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By: P. Renwik, M.B.A., M.B.B.S., M.H.S.

Clinical Director, University of Hawaii at Manoa John A. Burns School of Medicine

Hyperandrogenism should be considered in the female patient whose acne is severe skin care routine for dry skin cheap 10mg acnecutan with amex, sudden in its onset skin care giant crossword order generic acnecutan online, or associated with hirsutism or irregular menstrual periods skin care jerawat buy genuine acnecutan. The patient should be asked about the frequency and character of her menstrual periods and whether her acne flares with changes in her menstrual cycle acne light mask cheap 10mg acnecutan. Hyperandrogenism can also result in deepening of the voice, an increase in libido and hirsutism. The primary site of acne is the face and to a lesser degree the back, chest, and shoulders. Although one type of lesion may predominate, close inspection usually reveals the presence of several types of lesions. The noninflammatory lesions are comedos, which may be either closed (whiteheads;. The open comedo appears as a flat or slightly raised lesion with a central dark-colored follicular impaction of keratin and lipid. Closed comedones, in contrast to the open comedones, may be difficult to visualize. They appear as pale, slightly elevated, small papules, and do not have a clinically visible orifice. The inflammatory lesions vary from small papules with a red border to pustules and large, tender, fluctuant nodules. Some of the large nodules were previously called "cysts" and the term nodulocystic has been used to describe severe cases of inflammatory acne. True cysts are rarely found in acne; this term should be abandoned and substituted with severe nodular acne. Whether the lesion appears as a papule, pustule, or nodule depends on the extent and location of the inflammatory infiltrate in the dermis. There are four general types of acne scars: (1) ice pick, (2) rolling, (3) boxcar, and (4) hypertrophic42. Ice pick scars are narrow, deep scars that are widest at the surface of the skin and taper to a point in the dermis. Unlike ice pick scars, the width of boxcar scars is similar at the surface and base. Acne vulgaris is usually an isolated cutaneous finding, other than in the presence of hyperandrogenism. Such cases may have associated hirsutism, precocious puberty, and other signs of hyperandrogenism. There are numerous clinical studies relating acne to elevated serum levels of androgens in both adolescents and adults. The follicular infundibulum is distended, filled with keratin and sebum, and the follicular epithelium is attenuated. Acute and chronic inflammatory cells surround and infiltrate the follicle, which shows infundibular hyperkeratosis. With the rupture of the distended follicle, there is a foreign body granulomatous response. Scattered comedones and/or inflammatory lesions are seen, usually limited to less than half of the face. Typically more than half of the face is involved with increasing numbers of lesions, usually a mix of lesions is seen: papules, pustules, and comedones. Numerous pustules and nodular lesions admixed with comedones and smaller papules cover the entire face. Honeycomb scarring is seen in this young girl with mild-to-moderate inflammatory acne. Elevated serum levels of androgens have been found in cases of severe cystic acne and in acne associated with a variety of endocrine conditions, including congenital adrenal hyperplasia (11- and 21-hydroxylase deficiencies), ovarian or adrenal tumors, and polycystic ovarian disease. However, in the majority of acne patients serum androgens are within the normal range. Testing should be obtained just prior to or during the menstrual period, not midcycle at the time of ovulation. Patients on contraceptives that prevent ovulation will need to discontinue their medication for at least 1 month prior to testing. An ovarian source of excess androgens can be suspected in cases where the serum total testosterone is >150 ng/dL. Greater elevations in serum testosterone may indicate an ovarian tumor, and appropriate referral should be made. In cases in which abnormal results are obtained, it may be wise to repeat the test before proceeding with therapy or additional testing. Although objective data are limited, stress is known to increase the output of adrenal steroids, which may affect the sebaceous gland. Diagnosis is usually easy, but inflammatory acne may be confused with folliculitis, rosacea, or perioral dermatitis. Patients with hyperandrogenism may have acne plus other stigmata of increased androgen levels. Variants of acne must also be differentiated from typical acne vulgaris in order to guide treatment.

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Others may cause macrogenetic damage such as chromosome breaks and large deletions acne 6 months after stopping pill order acnecutan 30mg without prescription. In all cases skin care jobs purchase acnecutan paypal, mutations detected in tumors represent a combination of the effect of the mutagenic change on the function of the protein product and the effect of the functional alteration on the behavior of the specific host cell type acne 7 day detox buy cheap acnecutan on line. A number of chemicals that cause cancers in laboratory rodents and contribute to human skin cancer incidence are not demonstrably genotoxic skin care vitamin c order acnecutan without prescription. The mechanism of action by nongenotoxic carcinogens is controversial and may be related in some cases to toxic cell death and regenerative hyperplasia. In general, these reactive intermediates are inadvertent byproducts of xenobiotic detoxification pathways. These pathways are complex and interactive,30 and genetic polymorphisms both in animal models and humans contribute to cancer susceptibility. Initial stages in metabolic activation are most often carried out by cytochrome P450s, a class of heme containing monooxygenases, although other enzymes can be involved. Further biotransformation involves enzymatic conjugation of one of several different chemical groups such as glucuronide, glutathione, acetyl, or sulfate to reactive intermediates to enhance elimination. However, these conjugation reactions can also activate as well as detoxify carcinogens. Expression of these metabolic pathways can be modified by diet and hormones, thus, adding further complexity to the process and determination of relative risk of carcinogenesis. Studies on the molecular basis of cancer development in the last 30 years have revealed two classes of genes, oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes that play a key role in the pathogenesis of cancer. An oncogene is any gene that can transform normal cells in culture and induce cancer in animals. Most oncogenes are derived from proto-oncogenes: normal cellular genes that are critical positive regulators of cell proliferation or inhibitors of apoptosis. Both of these later two mechanisms cause increased or inappropriate expression of a proto-oncogene and altered growth regulation of the normal cell. In contrast to oncogenes, both copies of a tumor suppressor gene must be inactivated to promote tumor development. Frequently, inactivating point mutations occur in one copy of a tumor suppressor gene, and the remaining normal copy is lost through a process of chromosomal missegregation during mitosis that leads to loss of heterozygosity. Considerable insight into the genetic basis of sporadic skin cancers has come from the elucidation of specific genes or genetic loci that define hereditary skin tumor syndromes (Table 111-2). The delineation of the specific genes mutated in other syndromes where locus mapping is confirmed (Table 111-2) should provide even more insight into the molecular pathogenesis of a broader spectrum of skin neoplasms. The multistage evolution of invasive squamous cell cancer in humans is depicted schematically with frequently associated genetic changes. Single base mutations in early lesions frequently are characteristic of ultraviolet light-induced damage, while later changes are associated with genomic instability. Ras mutations are characteristic of chemical mutagens used to initiate tumor formation. Significant progress has been made in defining pathways capable of driving nonmelanoma skin cancer development using reconstructed human skin, comprising genetically altered primary human keratinocytes on architecturally intact dermis, grafted onto immune-deficient mice. Mice with genetically defined defects in the p16Ink4a locus or its downstream target Cdk4 are sensitive to both squamous tumor and melanoma induction after treatment with carcinogenic chemicals, consistent with defects in this pathway detected in both melanoma and nonmelanoma human skin cancers. These differences include a reduced requirement for growth stimuli, impaired response to growth inhibitory/differentiation signals, alterations in apoptosis, delayed or blocked senescence, prolonged angiogenesis, and the capacity for invasion and metastasis. The driving force behind many of these changes is genomic instability, which facilitates the accumulation of mutations in both oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes that contribute to the observed aberrations in cell function. Both the intrinsic alterations in neoplastic keratinocytes and the influence of collaborating cell types in skin tumor biology are being elucidated through the use of powerful experimental models. Upon clonal expansion, initiated cells form a premalignant lesion, such as a squamous papilloma in the mouse or an actinic keratosis in the human. Agents that enhance clonal expansion of initiated cells are called tumor promoters. Promotion may be an endogenous process influenced by diet, smoking, or immune suppression. The acquisition of additional mutations that provide a growth advantage to the incipient cancer cell may also serve as an autonomous promoting stimulus. Premalignant lesions undergo further phenotypic changes, often in a predictable sequence and commonly multifocal 1245 Chapter 111:: Chemical Carcinogenesis 20 within a single lesion. Initiation is usually a low frequency genetic event and is directly dependent on carcinogen dose. A large variety of carcinogen classes can initiate skin tumors in rodents (Table 111-3). At the molecular level, initiation involves an alteration in signal transduction pathways that regulate cellular responses to extracellular signals, and these are internally regulated by proto-oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes. Chronic inflammation is linked with tumor promotion, and agents that suppress inflammation reduce tumor formation in experimental models. In general, initiated cells respond differently to promoters than normal cells, allowing for clonal selection of an initiated population. Thus, at least one function of the relevant genetic events in premalignant progression must result in a growth advantage for the affected cell. Together these changes could facilitate migration and invasion that characterize the malignant phenotypes. Individual tumors typically consist of homogeneous, slowly growing cells that very rarely metastasize, although they can cause extensive Documented activity of these agents in rodent carcinogenesis models does not necessarily indicate they also contribute to skin cancer development in humans.

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Nonetheless acne wallet cheap acnecutan 5 mg otc, patients should be reevaluated monthly during periods of daily use and warned about side effects due to spread of medication to the surrounding areas where atrophy is more likely to occur such as the inguinal crease skin care acne buy acnecutan cheap, proximal medial thighs acne treatment home remedies generic acnecutan 20mg amex, and perianal skin skin care 1920s purchase 20mg acnecutan with amex. Tacrolimus or pimecrolimus can be used as steroidsparing medications on vulvar skin. These agents are often less effective than glucocorticoids and their long-term safety is still in question. Yeast infections are especially common, particularly when patients are treated with topical glucocorticoids and/or oral antibiotics. The identification of infection on red, scaling, and often exudative skin can be difficult and should be pursued actively in patients with recalcitrant symptoms. Vulvar and vaginal erythema of varying degrees is present in most asymptomatic premenopausal women, but this redness is rarely noticed before the onset of discomfort. Normal but very small labia minora may be difficult to differentiate from scarring produced by inflammatory skin disease. Harmless, soft, finger-like, skin-colored, monomorphous papules called vulvar papillomatosis can be seen around the hymenal ring. Therefore, a very careful examination with a high index of suspicion for a dermatosis is required. Figure 78-2 In this case of lichen simplex chronicus of the vulva there is thick dramatic whitening bilaterally and symmetrically around the vulva and perianal area. Those with significant lichenification do well with a superpotent preparation such as clobetasol propionate for the first few weeks. Treat bacteria and Candida infections orally because topical treatment can irritate and intensify pruritus. Patients with lichen simplex chronicus that is intensely inflamed, excoriated, or eroded generally require medications in an ointment base, to avoid additional sensitizers and the drying effects of cream and lotion bases. Sedation is very helpful initially to stop scratching, with hydroxyzine or doxepin at night to tolerance. Systemic corticosteroids should be used for short periods of time for severe pruritus. It can complicate other vulvar dermatoses, especially contact dermatitis, lichen sclerosus and, less frequently, lichen planus. The morphologic manifestations of lichen simplex chronicus when it occurs on the vulva vary from minimal hyperpigmentation and dullness of texture of the modified mucous membranes to remarkable lichenification and edema. Excoriations and fissures within skin folds are common but heal quickly and may not be seen in the office. Sometimes hydrated, thickened lichen simplex chronicus appears white, mimicking lichen sclerosus, or the leukoplakia of intraepithelial neoplasia. Although the histologic findings, differential diagnosis, and therapy are similar for lichen simplex chronicus affecting the vulva as for that involving other parts of the body, there are several notable modifications. Women overwash and especially scrub the area and also may apply topically whatever they can find. It is exposed to a wide range of insults from washcloths and vigorous scrubbing to caustic, irritating or allergenic cleansers, and topical products applied to alleviate symptoms. Irritant vulvar dermatitis is common, ranging from the diaper dermatitis seen in infants and elderly incontinent ladies to the chapped, sore vulva of the overzealous scrubbers. Allergic vulvar contact dermatitis is less common, with relevant allergens found in 30% of those tested. A patient with acute irritant contact dermatitis experiences burning on contact with the offending substance. Vesiculation, rare, can occur on keratinized skin, whereas erosion is usual on modified mucous membranes. Therapies such as fluorouracil, imiquimod, podophyllin resin, benzocaine, some topical antifungal creams, and topical gentian violet can produce a brisk reaction. Although the British have found allergic contact dermatitis to be a common finding on the vulva, American physicians report few relevant positive results on patch tests for patients with eczematous vulvar skin. In acute allergic contact dermatitis of the genital area, vesicles erode as quickly as they form, producing painful exudative erosions and plaques. Chronic allergic contact dermatitis is manifested more often by mild erythema and subtle edema. Common allergens include diphenhydramine, neomycin, polymyxin, sulfonamides, benzocaine, some antifungal creams, spermicides, glucocorticoids, some antiseptics, fragrances, and preservatives (see Chapter 13). As can occur with eyelid dermatitis, allergens can be carried inadvertently from fingertips to the vulva during the course of scratching or wiping. The therapy for vulvar contact dermatitis is the same as for this disease occurring in other areas and hinges most importantly on avoidance of irritants and allergens. Irritant, and to a lesser extent allergic, contact dermatitis can be a complicating factor in most vulvar conditions. Women with chronic symptoms often are well served by discontinuing all topical therapies (eFigs. For a severe or extensive eruption, use systemic steroids, avoiding topicals except for a bland emollient like petrolatum. Be sure to stop all offending hygiene practices and control secondary infection and pruritus. They show it to the gynecologist, unfamiliar with skin conditions, who cannot help with recognition and management. Although vulvar psoriasis generally is accompanied by psoriasis in other typical locations, the vulva is a common site of Koebnerization.

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In patients with acute immunosuppression skin care purchase acnecutan 40mg overnight delivery, infections occur that are normally controlled by neutrophils and macrophages skin care 1 month before marriage best purchase for acnecutan. In patients who have long-term immunosuppression skin care products cheap acnecutan 5mg line, T-cell function is impaired and skin diseases are often similar to those seen in patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection acne 6 months postpartum buy acnecutan in india. Salient dermatologic features particularly associated with immunosuppression are important diagnostic signs and indicators for therapy. While few skin conditions appear solely in immunocompromised individuals, clinical presentations may be morphologically atypical, follow unusual clinical courses, or prove harder to treat than in individuals with intact immunity. Other chapters cover graft-versus-host disease (see Chapter 28), skin signs associated with primary immunodeficiency disorders (see Chapter 143), and detailed side effects of medications, including corticosteroids, cancer chemotherapeutic agents, immunosuppressants, and cytokines (see Chapters 224, 227, 233, and 234). The salient clinical features particularly associated with immunosuppression are emphasized here. While a variety of inflammatory skin diseases and paraneoplastic processes occur in the setting of immunosuppression, infections, and malignancy are most commonly seen and are discussed herein. When approaching an immunocompromised patient, it is helpful to determine the time frame of the immune loss as well as the specific immune defect. This chapter is divided into two major subsections based on this concept: acute immunosuppression and chronic immunosuppression. When patients are acutely immunosuppressed, usually from iatrogenic ablation of the immune system or from acute leukemia, infections occur that are normally controlled by innate immunity, which typically involve neutrophils and macrophages. Thus, it is helpful to understand the underlying immune defects associated with the medical conditions of each patient (Table 29-1), because it helps to focus the history taking and physical examination toward skin manifestations of specific pathogens. Appropriate evaluation and diagnosis of skin lesions are critical to the overall health of these individuals, because the skin is often a window to more severe systemic illness. In particular, unusual presentations of infection with typical pathogens and infections with rare opportunistic pathogens are common in these patients. Diagnosis is also made more difficult by the variety of organisms that share similar morphologies and the wide variety of morphologic presentations of a single organism (Table 29-2). This makes prompt clinical evaluation and extensive use of skin biopsy and culture necessary to make an accurate diagnosis and initiate prompt treatment to obviate significant morbidity and mortality. Pancytopenia and neutropenia in particular predispose to invasive infections caused by gram-negative and -positive bacteria and the fungal organisms Candida and Aspergillus. In the past two decades, overall mortality due to infection among patients undergoing hematopoietic transplantation has decreased significantly with the use of better prophylaxis and nonmyeloablative regimens, but still represents an ongoing risk to survival. Cryptococcus neoformans Histoplasma capsulatum Coccidioides immitis Viruses Herpes simplex virus Varicella zoster virus Cytomegalovirus a Ecthymatous Lesions X X X Morbilliform Eruption Vesicles X Ulcers X X X (facial) X X X X X X (hemorrhagic) X (facial) X X X X X X X X X (necrotic) X (necrotic) X X (mucosal) X X X (mucosal) Each organism has a wide variety of presentations, and not all are included in this table. Muted clinical signs and symptoms can be found in this population, so care must be taken to rule out deeper involvement as occurs in necrotizing fasciitis. Bone marrow transplant patients and other patients with neutropenia are prone to streptococcal bacteremia and may develop facial flushing, a widespread erythematous, petechial or purpuric eruption of macules and papules, and desquamation of the palms and soles. Classically described in patients with Pseudomonas septicemia, it is now recognized that other bacterial and fungal organisms, including S. Patients with neutropenia, cystic fibrosis, or extensive burns are particularly susceptible to systemic P. Primary cutaneous infection, usually at the site of a medical procedure, can also cause ecthyma gangrenosum-like lesions. As is common with other infections in neutropenic patients, primary lesions can lead to bacteremia and should be treated aggressively. Mortality rates range from 40% to close to 100%, especially when treatment is delayed. Candidiasis and aspergillosis represent the two most common invasive fungal infections that occur in patients who are undergoing cytotoxic chemotherapy or stem cell transplantation or who have acute myeloproliferative disorders. Additional risk factors for opportunistic fungal infection include hyperalimentation, antibiotic use, hyperglycemia, corticosteroid use, and central venous catheter use. Other fungal organisms causing infection in hosts with acute neutropenia include Trichosporum species, Fusarium species, and organisms in the Zygomycetes class. Fungi may seed numerous organs, causing myositis, meningitis, endocarditis, pneumonitis, cerebritis, esophagitis, bursitis, osteomyelitis, arthritis, and endophthalmitis. Involvement is usually generalized, but occasional patients have very few lesions limited to the proximal extremities. The major clinical differential diagnosis includes infections caused by other opportunistic pathogens and drug eruptions. Histologically, periodic acid-Schiff-positive yeast forms are seen in the dermis, usually in association with vascular damage and mild inflammation. Candida can be grown from sterile skin lesion samples in approximately 50% of patients. The treatment of choice for presumed disseminated candidiasis is usually intravenous liposomal amphotericin B, although the new class of echinocandins are also being evaluated. While aspergillosis remains the second most common cause of opportunistic fungal infection in immunosuppressed patients as a whole, it has now surpassed Candida as the most common cause of invasive fungal infection in hematopoietic stem cell transplant patients and certain hematologic malignancies.
