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By: A. Akrabor, M.A.S., M.D.

Assistant Professor, Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine

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Amongthese are physical or sexual assault, rape, torture, combat, industrial explosions, serious accidents, natural disasters, being taken hostage, displacement as a refugee,andterroristattacks,suchastheonesthattookplaceagainsttheWorld TradeCenterandthePentagononSeptember11,2001. Twobasictypesofpsychotherapy are recommended: trauma-focused therapy and stress inoculation training. Trauma-focused therapy uses a variety of cognitive behavioral techniques, including a very effective one known as exposure therapy, in which patients repeatedlyreimaginetraumaticeventsasawaytomakethoseeventslosetheir power. Stress inoculation training helps patients identify cues that can trigger fearandanxietyandthenteachesthemtechniquestocopewiththosedisturbing reactions. Current evidence does not support the use of monotherapy with bupropion,buspirone,trazodone,orabenzodiazepine. Our principal focus is on amphetamines, methylphenidate [Ritalin, others], and methylxanthines. Amphetamines the amphetamine family consists of amphetamine, dextroamphetamine, methamphetamine, and lisdexamfetamine. Lisdexamfetamine Lisdexamfetamine [Vyvanse] is a prodrug composed of dextroamphetamine covalently linked to L-lysine. After oral dosing, the drug undergoes rapid hydrolysis by enzymes in the intestine and liver to yield lysine and free dextroamphetamine,theactiveformofthedrug. Methamphetamine Methamphetamine is simply dextroamphetamine with an additional methyl group. Atusualdoses, they increase wakefulness and alertness, reduce fatigue, elevate mood, and augment self-confidence and initiative. By a mechanism that is not understood, amphetamines can enhance the analgesic effects of morphineandotheropioids. With regular amphetamine use, tolerance develops to elevation of mood, suppressionofappetite,andstimulationoftheheartandbloodvessels. Inhighly tolerantusers,dosesupto1000mggivenintravenouslyeveryfewhoursmaybe required to maintain euphoric effects. If amphetamines are abruptly withdrawn from a dependent person, an abstinence syndrome will ensue. Symptoms include exhaustion, depression, prolonged sleep, excessive eating,andacravingformoreamphetamine. Because amphetamines can produce euphoria (extreme mood elevation), they have a high potential for abuse. At recommended doses, stimulants produce a small increase in heart rate and blood pressure. However, for patients with preexisting cardiovascular disease, stimulants may cause dysrhythmias, anginal pain, or hypertension. Sudden deathinchildrenonthesemedicationsisveryrare,andevidenceisconflicting regarding risk for sudden death. However,giventhatmillionsofchildren have used the drug, the death rate is no greater than would be expected for a groupthissize,whetherornotAdderallwasbeingused. First, there are conflicting data showing that stimulants increase the risk for sudden death,eveninchildrenwithheartdisease. Second,therearenodatashowingthat limiting the use of stimulants in children with heart defects will protect them fromsuddendeath. Excessive amphetamine use produces a state of paranoid psychosis, characterized by hallucinations and paranoid delusions. After amphetamine withdrawal, psychosis usually resolves spontaneouslywithinaweek. For these people, symptoms of psychosis do not clear spontaneously and hence psychiatriccareisindicated. Overdose produces dizziness, confusion, hallucinations, paranoid delusions, palpitations, dysrhythmias, and hypertension. Owing to its ability to block alpha receptors, chlorpromazine helps lower blood pressure. Narcolepsy is a disorder characterized by daytime somnolence and uncontrollable attacks of sleep. BlackBoxWarning:AmphetamineAbuse Amphetamines have a high potential for abuse and dependence. In patients who use amphetamines chronically, withdrawal may occur if use of these medicationsissuddenlystopped. MethylphenidateandDexmethylphenidate Methylphenidate and dexmethylphenidate are nearly identical in structure and pharmacologic actions. Furthermore, the pharmacology of both drugs is nearly identicaltothatoftheamphetamines. Methylphenidate Although methylphenidate [Ritalin, Metadate, Methylin, Concerta, Daytrana, Biphentin] is structurally dissimilar from the amphetamines, the pharmacologic actions of these drugs are essentially the same. Consequently, methylphenidate can be considered an amphetamine in all but structure and name. Like amphetamine, methylphenidate is not a single compound, but rather a 50:50 mixture of dextro and levo isomers.

PatientEducation ThrombosisandThromboembolism Women should be informed about the symptoms of thrombosis and thromboembolism acne nodule buy 40mg acnetrex overnight delivery. Womenwithahistoryofthrombosisshouldavoidestrogen/progestinproducts but can still use a progestin-only method acne 10 days before period acnetrex 30 mg. Options include the levonorgestrel intrauterine system [Mirena] acne 24 purchase 40 mg acnetrex mastercard, medroxyprogesterone acetate injection [DepoProvera] skin care wiki order 20mg acnetrex mastercard,theetonogestrelsubdermalimplant[Nexplanon],andthe"minipill"- allofwhicharediscussedlater. However, the absolute increase is low: only 8 casesper100,000womenatage20years,risingto80casesper100,000women atage40years. These highly vascular, nonmalignant tumors are usually picked up as incidental findings on a computed tomography scan or magnetic resonanceimaging. Effects that can result from an excess of estrogen include nausea, breast tenderness, and edema. Duringthefirst 3 months of use, spotting and breakthrough bleeding are common and usually resolve on their own. Hyperkalemia Drospirenone, a fourth-generation progestin, promotes renal retention of potassium and can thereby cause hyperkalemia. As you can see, nearly all of these products contain the same estrogen: ethinyl estradiol. The purpose is to reduce the risk for fetal neural tube defects-anencephaly and spina bifida-if pregnancy should occurdespitecontraceptiveuse. Estradiol valerate is a prodrug that undergoes rapid conversiontoestradiol,thepredominantendogenousestrogen. Dienogest,which is much like drospirenone (see previous discussion under "Components"), has strong progestational activity and antiandrogenic activity. In women who normally experience heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding, Nataziacanreducebloodloss. However,withafew newer products, the cycle is either extended (to 91 days) or continuous [Amethyst]. In a monophasic regimen, the daily dosesofestrogenandprogestinremainconstantthroughoutthecycleofuse. In the other regimens, the estrogen, the progestin, or both change as the cycle progresses. Most28-daycycleproductsaretakeninarepeatingsequenceconsistingof21 daysofanactivepillfollowedby7daysonwhicheither(1)nopillistaken,(2) an inert pill is taken, or (3) an iron-containing pill is taken. The sequence is begun on either (1) the first day of the menstrual cycle or (2) the first Sunday after the onset of menses. With the first option, protection is conferred immediately,andhencenobackupcontraceptionisneeded. WithaSundaystart, which is done to have menses occur on weekdays rather than the weekend, protection may not be immediate, and hence an alternate form of birth control should be used during the first cycle. Successive dosing cycles should commence every 28 days, even if there is breakthrough bleedingorspotting. Atthistime, 12products-Amethia, Amethia Lo, Camrese, Camrese Lo, Introvale, Jolessa, Quasense, Seasonale, Seasonique, LoSeasonique, Amethyst, and Lybrel-are packaged and marketed for prolonged use. However, although these regimens decrease episodes of scheduled bleeding, breakthroughbleedingcanbemorecommon. Toachieveanextendedschedule,theuserwouldsimplypurchasefourpackets of a 28-day product (each of which contains 21 active pills) and then take the activepillsfor84daysstraight. Irregular bleeding is the major drawback of these products and the principal reason that womendiscontinuethem. Contraceptive effects of the minipill result largely from altering cervical secretions. Under the influence of progestins, cervical glands produce a thick, sticky mucus that acts as a barrier to penetration by sperm. Progestins also modify the endometrium, making it less favorable for implantation. Ifonepillis missed, it should be taken as soon as remembered, and backup contraception shouldbeusedforatleast2days. Furthermore, these products have the same contraceptive efficacy and the same incidence of breakthrough bleeding and spotting. After release, these hormones penetrate the skin, enter capillaries, and undergo distribution throughout the body. Patches are appliedtothelowerabdomen,buttocks,upperouterarm,oruppertorso(front or back)-but not to the breasts or to skin that is red, cut, or irritated. In clinical trials, the pregnancy rate was about 1 for every 100 womanyearsofpatchuse. However,amongwomenwhoweighed90kg(198lb)ormore, the pregnancy rate was significantly higher, suggesting the patch may be inappropriateforwomeninthisweightgroup. However,ifthe patch has been off more than 24 hours, a new cycle should be started, accompaniedbybackupcontraceptionduringthefirst7days. The most common adverse effects are breast discomfort, headache, local irritation, nausea, and menstrual cramps. VaginalContraceptiveRing NuvaRing is a hormonal contraceptive device designed for vaginal insertion. The ring is made of transparent, flexible material and looks likeaveryskinnydoughnut,withanoveralldiameterof2.

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Notethatourabilityto produce selective drug action in Merv is made possible because his nervous system works through different types of receptors to regulate function in his various organs. The message from this example is clear: the more types of receptorswehavetoworkwith,thegreaterourchancesofproducingselective drugeffects. AnApproachtoLearningAboutPeripheral NervousSystemDrugs Asdiscussed,tounderstandthewaysinwhichdrugscanalteraprocessunder neuronal control, we must first understand how the nervous system itself regulatesthatprocess. Second, you need to know what the normal response to activation of those receptors is. The first information we need is the identity of the receptors at which isoproterenol acts. Isoproterenol acts at two types of receptors, named beta1- and beta2-adrenergic receptors. The most prominent responses to activation of beta1 receptors are increased heart rate and increased force of cardiaccontraction. The primary responses to activation of beta2 receptors are bronchialdilationandelevationofbloodglucoselevels. Lastly,weneedtoknow whether isoproterenol increases or decreases the activation of beta1 and beta2 receptors. Armedwith these three primary pieces of information about isoproterenol, we can now predicttheprincipaleffectsofthisdrug. Byactivatingbeta1andbeta2receptors, isoproterenol can elicit three major responses: (1) increased cardiac output (by increasing heart rate and force of contraction); (2) dilation of the bronchi; and (3)elevationofbloodglucose. Accordingly, I strongly encourage you to take the approach suggested whenstudyingtheseagents. The autonomic nervous system is further subdivided into the parasympathetic nervous system and the sympathetic nervous system. These regulatory activities are shared between the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisionsoftheautonomicnervoussystem. FunctionsoftheParasympatheticNervous System the parasympathetic nervous system performs seven regulatory functions that have particular relevance to drugs. Among these are insecticides, nerve gases, and toxic compounds foundincertainmushroomsandplants. Stimulation of sympathetic nerves to arterioles and veins causes vasoconstriction. Release of epinephrine from the adrenal medulla results in vasoconstriction in most vascular beds and vasodilation in certain others. By dilating surface vessels, sympathetic nerves increase bloodflowtotheskinandtherebyaccelerateheatloss. Many therapeutic agents produce their effects by altering functions under sympathetic control. These drugs are used primarily for effects on the heart, blood vessels, and lungs. Agents that alter cardiovascular function are used to treat hypertension, heart failure, angina pectoris, and other disorders. BasicMechanismsbyWhichtheAutonomic NervousSystemRegulatesPhysiologic Processes Tounderstandhowdrugsinfluenceprocessesunderautonomiccontrol,wemust first understand how the autonomic nervous system itself regulates those activities. The basic mechanisms by which the autonomic nervous system regulatesphysiologicprocessesarediscussednext. PatternsofInnervationandControl Most structures under autonomic control are innervated by sympathetic nerves and parasympathetic nerves. The relative influence of sympathetic and parasympatheticnervesdependsontheorganunderconsideration. In many organs that receive dual innervation, the influence of sympathetic nerves opposes that of parasympathetic nerves. For example, in the heart, sympathetic nerves increase heart rate, whereas parasympathetic nerves slow heartrate(Fig. In some organs that receive nerves from both divisions of the autonomic nervous system, the effects of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves are complementary, rather than opposite. For example, in the male reproductive system,erectionisregulatedbyparasympatheticnerves,whereasejaculationis controlled by sympathetic nerves. If attempts at reproduction are to succeed, cooperativeinteractionofbothsystemsisneeded. The principal example is blood vessels, which are innervated exclusivelybysympatheticnerves.

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This can sometimes be seen on the 20-week scan as bright echoes-"echogenic" or "bright" bowel acne light purchase 5mg acnetrex. It may present as meconium ileus skin care japanese product order acnetrex 40mg online, characterised by failure to pass meconium acne vacuum cheap acnetrex american express, abdominal distension and vomiting acne extraction dermatologist acnetrex 5 mg mastercard. The normal neonate usually passes meconium within a matter of hours and failure to do so within 24 hours implies that the clinician must check the baby to ensure that there is no underlying problem. These abnormalities can include tachycardia, bradycardia, reduced baseline variability, absence of accelerations, presence of decelerations (especially the late decelerations) and sinusoidal pattern. Electronic monitoring of the foetal heart rate is not a very accurate way for assessing the foetal well-being. Normal trace, however, does not guarantee the baby is completely fine, and "suspicious" and "abnormal" trace does not always imply foetal hypoxia. Management In case of foetal distress, the following steps must be taken: Stopping the syntocinon infusion Administration of oxygen to the mother Turning the mother on her side to reduce compression of the inferior vena cava T Tocolytic agent such as ritodrine can be administered to reduce intrauterine pressure and the strength and frequency of uterine contractions. T T T Meconium Staining of the Liquor Meconium staining of the liquor is another indicator of foetal distress, which must not be taken lightly because meconium may be inhaled by the baby, resulting in the development of meconium aspiration syndrome. Meconium staining of the liquor may be a problem and could be associated with underlying foetal compromise. The residues from this and normal desquamation from the bowel comprise the meconium. The different types of breech presentation include complete breech, footling breech and frank breech. The incidence of breech presentation declines rapidly from 25% at 28 weeks to 2% or 3% at term. Uterine malformation, such as a bicornuate uterus, is often associated with persistent abnormal lies, such as transverse lie and breech presentation. Elective caesarean section for breech presentation is now pretty much universal after the publication of the results of "term breech trial" (2000), which demonstrated greater safety for the baby. There is still debate about the best means for delivering the premature breech baby, but most clinicians opt for caesarean section. External cephalic version is also being commonly used nowadays with the hope for reducing the number of breech presentations at term and consequent caesarean sections. It is preferable to wait until term (37 completed weeks of gestation) before external version is attempted because of an increased success rate and avoidance of pre-term delivery if complications arise. Failure of the procedure Antepartum haemorrhage (abruption) Onset of premature labour Foetomaternal transfusion (resulting in the development of Rh isoimmunisation) Foetal distress (leading to an emergency caesarean delivery) Foetal bradycardia Foetal death Diagnosis this is by digital or speculum examination. Speculum examination may be more appropriate at early gestations to reduce the risk of infection. Management the following steps should be taken for the prevention of cord prolapse: T If there is a significant risk of cord prolapse. Suspicion of cord prolapse should be considered if the foetal heart rate or pattern changes significantly following membrane rupture. In cases where vaginal delivery is possible, forceps can be applied in cases of cephalic presentation if the head has engaged. In case of transverse lie, internal version followed by breech extraction must be performed. A caesarean section is the recommended mode of delivery in cases of cord prolapse when vaginal delivery is not imminent. A caesarean section should ideally be performed within 30 minutes or less (from the point of diagnosis to the delivery of the baby). In cases of cord prolapse where immediate vaginal delivery is not possible, assistance should be called immediately; venous access should be obtained, consent taken and immediate preparations be made for an urgent caesarean delivery. The following steps can be followed until facilities for caesarean section are made available: T Replacing the cord above the presenting part is not recommended due to lack of evidence about its benefit. It is believed that handling the cord increases the risk of vascular spasm, so this should be minimised. T To prevent vasospasm, there should be minimal handling of loops of cord lying outside the vagina, which can be covered with surgical packs soaked in warm saline. T To prevent cord compression, it is recommended that the presenting part be elevated either manually or by filling the urinary bladder with normal saline. T Cord compression can be further reduced by advising the mother to adopt knee-chest position or head-down tilt (preferably in left lateral position). T If there are foetal heart rate abnormalities despite these manoeuvres, tocolytics can be used. Post-Partum Complications Deep Vein thrombosis Extension of puerperal infection along venous route can result in thrombosis and thrombophlebitis of the affected vein. Thrombosis usually originates as an aggregation of platelets and fibrin on the valves in the veins of the lower extremities (especially calf veins). The thrombus can either breakoff and embolise to other veins or cause total occlusion of the veins. Aetiology Factors that predispose to the formation of thrombus include endothelial injury, blood stasis and hypercoagulability of blood. Caesarean Section Caesarean section is a surgical procedure commonly used in the obstetric practice. In this procedure, the foetal delivery is attained through an incision made over the abdomen and uterus, after 28 weeks of pregnancy. In this surgery, a longitudinal incision was administered in the upper uterine segment. Nowadays, a Pfannenstiel incision is commonly used and is much less prone to dehiscence than a mid-line wound.

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Hydrochlorothiazide acts on the distal convoluted tubule of the nephron to increase excretion of potassium acne before and after buy acnetrex master card. Acting at a different site in the kidney acne 4 weeks pregnant discount 10mg acnetrex amex, spironolactone works to decrease renal excretion of potassium skin care in winter order acnetrex 10 mg with mastercard. Consequently acne jeans sale purchase acnetrex now, whenthesetwodrugsareadministeredtogether,thepotassium-sparingeffectsof spironolactone tend to balance the potassium-wasting effects of hydrochlorothiazide, leaving renal excretion of potassium at about the same levelitwouldhavebeenhadnodrugsbeengivenatall. Conversely, interactions that reduce therapeutic effects or increase toxicityaredetrimental. For these agents,an interactionthat producesamodestincrease indrug levels can cause toxicity. Conversely, an interaction that produces a modest decreaseindruglevelscancausetherapeuticfailure. Although a large number of important interactions have been documented, many more are yet to be identified. Therefore, if a patient develops unusual symptoms, it is wise to suspect that a drug interaction may be the cause- especially because yet another drug might be given to control the new symptoms. MinimizingAdverseDrug-DrugInteractions We can minimize adverse interactions in several ways. A second and equally important way to avoid detrimental interactions is to take a thorough drug history. A history that identifies all drugs the patient is taking, including illicit and over-the-counter preparations, allows the provider to adjust the regimen accordingly. Additional measures for reducing adverse interactions include adjustingthedosagewhenaninducerofmetabolismisaddedtoordeletedfrom theregimen,adjustingthetimingofadministrationtominimizeinterferencewith absorption, monitoring for early signs of toxicity when combinations of toxic agents cannot be avoided, and being especially vigilant when the patient is takingadrugwithanarrowtherapeuticrange. Drug-FoodInteractions Drug-food interactions are both important and poorly understood. Reducingtherateofabsorptionmerelydelaystheonset of effects; peak effects are not lowered. Theinteractionbetweencalcium-containingfoodsandtetracyclineantibiotics is a classic example of food reducing drug absorption. Hence,iftetracyclines are administered with milk products or calcium supplements, absorption is reducedandantibacterialeffectsmaybelost. For example, absorption of digoxin [Lanoxin], used for cardiac disorders, is reduced significantly by wheat bran, rolled oats, and sunflower seeds. Four compounds have been identified as the responsible agents: two furanocoumarins (bergapten and 6,7-dihydroxybergamottin) and two flavonoids (naringin and naringenin). Inhibition of the intestinal isoenzyme is much greater than inhibition of the liver isoenzyme. In one study, coadministration of grapefruit juice produced a 406% increaseinbloodlevelsofthecalciumchannelblockerfelodipine[Plendil]. Unless a predictable effect is known or desirable, prudence dictatesadvisingpatientstoavoidgrapefruitjuiceentirely. Accordingly, when vitamin K is more abundant, warfarin is less able to inhibit the clotting factors, and therapeuticeffectsdecline. TimingofDrugAdministrationWithRespecttoMeals Administration of drugs at the appropriate time with respect to meals is an importantpartofdrugtherapy. Asdiscussed,theabsorptionofsomedrugscan be significantly decreased by food, and hence these drugs should be administeredonanemptystomach(i. If food does not significantly reduce their absorption, then these drugs should be administered with meals. However, if food does reduce their absorption, then we have a difficultchoice:wecanadministerthemwithfoodandtherebyreducestomach upset,butalsoreduceabsorption-or,wecanadministerthemwithoutfoodand therebyimproveabsorption,butalsoincreasestomachupset. Drug-SupplementInteractions Dietary supplements (herbal medicines and other nonconventional remedies) create the potential for frequent and significant interactions with conventional drugs. Of greatest concern are interactions that reduce beneficial responses to conventional drugs and interactions that increase toxicity. These interactions occurthroughthesamepharmacokineticandpharmacodynamicmechanismsby which conventional drugs interact with each other. Unfortunately, reliable informationaboutdietarysupplementsislargelylacking,includinginformation on interactions with conventional agents. Among hospitalized inpatients, 1,735,500 experienced adverse outcomesduetodrugreactionsandmedicationerrors,andofthese,morethan 53,800patientsdied. Some side effects develop soon after drug use starts, whereas others may not appear until a drug hasbeentakenforweeksormonths. Toxicity Theformaldefinitionoftoxicityisthedegreeofdetrimentalphysiologiceffects caused by excessive drug dosing. Examples include profound respiratory depression from an overdose of morphine and severe hypoglycemia from an overdose of insulin. Forexample,whenadministeredintherapeuticdoses,manyanticancer drugs cause neutropenia, thereby putting the patient at high risk for infection. This neutropenia may be called "toxicity" even though it was produced when dosagewastherapeutic. For an allergic reaction to occur, there must be prior sensitization of the immune system. After the immune system has been sensitized to a drug, reexposure to that drug can trigger an allergicresponse. Theintensityofanallergicreactionisdeterminedprimarilybythedegreeof sensitization of the immune system, not by drug dosage. Put another way, the intensity of allergic reactions is largely independent of dosage.

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