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By: I. Vigo, M.B.A., M.B.B.S., M.H.S.
Deputy Director, Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine
The amount of weight loss that may result in cessation of menstruation varies from a few kilograms in an adolescent who is dieting to a loss of up to 50% of body weight in women with anorexia nervosa (Warren 1995) gastritis symptoms in tamil order biaxin with a visa. It has been reported that nearly one-fifth of the body mass should be adipose tissue for ovulatory cycles to be sustained (Frisch 1984) gastritis kronik aktif adalah discount 500mg biaxin with visa. The rate of loss of weight seems to be important gastritis omeprazole biaxin 500 mg line, and rapid loss is frequently associated with psychological disturbance gastritis diet 500 order biaxin 250 mg without a prescription. The chronic hypooestrogenic state that becomes established in long-standing amenorrhoea carries significant risk of premature osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease. Exercise-relatedamenorrhoea Irregularities of menstrual pattern are reported in association with many competitive sporting activities. There is typically a progressive failure of regular menses with anovulatory cycles and amenorrhoea and, in prepubertal girls, a delayed menarche. Usually, the degree of menstrual aberration reflects the intensity and length of sporting activity (Yen 1999). Leptin is the primary product of the ob gene and is a 167 amino acid peptide made exclusively in adipose tissue; it acts on the hypothalamus. It is likely that leptin plays a central role in energy production, reproduction and weight, and it has been proposed as a mediator between adipose tissue and the gonads (Matkovic et al 1997). In both eating disorders and excessive exercise, amenorrhoea results from an adaptive response to an energy deficit, partially mediated by leptin. A critical blood leptin level has been reported as necessary to trigger reproductive function in women, suggesting a threshold effect. In this context, severe weight loss is known to result in subnormal gonadotrophin concentrations. Secondary leptin deficiency can present as weight-related amenorrhoea in women (Conway and Jacobs 1997). Research leading to a better understanding of the metabolic regulation of reproductive function has implications for the prevention and management of reproductive dysfunction and its associated comorbidities. Metabolic disorders Galactosaemia 17-hydroxylase deficiency Immunological deficiency Autoimmune diseases Infections Pelvic tuberculosis Mumps Environmental causes Cigarette smoking Iatrogenic Surgery Chemotherapy Irradiation Idiopathic also common in professional dancers (Warren et al 1986). The authors suggest that there is a cascade of glucoregulatory adaptations designed to redistribute metabolic fuel and thereby conserve protein. The outlook for women with stress-/exercise-related amenorrhoea is very good if recognized early. Most women see a return of ovulatory cycles with weight gain or reduction in levels of stress or exercise habit (Speroff et al 1999a). Hormone replacement may be Neurologicalandpsychiatricdisorders Epilepsy, bipolar disorder and migraines are common disorders which can be associated with disturbances in menstrual function in adolescent girls. Chronicillness A variety of mechanisms in chronic illness can result in pubertal delay and cessation of menses. Delayed puberty may be recognized by the age of 14 years if breast development is still absent. Most cases are due to idiopathic hypothalamic failure and usually resolve spontaneously. Enquiry should seek any history of impaired olfaction, marked weight loss, extremes of exercise and ill health. If the diagnosis is idiopathic delayed puberty, it remains difficult to distinguish whether the failure is purely delayed or permanent, and thus treatment should commence without delay. Hyperprolactinaemia In girls with primary amenorrhoea with normal breast development and a uterus, hyperprolactinaemia must be considered. Unlike the other trophic hormones secreted by the anterior pituitary, prolactin secretion is regu- lated primarily by inhibition from the hypothalamus by dopamine. Prolactin secretion is not subject directly or indirectly to negative feedback by peripheral hormones. Prolactin secretion is stimulated by peripheral oestrogen, and this is derived from the placenta in pregnancy. Circulating concentrations of prolactin rise during pregnancy; at term, the levels are four to 20 times higher than those in non-pregnant women. In lactating women, circulating levels of prolactin are maintained by suckling, and hyperprolactinaemia may last for up to 2 years. The duration and causes of this period of hypersensitivity to oestrogen are unknown. Pathological hyperprolactinaemia may be induced by drugs that inhibit dopamine action or production. Rare causes are ectopic production from a distant extrapituitary tumour, and chronic renal failure may be associated with hyperprolactinaemia, due to both decreased excretion of the hormone and central mechanisms affecting dopamine secretion. Only about half of patients who present with hyperprolactinaemia describe galactorrhoea. Moreover, only about half of the women who report galactorrhoea have raised prolactin levels (Baird 1997). A common problem is the misinterpretation of the upper normal limit of a geometric (skewed) distribution of normal values.
In this scan chronic gastritis food allergy buy biaxin in india, taken in the luteal phase of the cycle gastritis diet foods list cheap biaxin generic, the secretory endometrium is seen as an echogenic band in comparison with the relatively echo-poor myometrium gastritis diet dog order biaxin online from canada. Fallopian tubes the patency of the fallopian tubes may be demonstrated on hysterosalpingography where filling and free spill into the peritoneal cavity may be seen (Figure 5 gastritis thin stool buy 250 mg biaxin amex. Ultrasound contrast salpingography is currently being evaluated to reduce the radiation dose to the ovaries in patients trying to conceive. Normal uterine tubes cannot be demonstrated on ultrasound, but instillation of microbubble contrast agents into the uterus and tubes permits their visualization and can be used as an initial screening test for tubal patency. Although 63 5 Imaging techniques in gynaecology the anatomical detail is less than that offered by conventional X-ray salpingography and false-positive results occur, this technique of ultrasound salpingography seems likely to find an important role as an initial screen; if the tubes are demonstrated to be patent, no further investigation is necessary and this should result in a reduction of radiation exposure (Van Voorhis 2008). Ovaries the ovaries are best imaged with ultrasound (either transabdominal or, preferably, transvaginal). Infantile ovaries are small (except in the neonate when hypertrophy and follicles stimulated by maternal hormones may be a surprising finding) and they enlarge before puberty. Follicular development begins before menstruation, but these cycles and those at the menopause are often imperfect so that follicles may persist and continue enlarging for several months. Corpora lutea produce a confusing variety of appearances, whose only consistent feature is their transience (Figure 5. In doubtful cases, a rescan at 6 weeks to image them at a different phase of the cycle may be needed to resolve their identity. Ovarian varices the pelvic congestion syndrome is one of many causes of chronic pelvic pain, and is associated with the presence of large varices within the broad ligaments (Liddle and Davies 2007). When pelvic symptoms are severe, there may be gross dilatation of the ovarian veins, with reflux down into the A C B Figure 5. It is surrounded by a small amount of free fluid and contains minute developing follicles. These vessels are best demonstrated by selective ovarian venography, although they may also be imaged with Doppler ultrasound (Haag and Manhes 1999). Venography is performed via a femoral or internal jugular venous approach, and the ovarian veins are selectively catheterized with an appropriately shaped angiographic catheter. Satisfactory retrograde opacification of pelvic varices is achieved by injecting contrast medium through the selectively placed catheter with the patient almost upright on a tilting table, while the Valsalva manoeuvre is performed. Treatment of this condition is primarily surgical and consists of venous ligation. Symptomatic relief has been reported following transcatheter ovarian vein embolization (Ganeshan et al 2007). Adenomyosisandendometriosis the diagnosis of adenomyosis is often suggested by symptoms of hypermenorrhoea and dysmenorrhoea, but similar symptoms are also produced by leiomyomas. Hysterosalpingography may show multiple small tracks of contrast extending into the myometrium but is now obsolete. In focal adenomyosis, there is a localized ill-defined mixed-signal-intensity mass (adenomyoma) within the myometrium (Figure 5. Diffuse adenomyosis presents with diffuse or irregular thickening of the junctional zone, often with underlying highsignal foci (Figure 5. Pathologically, this represents smooth muscle hypertrophy and hyperplasia surrounding a focus of basal endometrium. Values for junctional zone thickness from >5 to >12 mm have been suggested for the diagnosis of adenomyosis. Structures within the follicle, such as the cumulus oophorus, can also be visualized. Transvaginal sonography has largely replaced the transabdominal approach in infertility practice because of the superior anatomical display and because it allows precisely guided aspiration of follicles and fluid in the pouch of Douglas. More precise measurement of follicles is possible, and the corpus luteum is easily recognized. Endometrial reflectivity patterns have been proposed as another way to assess ovulation (Randall et al 1989). Ultrasound is also useful for accurate timing of artificial insemination, while a postcoital test can help to differentiate between inadequate sperm penetration and poor mucus production in the presence of immature follicles. Ultrasound scanning is also employed to monitor patients on clomiphene therapy, and there is good correlation between follicular diameter and plasma oestradiol concentration. Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome is uncommon if gonadotrophin therapy is monitored by ultrasound in conjunction with measurements of plasma oestradiol levels. Diffuse infiltration of a mixed-signal lesion (long arrow) is seen in the posterior wall. In these instances, absolute values for junctional zone widths are unhelpful (Hauth et al 2007), and ratios to the width of the outer myometrium or the cervical stroma may be more meaningful.
Structure the tubes are typical of many hollow viscera in that they contain three layers gastritis diet 8 plus cheap 500 mg biaxin with mastercard. This covers the whole tube apart from the fimbriae at one end and the interstitial portion at the other gastritis symptoms weakness 250 mg biaxin visa. The middle muscular layer consists of outer longitudinal fibres and inner circular fibres gastritis help order biaxin 250 mg visa. The mucous membrane is thrown into a series of plicae or folds gastritis neck pain 250mg biaxin, especially at the infundibular end. It is lined with columnar epithelium, much of which contains cilia which, together with the peristaltic action of the tube, help in sperm and ovum transport. Secretory cells are also present, as well as a third group of intercalary cells of uncertain function. Structure the uterus consists of three layers: the outer serous layer (peritoneum), the middle muscular layer (myometrium) and the inner mucous layer (endometrium). The peritoneum covers the body of the uterus and, posteriorly, the supravaginal portion of the cervix. This serous coat is initimately attached to a subserous fibrous layer, except laterally where it spreads out to form the leaves of the broad ligament. External iliac vessels Body of uterus Round ligament Anterior cul-de-sac (Uterovesical pouch) Bladder Urethra Symphysis pubis Crus clitoris Labia minora External anal sphincter Anus Urogenital diaphragm Vagina Labia majora Sacral promontary 1st sacral vertebra Sacrouterine ligament Posterior cul-de-sac (Pouch of Douglas) Rectosigmoid junction Coccyx Posterior vaginal fornix Cervix Rectum Levator ani muscles Ureter Ovary Fallopian tube Interstitial septum of tube Fundus Cornual entrance of tube thelium covers the endometrium. Ciliated prior to puberty, this columnar epithelium is mainly lost due to the effects of pregnancy and menstruation. The endometrium undergoes cyclical histological changes during menstruation and varies in thickness between 1 and 5 mm. Body of uterus Thecervix Uterine cavity Isthmus (Internal os) Uterine artery Cervix Cervical canal Fornix of vagina Vagina Ostium of uterus (External os) Figure 1. The muscular myometrium forms the main bulk of the uterus and comprises interlacing smooth muscle fibres intermingling with areolar tissue, blood vessels, nerves and lymphatics. Externally, these are mostly longitudinal but the larger intermediate layer has interlacing longitudinal, oblique and transverse fibres. The endometrium forms the inner layer and is not sharply separated from the myometrium: the tubular glands dip into the innermost muscle fibres. A single layer of columnar epi4 the cervix is cylindrical in shape, narrower than the body of the uterus and approximately 2. Due to anteflexion or retroflexion, the long axis of the cervix is rarely the same as the long axis of the body. Anterior and lateral to the supravaginal portion is cellular connective tissue, the parametrium. The upper part of the cervix mainly consists of involuntary muscle, whereas the lower part is mainly fibrous connective tissue. The mucous membrane of the endocervix has anterior and posterior columns from which folds radiate out, the arbor vitae. It has numerous deep glandular follicles which secrete a clear alkaline mucus, the main component of physiological vaginal discharge. The epithelium of the endocervix is cylindrical and also ciliated in its upper two-thirds, and changes to stratified squamous epithelium around the region of the external os. This change may be abrupt or there may be a transitional zone up to 1 cm in width. In most cases, this does not have pathological significance and the uterus is mobile. Thehymen the hymen is a thin fold of mucous membrane across the entrance to the vagina. If these are not present, a haematocolpos will form with the commencement of menstruation. The hymen is usually, but not always, torn with first intercourse but can also be torn digitally or with tampons. It is certainly destroyed in childbirth and only small tags, carunculae myrtiformes, remain. Relations Anteriorly, the uterus is related to the bladder and is separated from it by the uterovesical pouch of peritoneum. Posteriorly is the pouch of Douglas plus coils of small intestine, sigmoid colon and upper rectum. Of special importance are the uterine artery and the ureter, running close to the supravaginal cervix. Relations the upper posterior vaginal wall forms the anterior peritoneal reflection of the pouch of Douglas. The middle third is separated from the rectum by pelvic fascia and the lower third abuts the perineal body. Anteriorly, the upper vagina is in direct contact with the base of the bladder, whilst the urethra runs down the lower half in the midline to open into the vestibule; its muscles fuse with the anterior vaginal wall. Laterally, at the fornices, the vagina is related to the attachment of the cardinal ligaments. Age-relatedchanges the disappearance of maternal oestrogenic stimulation after birth causes the uterus to decrease in length by approximately one-third and in weight by approximately one-half. At puberty, however, the corpus grows much faster and the size ratio reverses; the body becomes twice the length of the cervix. After the menopause, the uterus undergoes atrophy, the mucosa becomes very thin, the glands almost disappear and the walls become less muscular. These changes affect the cervix more than the corpus, so the cervical lips disappear and the external os becomes more or less flush with the vault.
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Use of multidetector computed tomography for the assessment of acute chest pain: a consensus statement of the North American Society of Cardiac Imaging and the European Society of Cardiac Radiology. Excluding pulmonary embolism with computed topographic pulmonary angiography or ventilation-perfusion lung scanning. The presence of shock defines the threshold to initiate thrombolytic therapy in patients with pulmonary embolism. Association between thrombolytic treatment and the prognosis of hemodynamically stable patients with major pulmonary embolism: results of a multicenter registry. Effectiveness of managing suspected pulmonary embolism using an algorithm combining clinical probability, D-dimer testing, and computed tomography. Assessing clinical probability of pulmonary embolism in the emergency ward: a simple score. Comparison of two clinical prediction rules and implicit assessment among patients with suspected pulmonary embolism. D-dimer for the exclusion of acute venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism: a systematic review. Normal D-dimer levels in emergency department patients suspected of acute pulmonary embolism. Excluding pulmonary embolism at the bedside without diagnostic imaging: management of patients with suspected pulmonary embolism presenting to the emergency department by using a simple clinical model and D-dimer. Correlation of postmortem chest teleroentgenograms with autopsy findings: with special reference to pulmonary embolism and infarction. Long-term followup in patients with suspected pulmonary embolism and a normal lung scan. Clinical validity of a normal perfusion lung scan in patients with suspected pulmonary embolism. A normal perfusion scan in patients with clinically suspected pulmonary embolism: frequency and clinical validity. Usefulness of non-invasive diagnostic tools for diagnosis of acute pulmonary embolism in patients with a normal chest radiograph. Do preliminary chest x-ray findings define the optimum role of pulmonary scintigraphy in suspected pulmonary embolism Value of ventilation/perfusion scans compared to perfusion scans alone in acute pulmonary embolism. Technegas versus 81mKr ventilation-perfusion scintigraphy: a comparative study in patients with suspected acute pulmonary embolism. Performance of helical computed tomography in unselected outpatients with suspected pulmonary embolism. Diagnostic strategy for patients with suspected pulmonary embolism: a prospective multicenter outcome study. Comparison of streptokinase and heparin in treatment of isolated acute massive pulmonary embolism. Anatomic distribution of pulmonary emboli at pulmonary angiography: implications for cross-sectional imaging. Comparison of contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography and conventional pulmonary angiography for the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism: a prospective study. When it is severe, pulmonary hypertension can be severely debilitating and even fatal. During the past decade, advances in diagnosis and therapeutics have markedly affected the mortality of pulmonary hypertension. In 2003, an international multidisciplinary conference held in Venice, Italy, revisited the classification of pulmonary hypertension with a goal of classifying pulmonary hypertension into categories based on treatment algorithms that may be beneficial. Of these categories, pulmonary hypertension due to chronic embolic disease is the only one that may benefit from pulmonary thromboendarterectomy and one of the only forms of pulmonary hypertension that may be cured. This is important to consider so that it is not confused with recurrent acute pulmonary embolism, which represents either failure of anticoagulation or a manifestation of a hypercoagulable state. The mean time from onset of symptoms to diagnosis is about 3 years, highlighting the insidious, nonspecific nature of this process. Imaging usually begins with a chest radiograph, which might suggest pulmonary hypertension, and quickly moves to an echocardiogram, which is used to estimate pulmonary pressures and to assess cardiac function. This value is added to an estimate of right atrial pressure, which is based on the size of the inferior vena cava and its variation during respiration. On occasion, echocardiography may be performed with a contrast agent or agitated saline. The left atrium and ventricle are observed to confirm the absence of any echogenic material. If any is seen, this suggests that an intracardiac right-to-left shunt is present and the intravenously injected material is shunting to the left side of the heart. Both chambers tend to be enlarged, and the right ventricle tends to be hypertrophied.
Heterotrophic pregnancy (coexisting intrauterine and ectopic pregnancies) occurs in 1 in 30 gastritis sweating generic 250mg biaxin overnight delivery,000 spontaneous conceptions and in at least 1% of technically assisted conceptions chronic gastritis histology purchase cheap biaxin online. If no intrauterine sac is present with these levels gastritis diet ñëàíäî buy line biaxin, ectopic pregnancy is suspected gastritis treatment dogs discount 250mg biaxin overnight delivery. Other biochemical investigations Decreased serum progesterone is a sensitive marker in ectopic pregnancies and nonviable intrauterine pregnancies. Management Surgical (laparoscopic or open procedures) A laparoscopic approach to surgical management in a stable patient is the preferred approach, with shorter hospital stays, no difference in tubal patency rates and lower repeat ectopic rates. At least 5% of these cases will have evidence of continuing trophoblastic activity. Cohort studies suggest no difference in subsequent intrauterine pregnancy rates between either procedure, but a tendency towards higher subsequent ectopic pregnancies in the salpingostomy group. There is a higher incidence with low socioeconomic status and in developing countries. Infertility is the failure to achieve a successful pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular unprotected intercourse. Female fertility declines with age and the incidence of infertility increases: 5% under the age of 25; 10% under the age of 30; 15% under the age of 35; 30% under the age of 40; and 60% over the age of 40. Steps in assisted reproduction the aim of assisted reproduction is to induce the development of multiple mature ovarian follicles. It is usually an iatrogenic, self-limiting disorder associated with ovulation induction/ovarian stimulation. Most women with endocervical chlamydial or gonorrhoeal infection are asymptomatic. A cohort study of 1844 women with laparoscopically verified disease and 657 control women with normal laparoscopic results. Natural menopause is the permanent ceasing of menstruation resulting from the loss of ovarian follicular activity. Menopause is by definition only after 12 months of amenorrhoea with no other pathological cause. Perimenopause is the time immediately premenopause, as characterised by endocrinological and clinical features, and continuing until the year postmenopause. Premature menopause occurs at an age <2 standard deviations from the community mean. Aetiology Menopause is due to the exhaustion of primordial follicles, causing a fall in oestrogen and progesterone levels. At menopause, insufficient ovarian follicular development results in insufficient oestrogen to cause endometrial growth. In the postmenopausal state, oestradiol decreases with a normal or slightly raised level of oestrone. While vasomotor symptoms predominate, they are not necessary and symptoms are variable.