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By: X. Jerek, M.A., Ph.D.
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Abdominaldistension-Thereiscentral abdominal distension in ileal obstruction and peripheral distension in large bowel obstruction infection 8 weeks after giving birth purchase triamid 100mg line. Failure of passing feces as well as flatus is called absolute constipation or obstipation antibiotic unasyn buy cheap triamid line. Vomiting - It is due to reverse peristalsis first stomach contents using antibiotics for acne buy triamid amex, then bile followed by feculent vomiting occurs in ileal obstruction antibiotics keflex 500mg buy triamid paypal. Feculent is not fecal matter but the terminal ileal contents which undergo bacterial decomposition having the smell of fecal matter. Generalsignsofdehydration-Dryskin, dry tongue, sunken eyes with low urine output. If the general condition of the patient is good and blood is available, resection and anastomosis is done for small bowel obstruction. Internal intestinal strangulation (constant pain for 2 hours in spite of gastroduodenal cates peritonitis. Failureofimprovementwithconservative Rectal Examination treatment even after 6 hours. The supine film shows central disten- is found distended, it is large gut obstrucsion and valvulae conniventes shad- tion and if cecum is collapsed, it is small gut ows crossing the entire width of lumen obstruction. If a groin hernia is the cause of obstrucand indicates impending perforation and tion, it is treated accordingly. At operation, the affected bowel is examined carefully to determine its viability. Management Hot mops are applied and anesthesioloAlthough the treatment of specific causes of gist, is asked to administer pure O2 for at intestinal obstruction is considered under the least 3 to 5 minutes. If it fails surgical intervention in the form of exploratory laparotomy is needed. Treatment as evidenced by passage of meconium in the Duodenal Atresia urine, the fistula must be closed urgently, 1. Conservative treatment-It is done in either with colostomy or reconstruction case of uncomplicated meconium ileus Diagnosis of the anus in order to prevent ascending that is, in the absence of peritonitis or para. Total absence of gas distal to duodenum trograffinenemaperrectumunderX-ray indicates atresia rather than stenosis. Surgical treatment-If the above treatDefinition Jejunal and Ileal Atresia ment fails or if there is complete obstruction, surgery is indicated. The swollen lymph follicle protrudes into the lumen of the this is due to a defect of normal rotation of bowel and acts as a foreign body which is the bowel. The cecum remains high, often Anorectal Atresia then forced distally along the gut. The cecum and the midgut are suspended fistula, in the female into the vagina and in on a narrow attachment of mesentery which the male into the bladder or urethra. Apex - the part which advances is the vulus and dividing the transduodenal band at the lower bowel and the marker thus can be apex. If the septum is thin, the treatment is with cystic fibrosis (Mucoviscidosis), which division of the septum with suture of the Seealsofigure. Only small gut is involved producing ileoileal intussusception where ileum is invaginated into ileum. Only large gut is involved giving rise to colo-colic intussusception, where colon is invaginated into colon. In ileocecal type, the ileocecal valve is the apex of the intussusception, whereas in ileocolic type, the ileoileal intussusception extends through the ileocecal valve into the colon. An intussusception is an example of strangulating obstruction as the inner layer has its blood supply cut off by direct pressure of the outer layer and by stretching of its supplying mesentery. The loop of sigmoid colon usually undergoes twisting in an anticlockwise direction from one half to three turns. The intussusception is reduced by the pressure of the column of barium and this is confirmed radiologically. The intussusception is reduced at laparotomy by squeezing its apex towards the Treatment neck, through the intussuscipiens. Conservative: A rectal tube is passed In late cases reduction may be impossithrough a sigmoidoscope, which often ble or the bowel may be gangrenous, resection untwists an early volvulus and is accomand anastomosis may then be necessary. If the gut is viable, resection of the redundant sigmoid VolVulus loop and end to end anastomosis done to prevent recurrent volvulus. Alternately the proximal end is tion together with ischemia due to occlusion brought out as a colostomy and the distal of the main vessels at the base of the involved loop is closed which is called Hartmann mesentery. There is a sudden onset of pain with characteristic gross and rapid dilatation of the sigmoid loop.
Meanwhilethesexcordsandtheretecord are canalized to from the seminiferous tubules and rete testes antibiotics for sinus infection ear infection generic triamid 100mg free shipping. Maldescended testis (Ectopic or deviated testis) this is less common than the undescended testis infection behind eye cheap 500 mg triamid with visa. The testis may take any one of the abnormal positions along four gubernacular fails (iliac bacteria 6th grade buy triamid 250 mg otc, perineal antibiotics z pack and alcohol order triamid american express, pubic and femoral) other than that at the scrotum. Anorchism (cryptorchism)-Both testes are retained in the abdomen and the individual is sterile. Retractile testes: the retractile testis is a normal testis with an excessively active cremasteric reflex resulting in the testes being drawn up to the external inguinal ring. Notreatmentisnecessaryforthiscondition as the testis comes down to normal position when cremasteric hyperactivity subsides around puberty. Factors Helping in the Descent of Testis Theexactcauseisstillunknownbutthefollowing factors may be conjointly responsible for decent. Pull of the gubernaculum-A mesenchymal strand, the gubernaculums testis, extends from the caudal end of the developing testis along the course of its descent to blend into the scrotal fascia. It is suggested that it acts as a guide (gubernaculums = rudder) or that its swelling dilates the inguinal canal and scrotum. Activecontractionofthearchedfibersof internal oblique muscle squeezes the slipperyconvexsurfaceoftestisandhelpsits rapid descent along the inguinal canal. The testis fails to reach the bottom of the scrotum and lies arrested at some place in the normal pathway of its descent. Position from (A) to (D); also indicate the different positions of undescended testis. The vas passes from the tail of the epididymis to traverse the scrotum, inguinal canal and comes to lie upon the side wall of the pelvis. It then turns medially to the base of the bladder and joins the more laterally placed seminal vesicle to form the ejaculatory duct which traverses the prostate to open into the urethra at the verumontenum or colliculus seminalis. The testes is divided into 200 to 300 lobules each containing one to three seminiferous Macroscopic Anatomy tubules. Each tubule has a basement membrane the testis lies anteriorly in the scrotum and has the epididymis attached to its posterior and contains several layers of developing surface. The fibrous capsule, the tunica albuginea and each basal layer of cells consist of spermatogonia is invaginated laterally and anteriorly into a which divide to form primary spermatocysts, double serous covering the tunica vaginalis. These in turn fluid between the parietal and visceral layers devide to form spermatids which eventually mature into spermatozoa. In between the seminiferous tubules lie Blood Supply the interstitial cells of Leydig which secrete the testicular artery arises from the aorta. The seminiferous tubules each about 2 feet anastomoses with the artery to the vas supplying the vas deferens and epididymis, which (62cm) in length anastomose posteriorly into arises from the inferior vesical branch of the a plexus termed rete testis from which about internal iliac artery. This anastomosis is impor- a dozen efferent ducts arise, pierce the tunica tant because ligation of the testicular artery is albuginea at the upper part of the testis and pass not necessarily followed by testicular atrophy. The efferent ducts fuse to form a considerthespermaticcord,thepampiniformplexus to the testicular vein. On the right this vein ably convoluted single tube which constitutes drains into the inferior vena cava and on the the body and tail of the epididymis. It accompanies the venous drainage and the epididymis consists of head, body and thus passes to the para-aortic lymph nodes. The head Nervesupply-T10 sympathetic fibers via of the epididymis is connected to the testes by the vasa efferentia (efferent ductules therenalandaorticplexus. These are coiled sacculated tubes 5cm long which can be unraveled to three times that length. Theylieoneachsideextraperitoneallyat the bladder base lateral to the termination of the vas deferens. Each has common drainage with its neighboring vas via the ejaculatory duct as mentioned above. The seminal vesicles act as stores for semen and receive their nerve supply from the 1st lumbar sympathetic ganglion through thepresacralplexus. A bilateral high lumbar sympathectomy results in sterility as ejaculation is prevented. In the other half of patients, there is warning attack and the patient wake up from sleep with pain and swelling in the testes, sometimes accompanied by vomiting and shock. Trauma-Atestislocatedintheinguinal occur, which will halt spermatogenesis region is liable to repeated trauma. The adult patient with bilateral cryptorchism may present with a complaint of infertility.
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The classification of microor ganisms into pathogenic and nonpatho genic is virus vs worm buy triamid 100mg line, however virus neck pain cheap 500mg triamid with visa, arbitrary antibiotics nitrofurantoin buy cheapest triamid and triamid, as pathogenicity depends on an imbalance in the relation ship between the host and the microorgan ism infection hemorrhoids buy discount triamid 500 mg on line. In a host with reduced body resistance, a less harmful organism may produce severe disease. Conventional pathogens-They cause infec tions in previously healthy individuals and possess high pathogenicity. Conditional pathogens-Cause clinical infec tion only when a predisposing factor is present. Host Defences Surgical infection occurs when the balance between the host resistance and the virulence of the organism is jeopardized. All the local and systemic host defences may be compromised by surgical interven Prevention of Endogenous Infection tion and treatment. Individual boils that are large and painful should be treated by incision and drainage under local or even general anesthetic. Human Sources these include patients with overt clinical infections, those with inapparent or subclini cal infections as well as carriers and excreters of pathogenic organisms. Organisms may be transmitted from one person to another by direct contact, by inhalation, by sexual inter course or transplacentally. Part I General Surgery soUrce of infection Two types of sources are there: (1) Endogenous source of infection, (2) Exogenous source of infection. Peritonitis carbuncle this is a superficial infective gangrene involv ing the subcutaneous tissue by Staphylococcus aureus. Endogenous infections are particularly common after trauma, sur gery and instrumentation and in conditions of lowered local or systemic host defences. The skin and all mucous membranes bear a rich commensal flora and with the excep tion of the skin, this flora is predominantly anaerobic. Bacteroides fragilis (Anaerobes), Site Axilla in female and nape of the neck in male are the commonest sites, others sites are back and the shoulder region. If healing is favorable, the slough separates and the cavity gradually fills up with healthy granulation tissue. Cold abscess - Usually refers to tubercu biotics are given till complete resolution. All sloughs septicemia are removed with gauge swabs or scis It is a condition where organisms not only sors. The apices of the four skin flaps are circulate in the bloodstream, but also prolif cut making, the opening circular and erate therein and produce toxins which cause large. Increased permeability of vessels espe cially capillaries exudation of protein and fibrin formation pyogenic mem brane. Increased vascular permeability out pouring of macrophages and polymorphs release of lysosomal enzymes lique faction of tissue pus formation. Thus, the end result is production of pus which is composed of dead leuckocytes, bac teria and necrotic tissue. The area around the abscess is encircled by fibrin products and is infiltrated with leu kocytes and bacteria. Irritations by deo dorants and excessive sweating have been implicated as precipitating factors. Organisms causing the infection are Staphylococcus aureus, streptococci and a variety of skin commensals. The patient presents with multiple tender swellings under the arm or in the groin, these enlarge and discharge pus. Toxemia is a state in which toxins bacterial the patient feels ill and complains of throb or chemical circulate in the bloodstream and bing pain at the site. Pyemia the signs are those of acute infection Pyemia is a stage of septicemia in which mentioned above, i. Staphylococcus aureus and their toxins are carried in the bloodstream, which initiate Treatment multiple foci of abscesses in various parts of Incision and drainage (I and D), preferably the body. Pyemic abscess may affect the vis under general anesthesia as local anesthesia cera. On may not act and all the loculi may not be bro the surface, they are the commonest in the ken without causing pain. Clinical Features Pyogenic Abscess It is usually produced by staphylococcal infections. It can also be due to hematogenous spread from a distant focus such as tonsillitis or caries tooth, etc. In acute infection, these clinical features may be accompanied by swinging pyrexia, leukocytosis, raised Creactive protein and Procedure aBscess An abscess is a localized collection of pus. A sinus forceps or finger is introduced within the abscess cavity and all the loculi are broken down.
Treatment of Hypomagnesemia Asymptomatic hypomagnesemia can be treated orally or intramuscularly vyrus 987 c3 2v generic 100mg triamid with visa. One hour after admission to the postanesthesia care unit antibiotic xerostomia buy triamid 500mg cheap, the patient is awake infection endocarditis order triamid with american express, his blood pressure is 130/70 mm Hg virus usb device not recognized order triamid 250 mg amex, and he appears to be breathing well (18 breaths/min, FiO2 = 0. Operations for supravesical urinary diversion utilize a segment of bowel (ileum, ileocecal segment, jejunum, or sigmoid colon) that is made to function as a conduit or reservoir. The simplest and most common procedure utilizes an isolated loop of ileum as a conduit: the proximal end is anastomosed to the ureters, and the distal end is brought through the skin, forming a stoma. Whenever urine comes in contact with bowel mucosa, the potential for significant fluid and electrolyte exchange exists. The ileum actively absorbs chloride in exchange for bicarbonate, and sodium in exchange for potassium Anesthetic Considerations Although no specific anesthetic interactions are described, coexistent electrolyte disturbances such as hypokalemia, hypophosphatemia, and hypocalcemia are often present and should be corrected prior 13 to surgery. Isolated hypomagnesemia should be corrected prior to elective procedures because of its potential for causing cardiac arrhythmias. Moreover, magnesium appears to have intrinsic antiarrhythmic properties and possibly cerebral protective effects (see Chapter 26). It is frequently administered preemptively to lessen the risk of postoperative atrial fibrillation in patients undergoing cardiac surgery. When chloride absorption exceeds sodium absorption, plasma chloride concentration increases, whereas plasma bicarbonate concentration decreases-a hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis is established. Potassium losses through the conduit are increased by high urinary sodium concentrations. Moreover, a potassium deficit may be present-even in the absence of hypokalemia-because movement of K+ out of cells (secondary to the acidosis) can prevent an appreciable decrease in extracellular plasma [K+]. Are there any factors that tend to increase the likelihood of hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis following urinary diversion The longer the urine is in contact with bowel, the greater the chance that hyperchloremia and acidosis will occur. Mechanical problems such as poor emptying or redundancy of a conduit-along with hypovolemia-thus predispose to hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis. Preexisting renal impairment also appears to be a major risk factor and probably represents an inability to compensate for the excessive bicarbonate losses. The ileal loop should be irrigated with saline- through the indwelling catheter or stent-to exclude partial obstruction and ensure free drainage of urine. Hypovolemia should be considered and treated based on goal-directed hemodynamic and fluid therapy or the response to a fluid challenge (see Chapter 51). Moreover, hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis following ileal conduits is often transient and usually due to urinary stasis. Procedures employing bowel as a conduit (ileal or colonic) are less likely to result in hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis than those in which bowel functions as a reservoir. The incidence of hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis approaches 80% following ureterosigmoidostomies. Paptistella M, Chappell D, Hofmann-Kiefer K, et al: the role of the glycocalyx in transvascular fluid shifts. Pecherstorfer M, Brenner K, Zojer N: Current management strategies for hypercalcemia. Rehm M, Orth V, Scheingraber S, et al: Acid-base changes caused by 5% albumin versus 6% hydroxyethyl starch solution in patients undergoing acute normovolemic hemodilution. Tavernier B, Faivre S, Bourdon C: Hyperchloremic acidosis during plasma expansion. Vomiting or continuous loss of gastric fluid by gastric drainage (nasogastric suctioning) can result in marked metabolic alkalosis, extracellular volume depletion, and hypokalemia. The latter is tightly regulated because alterations in hydrogen ion concentration are associated with widespread organ dysfunction. A strong acid is a substance that readily and almost irreversibly gives up an H+ and increases [H+], whereas a strong base avidly binds H+ and decreases [H+]. In contrast, weak acids reversibly donate H+, whereas weak bases reversibly bind H+; both weak acids and bases tend to have less of an effect on [H+] (for a given concentration of the parent compound) than do strong acids and bases. The problem with this approach is that it is phenomenological-measure the pH and bicarbonate, and then other variables can be manipulated mathematically. A buffer is a solution that contains a weak acid and its conjugate base or a weak base and its conjugate acid (conjugate pairs). Buffers minimize any change in [H+] by readily accepting or giving up hydrogen ions. Moreover, the conjugate pair must be present in significant quantities in solution to act as an effective buffer. Strong ions cannot be made to achieve electroneutrality, but hydrogen ions, H+, are created or consumed based on changes in the dissociation of water. The suffix "-osis" is used here to denote any pathological process that alters arterial pH.