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By: O. Kerth, M.A., M.D., Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Meharry Medical College School of Medicine

On the sagittal view skin care 77054 order eurax 20gm, the craniocaudal diameter is measured from the culmen to the uvula and the anteroposterior diameter from the central lobule to the tuber acne and birth control purchase eurax 20 gm mastercard. If resolution is limited acne face map order cheap eurax line, the craniocaudal diameter can be measured at the limits of a line drawn perpendicular to the fastigial declive line acne pictures eurax 20 gm low cost. This line connects the fastigial point of the fourth ventricle to the uppermost surface of the declive, which is the lobule immediately inferior to the primary fissure. The fastigial declive line also allows assessment of superior and inferior lobar growth. The primary fissure separates the anterior from posterior vermis; it runs between the culmen and the declive. The degree of vermian rotation is assessed by measuring the tegmentovermian angle. This is the angle between a line drawn along the dorsal surface of the brainstem, parallel to the tegmentum, and a line along the ventral surface of the vermis. The normal angle is close to zero, angles < 30 are likely due to Blake pouch cyst. Assessment of the fourth ventricle shape and size is an integral part of vermian evaluation. The fastigial point is the posterior, superior recess of the fourth ventricle; it forms an acute angle at the apex of the triangular-shaped fourth ventricle as seen on sagittal images. Fourth Ventricle the fourth ventricle is an ependymal cavity situated in the bulbopontine area of the brain, bordered anteriorly by the pons and the upper half of the medulla oblongata, posteriorly by the cerebellum, and laterally by the superior and inferior cerebellar peduncles. In the midline sagittal view, it appears triangular; the highest point or apex of the triangle is the fastigium. On axial views, it is quadrangular with the anteroposterior diameter smaller than the transverse diameter. Brainstem and Pons the normal pons creates a prominent bulge anterior to the fourth ventricle. The fetal correlate of this observation is referred to as the "kinked brainstem," in which the brainstem has an abnormal, elongated, Z-shaped configuration. This is also referred to as a primitive brainstem configuration because it mimics the shape seen embryologically in the first trimester as the mesencephalic, pontine, and cervical flexures develop. Affected fetuses usually have multiple anomalies, including omphalocele, diaphragmatic hernia, facial clefting, and congenital heart disease. The Chiari 2 malformation is associated with open neural tube defects, some of which can be very subtle and difficult to demonstrate. Absent N Fused with continuous horizontal folia Pitfalls in Evaluation of Posterior Fossa Rhombencephalon this should not be mistaken for a posterior fossa cystic mass. Incorrect Scan Plane the cavum septi pellucidi should be included in the oblique axial plane used to measure the cisternal magna. The image obtained in this incorrect plane, through the fourth ventricular cavity rather than through the vermis, may erroneously suggest vermian dysgenesis or hypoplasia. Premature Diagnosis of Vermian Abnormality the vermis grows to "cover" the fourth ventricle. As fenestration of the Blake pouch occurs, the vermis takes up its normal position almost parallel to the brainstem. If the superior and inferior vermis are symmetrical and the fetus is otherwise normal, follow-up should be scheduled at 24 weeks before making a confident diagnosis of vermian hypoplasia. Medially Displaced Cerebellar Hemispheres If the vermis is deficient, or superiorly rotated, the cerebellar hemispheres may move medially into the space that would normally have been occupied by the vermis. This can be avoided by careful evaluation of the fastigial point and primary fissure in every case. Normal but Rotated Vermis A Blake pouch cyst has a much better prognosis than vermian agenesis or dysgenesis. The normal but rotated vermis has a normal fastigial point and symmetric growth above and below the fastigial declive line but an increased tegmentovermian angle. Atrophy/Unilateral Cerebellar Anomalies Cerebellar atrophy implies reduction in volume of a normally developed vermis or cerebellar hemisphere. This will only be detected if there is a normal study at 18-20 weeks with subsequent volume loss demonstrated on a later scan. Infection, hemorrhage, and the rarer pontocerebellar atrophy syndromes are considerations in the differential diagnosis of cerebellar atrophy. Clinical Implications Postnatal correlation with prenatal diagnosis in the posterior fossa has been disappointingly poor. As a result of the pitfalls described above, it is possible that normal pregnancies have been terminated and certainly many parents have been needlessly worried about brain malformations in fetuses that turn out to have normal neuroimaging studies at birth. If pregnancy termination occurs, it is important to encourage autopsy for correlation. In liveborn infants, the postnatal imaging should be reviewed in all cases where a prenatal diagnosis of cerebellar anomaly was found. A consistent, anatomically based approach to the posterior fossa is the best way to avoid misdiagnosis. Knowledge of normal developmental anatomy is essential to avoid making diagnostic errors. This appearance is created by scanning through the normal rhombencephalon, as shown in the inset.

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Calcifications may either be periventricular or scattered throughout the parenchyma skin care over 50 generic eurax 20 gm with amex. There are heavy calcifications around the ventricle but also generalized in the tissue anti-acne discount eurax american express. This is in contrast to cytomegalovirus where the calcifications are only in the ependyma and periventricular area acne rash buy generic eurax. Using the biophysical profile score acne vulgaris description discount 20 gm eurax with visa, a 60-70% reduction in stillbirth rates has been shown in tested populations. Perinatal fetal hypoxemia leads to irreversible tissue damage and is related to a myriad of problems for the neonate, child, and adult. Fetal asphyxia is proposed to be a contributor to cerebral palsy, learning disability, and adult-onset hypertension and cardiovascular disease. The goal of ultrasound surveillance of the viable fetus is to identify potentially damaging degrees of fetal asphyxia and initiate timed intervention. Maternal and fetal conditions that place the pregnancy at risk for fetal hypoxia include hypertension, preeclampsia, fetal growth restriction, maternal diabetes, maternal collagen vascular disease, umbilical cord anomalies, infection, and postdate pregnancy. Evaluation of fetal growth, amniotic fluid, fetal biophysical profile score, and cardiovascular/placental function are the ultrasound tools used for assessment of fetal well-being. With normal placentation and normal cardiac output, the fetal kidneys are well perfused, and urine output is normal. However, in the presence of hypoxemia, reflex redistribution of cardiac output leads to redistribution of blood to the fetal brain, heart, thymus, and placenta. There is vasoconstriction to other organs, such as the kidneys, leading to decreased urine output. A fetus may score 8/8 or 10/10 in < 30 minutes, but any other score requires a full 30 minutes of observation. Cessation of fetal movement follows a predictable course: Thoracic movements ("breathing") disappear first, followed by loss of tone and finally gross trunk and spine movement. Fetal Growth Accurate dating of a pregnancy is essential for evaluating fetal growth. Extreme care should be taken when changing "age" of the fetus later in pregnancy, as you may miss the diagnosis of fetal growth restriction or macrosomia. Early onset, often symmetric, growth restriction is concerning for a chromosomal abnormality. Doppler Doppler assessment of the placental and fetal circulation is essential for evaluating fetal well-being. Ut Art shows resistive flow and a postsystolic notch, reflecting spiral artery flow resistance. Umbilical Artery S:D Ratio Percentile Gestational Age 24-27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 5th Percentile 2. The largest uterine fluid collection is found, and the maximum anterior-toposterior distance is measured. Using color Doppler when measuring fluid pockets leads to more accurate assessment of amniotic fluid volume. The systolic/diastolic ratio is calculated by dividing the peak systolic velocity by the end-diastolic velocity. This finding is associated with a higher risk for impending intrauterine fetal demise, and delivery should be considered. This finding reflects an increased right heart pressure gradient secondary to increased cardiac work against an increasingly resistive placenta. This pattern is abnormal after 24 weeks and reflects increased spiral artery flow resistance and poor placentation. One or more episodes of opening and closing the hand or extending and flexing a limb would be necessary in order to score a 2 for tone for biophysical profile assessment. Color Doppler shows flow through the nasal passage (blue flow from inhalation, amniotic fluid moves away from the transducer). Pulse Doppler shows continuous rhythmic inhalation and expiration over a period of time. In this case, the overlapping umbilical vein rhythmic motion, from breathing, is also seen. Ossification of proximal humeral epiphysis indicates the fetus should be at least 38 wk but is only measuring 33 wk. Evaluating epiphyseal ossification centers can be helpful in cases when dating is unknown. Kovo M et al: Pregnancy outcome and placental findings in pregnancies complicated by fetal growth restriction with and without preeclampsia. Fetal Growth Restriction Fluid, Growth, and Well-Being (Left) Increased umbilical artery systolic/diastolic ratio of 5. The elevation in the ratio is secondary to low-velocity diastolic flow, reflecting increased resistance of the utero-placental circulation. The reversed flow is seen well because the sweep speed has been increased in order to "widen" the umbilical artery waveform. This finding should not be confused with anasarca, which tends to be more hypoechoic.

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This line will guide the dissection and provide exposure into the right or left retroperitoneum acne nose buy 20 gm eurax, where tumors typically develop skin care yang bagus dan murah cheap eurax 20 gm free shipping. This maneuver involves freeing the lateral border of the duodenum from its retroperitoneal attachments and retracting it medially skin care lines for estheticians order generic eurax canada. Once full exposure of the tumor is obtained acne facials generic eurax 20 gm without a prescription, a more detailed assessment can be made of the surrounding structures that are involved. Margin status has a major impact on survival rate, so every attempt should be made for a complete en bloc, margin-negative resection. This often means that the kidney, portions of the colon, vascular structures, or portions of the duodenum are resected. Figure 50-2 shows the right retroperitoneum after removal of a large retroperitoneal tumor. In this case the right colon and the duodenum have been mobilized and retracted medially. Preoperative imaging to determine extent of tumor and possible invasion into surrounding structures is useful. Margin-negative resection without rupture of the pseudocapsule is the goal, with use of a multidisciplinary approach. Current concepts and future perspectives in retroperitoneal soft-tissue sarcoma management. The surgical approach to hysterectomy is determined by the pathology at hand as well as operator experience. Surgical approaches may include total abdominal hysterectomy, total laparoscopic hysterectomy, laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy, robotic hysterectomy or total vaginal hysterectomy. This chapter focuses on the basic description of the total abdominal extrafascial hysterectomy. The cardinal ligaments extend laterally from the level of the cervical-uterine junction and divide the pelvic cavity in potential spaces: the paravesical spaces divide the cavity anteriorly and the pararectal spaces divide it posteriorly. The uterosacral ligaments extend from the cardinal ligaments posteriorly toward the ischial spines and sacrum. Between the uterosacral ligaments lies the uppermost portion of the rectovaginal septum covered by peritoneum. Round and Broad Ligaments the round ligaments arise from the fundus of the uterus and extend laterally along the ventral aspect of the abdominal wall toward the inguinal canal. The round ligaments comprise smooth muscle and small vessels and terminate in the fat pad of the labium majora. The broad ligament consists of an anteroposterior layer of peritoneum draped over the uterus and extends from the round ligament to the infundibulopelvic ligaments posteriorly. The retroperitoneal space and structures can be accessed through the broad ligament, which contains areolar fat. Vascular Landmarks and Ureteral Injury Uterine blood supply is derived from the uterine artery, which originates in the anterior branch of the hypogastric (internal iliac) artery. Additional branches and collateral vessels include the vaginal and cervical branches of the uterine artery. The uterine artery crosses the lower third of the ureter before the uterine entry point at the cervicouterine junction. Additional uterine blood supply is obtained from the ovarian blood vessels (direct branch from aorta). Venous drainage enters into the hypogastric veins, inferior vena cava (right ovarian vein), and left renal vein (left ovarian vein). Arteries and veins of pelvic organs: anterior view Renal artery and vein Renal artery and vein Kidney Ovarian artery and vein Ureter Inferior vena cava Psoas major muscle Peritoneum (cut edge) Suspensory ligament of ovary contains ovarian vessels Rectum Ovary Uterine (fallopian) tube Uterus Round ligament of uterus Vagina Urinary bladder Medial umbilical fold Median umbilical ligament (urachus) Ovarian artery and vein Abdominal aorta Ureter Inferior mesenteric artery Psoas major muscle Common iliac artery Median sacral vessels Superior rectal artery (cut) Round ligament of uterus (cut) Ovarian artery Internal iliac artery Anterior division External iliac artery Obturator artery and nerve Umbilical artery (patent part) Middle rectal artery Uterine artery Vaginal artery Inferior vesical artery Round ligament of uterus (cut) Superior vesical arteries Inferior epigastric artery and vein Umbilical artery (occluded part) Superior vesical arteries Medial umbilical ligament B. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding, uterine leiomyomas, and endometriosis may all be benign indications for hysterectomy. Persistent cervical dysplasia, endometrial hyperplasia or malignancy, ovarian malignancy, and microinvasive cervical cancer are neoplastic indications for hysterectomy. Surgical Approach the abdominal incision may be chosen on the basis of operator experience, patient body habitus, and uterine size or pathology. With a diagnosis of malignancy or large uterine size, the author recommends a traditional vertical midline incision. Once this incision is made and the peritoneal cavity entered, careful abdominal and pelvic exploration is undertaken. Kelley clamps are placed on the uterine cornua bilaterally, and gentle upward traction is used. The round ligaments are identified bilaterally and suture-ligated with 0 Vicryl. Abdominal Dissection the vesicouterine peritoneum is grasped and cut just below the reflection onto the lower uterus. Gentle blunt dissection, dissection with a sponge forceps, or sharp dissection may be used. If the patient has a history of previous pelvic surgery, including cesarean section, the author would recommend sharp dissection. This maneuver may be facilitated by grasping the lower uterine segment and cervix between the thumb and forefinger and pushing the uterine cervix anteriorly. The posterior broad ligament is dissected parallel to the course of the infundibulopelvic ligaments bilaterally. If significant dissection into the retroperitoneum is planned, this dissection may be continued along the white line of Toldt, with mobilization of the cecum and the sigmoid colon.

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Pathology showed a small focus of dysplastic brain tissue with a simple meningothelial lining underlying an unremarkable epidermal surface acne 25 buy eurax 20gm on line. These images helped prepare the family and enabled the surgeons to provide a more accurate prenatal consultation skin care careers best eurax 20 gm. Other midline anomalies present include dysgenesis of the corpus callosum and Chiari 1 malformation (inferior vermis herniation) discount eurax online mastercard. The 3rd ventricle is elevated and is contiguous dorsally with the interhemispheric fissure skin care 360 purchase eurax 20 gm fast delivery. Cagneaux M et al: Agenesis of the corpus callosum with interhemispheric cyst, associated with aberrant cortical sulci and without underlying cortical dysplasia. The cyst wall is often not visible, but its presence is inferred by the mass effect. Note the preserved gray matter along the cortical margin, indicating the cyst is not due to a destructive process such as porencephaly. The mesencephalon (midbrain precursor) is purple; hindbrain precursors are metencephalon (yellow) and myelencephalon (blue). Although small at this stage of development, the telencephalon will form the bulk of the supratentorial brain. There is a large dorsal cyst created by a monoventricle incompletely covered by cerebral tissue dorsally. The thalami are completely fused or, more correctly, noncleaved, and there is no midline cleavage of the ventral gray and white matter. Note the abnormal flat profile and the brachycephaly due to frontal lobe hypoplasia. With the cranium removed, this brain would appear just as that shown in the autopsy image. Remember "the face predicts the brain" and any facial abnormality should trigger a careful evaluation of the brain. This gyral continuity is very difficult to demonstrate sonographically, particularly at the time of anatomy scan. Role of three-dimensional ultrasound measurement of the optic tract in fetuses with agenesis of the septum pellucidum. As a rule of thumb, the nerve should be approximately equal in size to the extraocular muscles. The cavum septi pellucidi is absent, the ventricles communicate in the midline, and the cortical mantle is abnormally smooth. Holoprosencephaly Syntelencephaly Interhemispheric fissure present anteriorly and posteriorly, deficient centrally Hemispheric fusion at posterior frontal and parietal lobes Characteristic callosal dysgenesis with deficient body but intact genu and splenium Usually normal facies Associated with 13q deletion Associated with syndactyly Holoprosencephaly Interhemispheric fissure intact in lobar, absent or deficient anteriorly in alobar/semilobar forms Range of fusion from complete to minimal anterior fusion, never separate anterior hemispheres with central fusion Absent corpus callosum in alobar, deficient anterior/intact posterior in semilobar Often associated with severe facial dysmorphism Associated with trisomy 13, other aneuploidies Associated with polydactyly Imaging and clinical features that help to differentiate syntelencephaly from classic holoprosencephaly. Vinurel N et al: Distortion of the anterior part of the interhemispheric fissure: significance and implications for prenatal diagnosis. Arora A et al: Teaching neuroImages: syntelencephaly: middle interhemispheric fusion. Picone O et al: Prenatal diagnosis of a possible new middle interhemispheric variant of holoprosencephaly using sonographic and magnetic resonance imaging. Takanashi J et al: Middle interhemispheric variant of holoprosencephaly associated with diffuse polymicrogyria. Fujimoto S et al: Syntelencephaly associated with connected transhemispheric cleft of focal cortical dysplasia. Brain detail is obscured by skull ossification but the anteriorly placed and abnormally shaped sylvian fissure is still visible. In schizencephaly the defect extends from the inner table of the skull to the underlying ventricle. Defects are bilateral in 40% of patients and areas of heterotopia or migrational abnormalities can be present at the cleft. Bilateral defects, especially when this large, cause severe neurologic impairment. Polyhydramnios could have been caused by micrognathia, neurologic impairment, or both. There are alternating bands of gray and white matter creating the thick, 4-layer cortex seen in lissencephaly. In general, medial sulci are seen before lateral sulci, and the appearance on all imaging modalities lags behind the time of appearance based on anatomical descriptions by several weeks. This is a sign of arrested brain development described in fetuses with lissencephaly and callosal malformations. Initially described in Walker-Warburg syndrome, this configuration can be seen in other conditions. This case illustrates the importance of looking at all of the visible anatomy at the time of nuchal translucency screening. The left posterior cortex is smoothly marginated (normal for gestational age), whereas there are broad shallow gyri on the right. Fallet-Bianco C et al: Mutations in tubulin genes are frequent causes of various foetal malformations of cortical development including microlissencephaly. The fetus was hydropic and expired shortly after delivery; no etiology was ever apparent. Note the complex interhemispheric cyst, probably a glioependymal cyst in association with callosal agenesis. Note abnormal sulcation and the irregular cortical white matter interface in the affected regions. The fetus was known to have complex congenital heat disease but the brain findings had not been appreciated at the referring facility.

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