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By: R. Innostian, M.B. B.CH. B.A.O., Ph.D.

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Lung abscess 305 A primary lung abscess is either caused by aspiration or is a complication of pneumonia symptoms low potassium buy divalproex 500mg overnight delivery. Secondary lung abscesses occur as a result of another pathology such as metastatic septic emboli treatment yellow tongue order genuine divalproex line, an obstructing bronchial carcinoma or an infected bulla symptoms 5dp5dt purchase cheap divalproex on line. Anaerobic bacteria (particularly the Bacteroides species) are commonly isolated from the pus medicine gustav klimt cheap divalproex 250mg amex. Aerobic bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae (and occasionally coliforms) are sometimes found. Aspergillus, Histoplasmosis) Hydatid cyst (caused by the Echinococcus tapeworm) Empyema with bronchopleural fistula Bronchogenic cyst Investigation Clinical diagnostic indicators Patients with a lung abscess usually have a cough that becomes productive of pus later in its natural history, especially if the abscess drains spontaneously into the bronchial tree. The essentials of conservative treatment are: Blood tests White cell count and C-reactive protein may be elevated. Surgical treatment Only approximately 10 per cent of cases now require surgical intervention. In the acute phase, surgery is indicated for complications of the abscess such as a bronchopleural fistula, empyema or bleeding (haemoptysis). After the initial illness, surgery should be performed if: Sputum culture and antibiotic sensitivities Full bacteriological studies are essential and may demonstrate a heavy growth of a single organism. Management Conservative treatment the majority of lung abscesses can be treated without surgical intervention especially since the advent of radiologically guided percutaneous Surgical treatment entails a thoracotomy and resection of the abscess, often with the affected lobe of lung. However, if the patient has been unwell and is not a suitable candidate for such major surgery, it may be safer to exteriorize the abscess cavity and allow external drainage. The result is transmural inflammation, mucosal oedema and bronchial neovascularization. Investigation Clinical diagnostic indicators the common symptoms of bronchiectasis are repeated respiratory tract infections, haemoptysis (which may be massive), shortness of breath and chest pain. Conservative treatment the majority of bronchiectasis cases are managed conservatively. Surgical treatment the indications for surgery are persistent symptoms with recurrent infections and haemoptysis. To be amenable to lobectomy (resection of one lobe of lung) or sublobar resection (segmentectomy, or resection of one lobar segment) the disease should be Table 14. The doubling time for a non-small cell lung carcinoma is 100 days: for a small cell lung cancer it is 30 days. The presence or history of an extrathoracic malignancy makes it likely that it is a metastasis. Hamartoma This, by far the most common tumour, accounts for almost 80 per cent of cases. Solitary fibrous tumour these tumours which arise from the visceral pleural surface rather than the lung parenchyma may occasionally be malignant. Other rare tumours Adenoma, clear cell tumour, fibroma, haemangiopericytoma, inflammatory pseudo-tumour, leiomyoma, lipoma, sclerosing haemangioma and teratoma have all been reported. Endoscopy Bronchoscopy (for central lesions) can be diagnostic if tumour is seen and biopsied. Investigation Most of these tumours are symptomless and are discovered incidentally. The investigations required are the same as those for a solitary pulmonary nodule (see above). Histological examination of a frozen section of the removed tissue at the time of surgery allows the surgeon to progress to a more formal cancer operation. Any nodule larger than 8 mm should be fully investigated as described above, further management depending upon the histological diagnosis. Despite being of historical importance, the surgical methods for treating pulmonary tuberculosis are now rarely used. It can also affect immunocompetent individuals with underlying lung disease or cavities. The aspergilloma (or fungus ball) is a matted sphere of hyphae, fibrin and inflammatory cells, usually found in a pre-existing upper lobe cavity, and has the capacity to erode the surrounding lung parenchyma. Skin tests Tuberculin skin testing has a significant false-negative rate in immunosuppressed individuals. Investigation Clinical diagnostic indicators the main symptoms are cough, haemoptysis (which may be massive), dyspnoea and chest pain. The culture of infected sputum, bronchial washings or lymph node biopsies takes several weeks to yield results. Blood tests Aspergillus immunoglobulin (Ig)G antibodies indicate past or present infection if elevated. Tissue biopsy A diagnostic wedge excision may be needed to confirm the cause of the nodule. Bacteriology Culture of sputum and bronchial washings may also confirm the diagnosis. Management Medical therapy with multiple anti-tuberculous drugs is the first-line treatment. Surgery is now rarely used except for the management of complications such as: Tissue biopsy Histopathology should demonstrate the characteristic hyphae.

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Lyme disease Infection with the spirochaete Borrelia burgdorferi treatment trichomoniasis purchase 500mg divalproex amex, which is transmitted by tick bite medicine to stop diarrhea 250 mg divalproex sale, may produce neurological manifestations in addition to the systemic features of the disease medicine balls for sale purchase divalproex with a visa. Chronic disease chi infra treatment divalproex 250mg low price, developing weeks or months after the bite, may be characterized neurologically by meningitis, encephalitis, cranial nerve palsies (especially the facial nerve), spinal root and peripheral nerve lesions. Bacterial toxins Disease of the nervous system may arise from the action of toxins produced by certain bacteria. Treatment in an intensive care unit involves muscle relaxants and ventilatory support, along with human antitetanus immunoglobulin, penicillin and wound cleansing. The disease would be eradicated if active immunization with tetanus toxoid was universally followed. Chapter 14 Neurological infections Botulism is a consequence of toxin production by Clostridium botulinum, a contaminant in Table 14. The disease is also encountered in heroin addicts, in whom the organism may infect skin wounds. Patients with food botulism experience diarrhoea and vomiting and then develop paralysis within 2 days of toxin ingestion. Diphtheria toxin may cause a polyneuropathy; fortunately, this condition is now very rare in developed countries with the advent of immunization. Viral infections Viral meningitis Infection with mumps, enteroviruses and some other viruses may produce a benign self-limiting illness without the severe complications of acute bacterial meningitis. Protein concentration may be modestly elevated, and glucose concentration is normal. Encephalitis may occur in epidemics, as a result of arbovirus infection in parts of the world where mosquitoes act as vectors for these diseases. Clinical features Patients present with headache, fever and deteriorating level of consciousness over hours or days. Seizures may occur, and focal neurological signs may point to cerebral hemispheric or brainstem dysfunction. Hemispheric signs (dysphasia, hemiparesis) increase the likelihood of herpes simplex encephalitis. Viral encephalitis Aetiology and pathogenesis Viral invasion of the brain may produce a lymphocytic inflammatory reaction with necrosis of neurones and glia. Herpes simplex virus type 1 is the most common cause of sporadic encephalitis in the developed world. For diagnosing herpes simplex encephalitis, viral antibody titres are helpful only in retrospect. Early diagnosis may now be achieved with viral antigen Neurological infections Chapter 14 Herpes zoster Varicella zoster virus, dormant in dorsal root ganglion cells after an initial chickenpox infection, may reactivate as shingles. The patient may experience localized pain and itching before the appearance of the characteristic unilateral vesicular rash, which affects a single dermatome or a few adjacent dermatomes, often on the trunk. After the rash has healed, pain may persist and prove difficult to treat (post-herpetic neuralgia, Chapter 9). There may be severe ear pain and occasionally associated vertigo, tinnitus and hearing loss (zoster oticus). Although shingles is usually a self-limiting illness, it warrants treatment with aciclovir, in higher oral doses than for superficial herpes simplex infections, to speed healing and reduce pain and the risk of complications. Zoster infection may produce more severe manifestations, particularly in immunocompromised individuals, including a generalized rash, and encephalitis. Some patients have selective involvement of the spinal cord (zoster myelitis) or of cerebral vessels, which may present as hemiplegia. In herpes simplex encephalitis, characteristic periodic complexes may be present over the temporal region. Management Aciclovir (10 mg/kg intravenously every 8 hours for 14 days) has revolutionized the treatment of herpes simplex encephalitis, reducing mortality and morbidity. Death and serious disability (epilepsy, dysphasia and amnesic syndrome) still result, particularly when diagnosis and treatment are delayed. Specific treatment is not available for other causes of encephalitis, with the exception of a role for ganciclovir if cytomegalovirus infection is suspected. Patients, however, require supportive measures, including anti-epilepsy drugs for seizures and dexamethasone or mannitol for worsening cerebral oedema. Later, a slowly progressive 117 Chapter 14 Neurological infections dementia and involvement of other parts of the nervous system, particularly the spinal cord and peripheral nerves, may develop. The clinical presentation is with acute or subacute headache, fever and sometimes seizures and focal neurological deficits. Treatment is with combined antifungal drugs (amphotericin B and flucytosine), though this may be unsuccessful. The diagnosis may be made on brain biopsy in non-responders to anti-toxoplasma therapy. Other viruses Poliomyelitis is now rare in developed countries following the uptake of immunization. Though some recovery occurs at the end of the paralytic stage, many patients are left with permanent weakness and a few require long-term ventilatory support. The post-polio syndrome is a controversial entity, late deterioration in poliomyelitis victims generally being due to the superadded effects of other illnesses. The disease is usually acquired by the bite of an infected dog, but it may be transmitted by other mammals.

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In acute severe colitis a plain abdominal X-ray must be taken as it is important to look for any dilatation that indicates the presence of a toxic megacolon treatment centers for drug addiction discount divalproex 250mg without prescription. The inflammation extends from the rectum proximally and may affect any length from a few centimetres to the entire colon medicinebg buy divalproex 250 mg on-line. Its acute complications include toxic megacolon (acute colonic dilatation) symptoms women heart attack cheap divalproex 500mg free shipping, perforation and bleeding treatment for uti buy discount divalproex 250mg online. Patients with long-standing, severe and extensive ulcerative colitis have a higher incidence of colorectal cancer which increases with duration of the disease. Ulcerative colitis affects only the large bowel and is cured by total removal of the colon and rectum, known as panproctocolectomy (Fig 19. The terminal ileum is brought out through the abdominal wall at an appropriate point. Investigation Clinical diagnostic indicators Ulcerative colitis presents in the second or third decade of life. The main diagnostic clinical feature is incessant diarrhoea, which may contain blood. Panproctocolectomy has been performed safely for over 50 years and usually rapidly restores the patient to general good health. In the emergency situation or if the diagnosis is in doubt a subtotal colectomy with ileostomy is the operation of choice. This allows a more accurate histological assessment and reduces immediate postoperative complications. If ulcerative colitis is confirmed, it leaves the option of fashioning an ileo-anal pouch (see below). A stoma may be avoided for those who wish by means of a restorative proctocolectomy, in which an artificial pouch is constructed from ileal loops and joined to the anal canal (Fig 19. This surgery is complex and if there is leakage into the pelvis from the various anastomoses the subsequent pelvic sepsis is difficult to eradicate. To avoid this dreaded complication many surgeons fashion a proximal temporary loop ileostomy after constructing the pouch. Patients who have had pouch surgery or panproctocolectomy are liable to suffer small bowel obstruction from adhesions. Pyrexia, dehydration, abdominal distention and localized tenderness Investigation Blood tests Anaemia and leucocytosis are common in all these conditions. Imaging Plain chest and abdominal radiographs may show evidence of dilatation of the colon or of free perforation. Ischaemia of the colon 481 Management Patients should be given intravenous fluids and broad-spectrum antibiotics. They should be carefully re-examined to see if abdominal signs of peritonitis are developing. Plain radiographs should be repeated daily to discover if the dilatation is developing or subsiding. Systemic steroids in large doses should be given to patients suspected of having early acute toxic dilatation. The abdomen should be carefully washed out if there is evidence of faecal contamination. These complications present in many ways and may be difficult to distinguish from cancer recurrence. Investigation Radiation damage should be considered in any patient who has had abdominal radiotherapy. In making the diagnosis and planning treatment it is important to exclude metastatic disease and recurrence of the original cancer that initiated the radiotherapy. It occurs at the splenic flexure and left colon, where the arterial supply is tenuous. Soon after undergoing pelvic radiotherapy patients may suffer from diarrhoea because of the mucosal inflammation and damage caused by the radiation. Management Colonic ischaemia without signs of peritonitis is treated expectantly and usually resolves, presumably 482 the colon, rectum and anus because the ischaemia is mucosal rather than full thickness. It is unexpected that an ischaemic condition can cause bleeding, but this is the case. Many elderly patients who have a colonic bleed which settles without treatment and have subsequent normal investigation probably have had transient colonic ischaemia. A few patients develop colonic strictures which need resection and a few require urgent resection for full thickness infarction. Pseudo-obstruction syndrome can be distinguished from sigmoid volvulus or large bowel obstruction by water-soluble contrast enema. It usually presents in neonates with intestinal obstruction or in infants with constipation and failure to thrive. The colon proximal to the contracted aganglionic segment becomes grossly distended.

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The abnormal lipoprotein profile associated with insulin resistance medications metabolized by cyp2d6 purchase generic divalproex online, known as diabetic dyslipidemia symptoms 89 nissan pickup pcv valve bad buy divalproex 250mg with mastercard, accounts for part of the elevated cardiovascular risk in patients with type 2 diabetes symptoms multiple myeloma 500 mg divalproex. Hypertension also frequently accompanies obesity medicine youth lyrics order divalproex online, insulin resistance, and dyslipidemia. Despite legitimate concerns regarding whether clustered components confer more risk than an individual component, the metabolic syndrome concept has considerable clinical utility. They should benefit from lifestyle changes, similarly to men with categorical increases in waist circumference. Among the oral hypoglycemic agents, metformin possesses the best evidence base for cardiovascular event reduction. Thus, the antihypertensive regimen for patients with the metabolic syndrome should include angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers when possible. Most of these individuals will require more than one antihypertensive agent to achieve the recently updated American Diabetes Association blood pressure goal of 130/80 mmHg. Multiple observational and experimental studies suggested that estrogen therapy reduces coronary risk. This study showed no overall reduction in recurrent coronary events in the active treatment arm. Indeed, early in the 5-year course of this trial, there was a trend toward an actual increase in vascular events in the treated women. Extended follow-up of this cohort did not disclose an accrual of benefit in the treatment group. The excess cardiovascular events in these trials may result from an increase in thromboembolism. Establishing that strict glycemic control reduces the risk of macrovascular complications of diabetes has proven much more elusive than the established beneficial effects on microvascular complications such as retinopathy or renal disease. In the absence of clear-cut evidence that tight glycemic control reduces coronary risk in patients with type 2, attention to other aspects of risk in this patient population assumes even greater importance. In view of the consistent 332 on postmenopausal symptoms and osteoporosis, taking personal preferences into account. Thus, the timing in relation to menopause or age at which estrogen therapy begins may influence its risk/benefit balance. The lack of efficacy of estrogen therapy in cardiovascular risk reduction highlights the need for redoubled attention to known modifiable risk factors in women. Dysregulated Coagulation or Fibrinolysis Thrombosis ultimately causes the gravest complications of atherosclerosis. The propensity to form thrombi and/or to lyse clots once they form clearly influences the manifestations of atherosclerosis. Thrombosis provoked by atheroma rupture and subsequent healing may promote plaque growth. Certain individual characteristics can influence thrombosis or fibrinolysis and have received attention as potential coronary risk factors. For example, fibrinogen levels correlate with coronary risk and provide information regarding coronary risk independent of the lipoprotein profile. As an acute-phase reactant, fibrinogen may also serve as a marker of inflammation. Homocysteine A large body of literature suggests a relationship between hyperhomocysteinemia and coronary events. Several mutations in the enzymes involved in homocysteine accumulation correlate with thrombosis and, in some studies, coronary risk. Measurement of homocysteine levels should be reserved for individuals with atherosclerosis at a young age or out of proportion to established risk factors. Physicians who advise consumption of supplements containing folic acid should consider that this treatment might mask pernicious anemia. Inflammation An accumulation of clinical evidence shows that markers of inflammation correlate with coronary risk. Infectious agents might also furnish inflammatory stimuli related to cardiovascular risk. Intriguing evidence suggests that lipid-lowering therapy reduces coronary events in part by muting the inflammatory aspects of the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. Lifestyle Modification the prevention of atherosclerosis presents a long-term challenge to all health care professionals and for public health policy as well. Both individual practitioners and organizations providing health care should strive to help patients optimize their risk factor profile long before atherosclerotic disease becomes manifest. The current 333 accumulation of cardiovascular risk in youth and in certain minority populations presents a particularly vexing concern from a public health perspective. The care plan for all patients seen by internists should include measures to assess and minimize cardiovascular risk. Physicians must counsel patients regarding the health risks of tobacco use and provide guidance and resources regarding smoking cessation. Likewise, physicians should advise all patients about prudent dietary and physical activity habits for maintaining ideal body weight. Obesity, particularly the male pattern of centripetal or visceral fat accumulation, can contribute to the elements of the metabolic syndrome (Table 30-3). Physicians should encourage their patients to take personal responsibility for behavior related to modifiable risk factors for development of premature atherosclerotic disease.
