbergleit R, Durkalski V, Lowenstein D, et al: Intramuscular therapy for prehospital status epilepticus. In hospital and emergency neurology, the clinical analy sis of unresponsive and comatose patients becomes a practical necessity. There is always an urgent need to determine the underlying disease and the direction in which it is evolving in order to protect the brain against more serious or irreversible damage.