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By: Q. Georg, M.B. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Clinical Director, Louisiana State University School of Medicine in Shreveport

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Synovial bursa between the tendon of the subscapularis and the capsule of the shoulder joint. F 24 22 12 8 23 13 14 15 16 17 11 10 9 25 26 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 15 14 13 12 25 Synovial bursae and sheaths 103 1 4 5 5 6 2 3 4 5 6 3 A Sagittal section of larynx 7 B Larynx, lateral view C Right shoulder, posterior view 7 8 8 8 10 9 12 11 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 13 D Shoulder joint, anterior view E Shoulder joint, posterior view 15 16 17 16 17 15 18 19 20 24 22 21 20 21 23 19 18 22 25 23 24 F Section of elbow joint sawed open G Wrist and hand, dorsal view 25 a a a 104 Synovial bursae and sheaths 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1 Tendon sheath of flexor carpi radialis muscle. Individual tendon sheath for the flexor carpi radialis at the insertion of the tendon to the 16 base of the 2nd metacarpal bone. Synovial bursa between the origins of the biceps femoris and semimembranosus muscles. Synovial bursa between the investing fascia of the knee and the tendon of the quadratus femoris muscle. Synovial bursa directly on the knee joint below the tendon of the quadratus femoris. Synovial bursae between the sartorius tendon and the tendons of the gracilis and semitendinosus situated below it. Synovial bursa on the tendon of the gluteus maximus between the skin and greater trochanter. Synovial bursa between the tendon of the gluteus maximus and the greater trochanter. This designation comprises two synovial bursae, an anterior one between the tendon of insertion of the gluteus medius and the greater trochanter and a posterior one between this tendon and the piriformis muscle. Synovial bursa between the tendon of insertion of the gluteus minimus and the greater trochanter. Synovial bursa between the cartilage-covered surface of the lesser sciatic notch and the tendon of the obturator internus. Synovial bursa between the ischial tuberosity and the inferior surface of the gluteus maximus. C 20 6 21 7 22 23 8 24 9 10 11 12 13 23 24 25 14 Synovial bursae and sheaths 105 1 2 4 9 8 7 4 3 13 2 16 12 10 11 5 6 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 3 2 B Deep hip region, dorsal view 10 11 12 A Palmar view of hand 14 20 7 8 13 14 C Hip joint, anterior view 15 16 17 18 19 18 17 19 15 22 20 21 23 24 21 22 23 24 25 a a a D Knee, sagittal section sawed open E Knee, anterior view 106 Synovial bursae and sheaths 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 16 17 18 11 10 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 14 13 12 Anserine bursa. Synovial bursa on the tibial collateral ligament below the tendons of the semitendinosus, gracilis and sartorius muscles. Synovial bursa located partially on the fibular collateral ligament below the tendon of insertion of the biceps femoris. Synovial bursa on the lateral femoral condyle below the tendon of origin of the popliteal muscle. It always communicates with the knee joint cavity, more rarely with the tibiofibular joint. Synovial bursa between the lateral condyle of the femur and the lateral gastrocnemius tendon. Synovial bursa between the medial condyle of the femur and the medial gastrocnemius tendon. Synovial bursa between the semimembranosus tendon and the upper margin of the tibia. It resides below the flexor retinaculum and begins at the point where it is crossed over by the flexor digitorum longus. It extends up to the proximal end of the sole, where it crosses under the tendon of the flexor digitorum longus. Synovial bursa between the tibialis anterior tendon and the medial cuneiform bone. Mucosal fold overlying the sublingual gland and extending posterolaterally from the sublingual papilla. Small mucosal elevation at the opening of the parotid duct lateral to the second upper molar tooth. Small mucosal elevation over the incisive foramen at the anterior end of the palatine raphe. Salivary glands corresponding to the buccal glands situated beneath the mucosal at the level of the molar teeth. Numerous mucous, serous and mixed glands primarily in the lateral and posterior areas of the tongue. B 27 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 5 6 7 8 9 10 28 11 12 13 14 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 20 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 22 23 24 25 Upper lip.

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More or less long tubular processes of the renal pelvis that drain the renal papillae treatment kitty colds buy generic selegiline 5 mg online. A C 25 Urogenital system 157 1 18 16 7 18 14 2 3 17 16 6 17 5 12 4 8 4 5 6 7 3 11 13 8 15 17 19 3 8 9 10 11 12 A Left renal pelvis medicine examples selegiline 5 mg on line, frontal view 22 10 2 B Renal vessels symptoms 7 days after embryo transfer buy selegiline on line amex, schematic 23 13 14 30 15 16 17 27 26 25 18 19 20 21 22 24 28 C Cross section of ureter 29 D Urinary bladder treatment 5 of chemo was tuff but made it order selegiline us, sagittal section 23 24 25 a a a 158 Urogenital system 1 2 1 2 3 Tunica serosa. It consists of an inner and outer longitudinal layer as well as a middle circular layer. Smooth muscle extending from the lower portion of the pubic symphysis to the neck of the bladder. Smooth muscle passing from the longitudinal musculature of the rectum to the lateral base (fundus) of the bladder. Smooth muscle extending from the longitudinal muscules of the rectum to the urethra in males. Triangular region between the openings of the ureters and the exit site of the urethra. Here the mucosa is firmly united with the muscularis and consequently there are no folds. Sagittal ridge located behind the urethral opening and above the middle lobe of the prostate. Serous covering of the testis formed developmentally by the vaginal process of the peritoneum. Connective tissue mass projecting into the interior of the testis from the posterior margin of the tunica albuginea. Connective tissue partitions radiating out from the mediastinum to the tunica albuginea. Short straight tubules extending from the convoluted seminiferous tubules to the rete testis. Lined by simple cuboidal epithelium, they connect the straight seminiferous tubules with the efferent ductules. D E Urogenital system 159 1 2 3 4 6 5 7 12 11 4 5 6 7 10 14 13 A Muscles of neck of urinary bladder 9 8 8 9 10 4 11 12 2 C Wall of urinary bladder 32 17 1 B Urinary bladder and prostate, opened, frontal view 13 14 15 16 24 27 160. Lying on the posteromedial surface of the testis, it serves as a storage receptacle for sperm. Middle segment of the epididymis consisting of the convolutions of the duct of the epididymis. Inferior, terminal portion of the epididymis consisting of the convolutions of the duct of the epididymis. Wedge-shaped lobules in the head of the epididymis separated by connective tissue and formed by one or two efferent ductules. Coiled duct, 5-6 meters long, beginning at the end of the head of the epididymis where it receives the efferent ductules. It terminates at the end of the tail where it is continuous with the ductus deferens. Blind branches of the efferent ductules and duct of the epididymis representing vestiges of the caudal mesonephric tubules. Bilateral blind ductules superior to the head of the epididymis and in front of the spermatic cord (remnant of mesonephric tubules). Oval enlargement of ductus deferens just prior to joining the duct of the seminal vesicle. Mucous membrane of ductus deferens lined by pseudostratified, stereociliated, columnar epithelium. Spermatic duct formed by the union of the ductus deferens and the duct of the seminal vesicle. Erroneously designated as a receptacle for sperm, this organ is a vesicular gland which consists of a coiled tube, about 12 cm in length. Multilocular mucous membrane of the seminal vesicle lined by a simple secretory epithelium. It consists of the ductus deferens, accompanying vessels, nerves and connective tissue, together with its coverings. Outer covering of the spermatic cord, which is continuous with the fascia of the external oblique m. The fingerlike inner covering of the spermatic cord, which is derived from the transverse fascia. It lies beneath the cremaster muscle and surrounds the testis, epididymis and ductus deferens together with blood vessels and nerves. Remnant of the not completely obliterated embryological vaginal process of the peritoneum. D Urogenital system 161 12 5 1 3 20 13 9 4 5 2 11 10 14 20 24 19 13 15 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 B Postate and seminal vesicle, opened, frontal view 6 A Testicle and epididymis 10 11 13 176. Double-layered serous 19 covering of the testis, a remnant of the vaginal process of the peritoneum. Reflected fold of the tunica 23 vaginalis testis located superiorly at the head of the epididymis. Reflected fold of the tunica vagi- 24 nalis testis situated inferiorly at the tail of the epididymis. It is accessible laterally and is bordered above and below by the superior and inferior ligaments of 26 the epididymis. It descends from the peri- 28 toneal cavity into the scrotal sac via the inguinal canal.

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Posterior reduction and anterior lumbar interbody fusion in symptomatic low-grade adult isthmic spondylolisthesis: Short-term radiological and functional outcome symptoms 9 days before period purchase selegiline now. Double-segment Wilhelm Tell technique for anterior lumbar interbody fusion in unstable isthmic spondylolisthesis and adjacent segment discopathy symptoms 11dpo purchase 5mg selegiline otc. Spondylolisthesis - reduction and fixation with pedicle screws and lumbar trapezoid plate symptoms strep throat buy selegiline 5 mg free shipping. Although there was no literature evaluating the addition of fusion to decompression versus decompression alone in adult isthmic spondylolisthesis patients medications and mothers milk 2016 buy discount selegiline 5 mg line, the work group observed the presence of literature evaluating the addition of decompression to fusion versus fusion alone. Because the literature search was not specifically designed to address this topic, the work group opted not to comment on findings. A clinical question comparing the addition of decompression to fusion versus fusion alone may be considered for a future guideline on this topic. Posterolateral versus interbody fusion in isthmic spondylolisthesis: functional results in 52 cases with a minimum follow-up of 6 years. Transpedicular fixation and posterior lumbar interbody fusion for the treatment of adult isthmic spondylolisthesis. Transdiscal L5-S1 screws for the fixation of isthmic spondylolisthesis: A biomechanical evaluation. Analysis of factors related to prognosis and curative effect for posterolateral fusion of lumbar low-grade isthmic spondylolisthesis. The ultimate judgment regarding any specific procedure or treatment is to be made by the physician and patient in light of all circumstances presented by the patient and the needs and resources particular to the locality or institution Recommendations: suRgical tReatment 51. Predictors of outcome in patients with chronic back pain and low-grade spondylolisthesis. Grade of Recommendation: B (Suggested) In a 2 part study, Moller et al1,2 evaluated the outcomes of 111 isthmic spondylolisthesis patients randomly treated with posterolateral fusion in situ, with or without instrumentation, versus an exercise program. Noninstrumented patients had a 78% solid fusion success rate while 65% of instrumented patients were categorized as fused. Mean operation time and intraoperative blood loss were significantly greater in the instrumented group compared to noninstrumented patients (298 minutes vs 201 minutes, p<0. The Moller and Ekman analyses offer level I therapeutic evidence that there were no significant differences in clinical outcomes or fusion rates between instrumented or noninstrumented posterolateral patients. In a randomized controlled trial, Thomsen et al4 evaluated the effect of instrumentation on reoperation rates and functional outcome. Using the above patient population, Bjarke Christensen et al5 evaluated the long term effect of instrumentation on reoperation and functional outcome. At 5 years follow-up, 8 isthmic spondylolisthesis patients in the instrumented group underwent or were planning reoperation and 2 isthmic spondylolisthesis patients in the noninstrumented group underwent or were planning reoperation. When analyzing diagnosis subgroups, the authors found that patients with isthmic spondylolisthesis in the noninstrumented group had significantly better outcomes than patients who received instrumented fusion (p<0. In critique, Recommendations: suRgical tReatment this clinical guideline should not be construed as including all proper methods of care or excluding or other acceptable methods of care reasonably directed to obtaining the same results. The work group recommends the undertaking of a large prospective study of isthmic spondylolisthesis patients only evaluating the addition of instrumentation to fusion, including subgroup analysis, for factors potentially impacting surgical outcomes such as segmental instability, smoking and the addition of decompression. Extraforaminal lumbar interbody fusion for the treatment of isthmic spondylolisthesis. The failure of ethylene oxide gassterilized freeze-dried bone graft for thoracic and lumbar spinal fusion. Distraction rod instrumentation with posterolateral fusion in isthmic spondylolisthesis. Transvertebral Transsacral strut grafting for high-grade isthmic spondylolisthesis L5-S1 with fibular allograft. A concise follow-up of a previous report: posterior reduction and anterior lumbar interbody fusion in symptomatic low-grade adult isthmic spondylolisthesis. Adding posterior lumbar interbody fusion to pedicle screw fixation and posterolateral fusion after decompression in spondylolytic spondylolisthesis. Lumbar instrumented posterolateral fusion in spondylolisthetic and failed back patients: A long-term follow-up study spanning 11-13 years. Long-term results of pediculo-body fixation and posterolateral fusion for lumbar spondylolisthesis. Posterior lumbar interbody fusion using one diagonal fusion cage with transpedicular screw/ rod fixation. Grade of Recommendation: I (Insufficient/Conflicting Evidence) this clinical guideline should not be construed as including all proper methods of care or excluding or other acceptable methods of care reasonably directed to obtaining the same results. Patients were followed for one year, although most results were only reported for 6 months after surgery. It is important to highlight that the standard deviations for these two measurements overlap; thus, the work group questions the significance of this finding. There were no significant differences in postoperative complications at one year between the groups. Patients were only considered for surgery after undergoing at least 6 months of unsuccessful conservative treatment measures. Using a computerized random number generator, 25 patients were enrolled per group. Posterior decompression, laminectomy, medial facetectomy and foraminotomy were performed in all patients.

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Neurolemmocytes (Schwann cells) are specialized neuroglial cells that support the axon (fig symptoms leukemia buy generic selegiline 5mg on line. This myelin sheath aids in the conduction of nerve impulses and promotes regeneration of a damaged neuron top medicine order selegiline 5 mg free shipping. In addition to neurolemmocytes treatment meaning generic 5mg selegiline mastercard, there are five other kinds of neuroglia treatment qt prolongation cheap 5mg selegiline fast delivery, four of which are illustrated in fig. Drugs and alcohol, as well as oxygen deprivation or trauma to the central or peripheral nervous system, can destroy neurons that can never be replaced. Although neurons may seem fragile, if well nourished and kept free of drugs (including alcohol), they will endure and function over a lifetime. Epithelia are involved in all the following except (a) protection, (b) secretion, (c) connection, (d) absorption, (e) excretion. Classification of epithelia is based on the number of layers of cells and on (a) shape, (b) staining properties, (c) size, (d) location, (e) ratio of living to nonliving cells. The presence of a basement membrane is typical of most (a) epithelial tissues, (b) connective tissues, (c) nervous tissues, (d) muscle tissues, (e) cartilage tissues. Simple squamous epithelium is not found in (a) blood vessels, (b) the lining of the mouth, (c) lymph vessels, (d) alveoli (air sacs) of the lungs, (e) linings of body cavities. Goblet cells are a type of (a) multicellular gland, (b) intracellular gland, (c) unicellular gland, (d) intercellular gland, (e) salivary gland. An example of a holocrine gland is (a) a sweat gland, (b) a salivary gland, (c) a pancreatic gland, (d) a sebaceous gland. An exocrine gland in which a portion of the secretory cell is discharged with the secretion is termed (a) apocrine, (b) merocrine, (c) endocrine, (d) holocrine. The inability to absorb digested nutrients may be due to damage of which type of epithelium An infection would most likely increase phagocytic activity in (a) elastic tissue, (b) transitional tissue, (c) adipose tissue, (d) reticular tissue, (e) collagenous tissue. Cartilage tissues are generally slow to heal following an injury because (a) cartilage is avascular, (b) cartilage does not undergo mitosis, (c) the matrix is semisolid, (d) chondrocytes are surrounded by fluids. Which of the following is not a specialized type of cell found in connective tissues The function of dense regular connective tissue is (a) elastic recoil, (b) binding and support, (c) encapsulation of blood vessels, (d) articulation. Adipose tissue forms (a) only during fetal development, (b) throughout life, (c) mainly during fetal development and the first postpartum year, (d) mainly at puberty. Intervertebral discs are composed of (a) elastic connective tissue, (b) elastic cartilage, (c) hyaline cartilage, (d) fibrocartilage. Intercalated discs are found in (a) cardiac muscle tissue, (b) movable joints, (c) the vertebral column, (d) bone tissue, (e) hyaline cartilage. Tissue (interstitial) fluid would most likely be found in (a) loose connective tissue, (b) nervous tissue, (c) adipose tissue, (d) bone tissue, (e) muscle tissue. Connective tissues derive only from mesoderm and function to bind, support, and protect body parts. Simple ciliated columnar epithelium helps to move debris through the lower respiratory tract, away from the lungs. Cells of epithelia are tightly packed, mostly avascular, and without significant matrix. Mast cells that produce the anticoagulant heparin are dispersed throughout loose connective tissue. Based on structure and method of secretion, mammary glands are classified as compound acinar and apocrine. Adipose tissue dies as a person diets, and new cells are formed as weight is gained. Flattened, irregularly shaped cells that are tightly bound in a single-layered mosaic pattern compose epithelial tissue. Epithelium consisting of two or more layers is classified as. Rhythmic contractions of sheets of muscle tissue in the intestinal wall result in involuntary movement of food materials. Pancreatic glands are classified as glands because no portion of the gland is discharged with the secretion. Bone tissue consisting of a latticework of thin plates of bone filled with bone marrow is termed bone. Alien matter is engulfed by leukocytes in the blood and in the tissue of lymph nodes. The abnormal pooling of fluid in tissues is called. All connective tissue and muscle tissue is derived from the embryonic. The of a neuron receive a stimulus and conduct the nerve impulse to the cell body. Simple ciliated columnar epithelium (Set 2) Match the glands with their locations or descriptions. Simple branched tubular gland (a) goblet cell (b) parotid gland (c) seminal vesicle (d) intestinal gland (e) liver (f) gastric gland (g) mammary gland (a) lining the uterine tubes (b) capillary walls (c) lining the oral cavity (d) lining pancreatic ducts (e) lining the digestive tract (f) lining the respiratory tract (g) lining the urinary bladder (Set 3) Match the connective tissues or connective tissue structures with their locations or descriptions. Fibrocartilage (a) auricle of external ear (b) minute canals (c) intervertebral joint (d) inner bone tissue (e) fetal skeleton (f) covered by periosteum Answers and Explanations for Review Exercises Multiple Choice 1. Connective tissues are classified according to the matrix the cells secrete and the arrangement of the components.
