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By: M. Tom, M.B.A., M.D.

Associate Professor, New York Institute of Technology College of Osteopathic Medicine at Arkansas State University


Rigid and exible cystoscopes are available gastritis diet 22 30 mg prevacid visa, although in gynecology gastritis diet blog order 30mg prevacid with visa, a rigid scope is typically used diffuse gastritis definition cheap prevacid 15mg line. However gastritis diet soy milk cheap prevacid online, or operative cases, a 21F or wider-diameter cystoscope is pre erred to allow rapid uid in usion and easier instrument and stent passage. In selected instances, gentle dilation o the external urethral opening using narrow cervical dilators is needed prior to sheath introduction. Less commonly, methylene blue may be used instead but carries the risk o methemoglobinemia in patients with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase de iciency. However, its use may increase given current shortages o indigo carmine (American Urogynecologic Society, 2014a). Immediately ollowing insertion into the external urethral opening, medium low is begun. O ten, in women with anterior wall prolapse, the urethra slopes downward, and the scope tip is similarly directed. During the procedure, the cystoscope can be steadied with one hand holding the sheath near the urethral meatus. Upon entry into the bladder, the cystoscope is slowly withdrawn until the bladder neck is identi ied. In this position, an air bubble is noted at the dome, which provides orientation or the remainder o the cystoscopic examination. When a 70- or 30-degree scope is used, the cystoscope is angled upward to view this bubble. As the distended bladder assumes a spherical shape, it is systematically inspected on each side rom apex to internal urethral opening. Additional ports are present on the bridge and are generally used to introduce stents or instruments. Several endoscope viewing angles are available and include 0-, 30-, and 70-degree optical views. For cystoscopy, a 70-degree endoscope is superior or providing the most comprehensive view o the lateral, anterior, and posterior walls; trigone; and ureteral ori ces. However, a 30-degree endoscope does o er advantages and allows surgeons greater exibility as it can be used or either urethroscopy or cystoscopy during a given examination. For operative cystoscopic cases in which instruments are passed down the sheath, a 30-degree endoscope should be used because with 0- and 70-degree endoscopes, operative instruments generally lie outside the eld o view. For o ice cystoscopy, 2-percent lidocaine jelly is instilled into the urethra 5 to 10 minutes prior to cystoscope insertion. For operative procedures, an additional 50 mL o 4-percent lidocaine solution may be instilled via catheter into the bladder. Overdistending the bladder is also avoided as it may result in temporary urinary retention. I the bladder is distended beyond its capacity, excess luid will leak out the urethral meatus and around the cystoscope rather than rupturing the bladder, which is rare. O these, in ection is the most common and results rom the signi cant incidence o bacteriuria ollowing cystoscopy. A 4F to 6F open-ended or whistle-tip stent is threaded through the operating channel o a 30-degree cystoscope and into the ield o view. By advancing both the stent and cystoscope toward the ori ice, the stent is passed into the ureteral ori ice. In most gynecologic surgery, this would not be higher than the pelvic brim, which should be 12 to 15 cm rom the ureteral ori ce in adults. When passing a stent, undue pressure is avoided during advancement to avoid ureteral per oration. I ureteral transection or stricture is suspected rom the above steps, a cone-tip ureteral catheter is inserted, and dye is injected into the distal ureter to locate extravasation or point o narrowing. I dye ows to the renal pelvis easily and no extravasation noted, ureteral injury is unlikely. I gross blood issues rom an ori ce prior to ureteral manipulation, the ureter may be partially transected. Even i good ef ux is noted, many insert and maintain a doubleJ stent or approximately 4 weeks. In such cases, a computed tomography (C) urogram or renal sonogram is completed 4 to 12 weeks a ter stent removal to exclude stricture. A ter the above interrogations, absent ef ux rom one ori ce may uncommonly re ect a long-standing unilateral non unctioning kidney. For this purpose, the stent is advanced until resistance is met, which indicates that the renal pelvis has been reached. In cases in which a ureteral stent is required postoperatively, a double-pigtail stent is used. For placement, a guide wire is rst threaded into the ureteral ori ce and passed to the renal pelvis. The pigtail stent is then placed over the guide wire and advanced by a pusher device until the distal end enters the bladder. During bladder inspection, especially the base or posterior wall, digital elevation o the anterior vaginal wall to li t the bladder oor and ori ces to a more anatomically correct position is bene cial i pelvic organ prolapse is present. Once the le t ori ce is noted, urther subtle clockwise rotation o the cystoscope along the interureteric ridge permits isolation o the right ureteral ori ce.

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When a primary care physician eels the diagnosis is a primary headache disorder, it is worth noting that more than 90% o patients who present to primary care with a complaint o headache will have migraine (Chap. In general, patients who do not have a clear diagnosis, have a primary headache disorder other than migraine or tension-type headache, or are unresponsive to two or more standard therapies or the considered headache type should be considered or re erral to a specialist. In a practical sense, the threshold or re erral is also determined by the experience o the primary care physician in headache medicine and the availability o secondary care options. De yo the importance o back and neck pain in our society is underscored by the ollowing: (1) the cost o back pain in the United States exceeds $100 billion annually; approximately one-third o these costs are direct health care expenses, and two-thirds are indirect costs resulting rom loss o wages and productivity; (2) back symptoms are the most common cause o disability in those <45 years; (3) low back pain is the second most common reason or visiting a physician in the United States; and (4) 70% o persons will have back pain at some point in their lives. The intervertebral disks are composed o a central gelatinous nucleus pulposus surrounded by a tough cartilaginous ring, the annulus brosis. Disks are responsible or 25% o spinal column length and allow the bony vertebrae to move easily upon each other. Desiccation o the nucleus pulposus and degeneration o the annulus brosus increase with age and result in loss o disk height. The anterior spine absorbs the shock o bodily movements such as walking and running and, with the posterior spine, protects the spinal cord and nerve roots in the spinal canal. The vertebral arch also gives rise to two transverse processes laterally, one spinous process posteriorly, plus two superior and two in erior articular acets. The contraction o muscles attached to the spinous and transverse processes and lamina works like a system o pulleys and levers that results in exion, extension, and lateral bending movements o the spine. Nerve root injury (radiculopathy) is a common cause o neck, arm, low back, buttock, and leg pain. By contrast, because the spinal cord ends at the vertebral L1 or L2 level, the lumbar nerve roots ollow a long intraspinal course and can be injured anywhere rom the upper lumbar spine to their exit at the intervertebral oramen. For example, disk herniation at the L4-L5 level can produce not only L5 root compression, but also compression o the traversing S1 nerve root. The lumbar nerve roots are mobile in the spinal canal, but eventually pass through the narrow lateral recess o the spinal canal and intervertebral foramen. Neuroimaging o the spine must include both sagittal and axial views to assess possible compression in either the lateral recess or intervertebral oramen. Pain-sensitive structures o the spine include the periosteum o the vertebrae, dura, acet joints, annulus brosus o the intervertebral disk, epidural veins and arteries, and the longitudinal ligaments. The most requent causes o back pain are radiculopathy, racture, tumor, in ection, or re erred pain rom visceral structures (able 10-1). The pain is usually described as primarily abdominal or pelvic, accompanied by back pain and usually una ected by posture. Diseases a ecting the upper lumbar spine tend to re er pain to the lumbar region, groin, or anterior thighs. Diseases a ecting the lower lumbar spine tend to produce pain re erred to the buttocks, posterior thighs, calves, or eet. Re erred pain can explain pain syndromes that cross multiple dermatomes without evidence o nerve root compression. Radicular pain is typically sharp and radiates rom the low back to a leg within the territory o a nerve root (see "Lumbar Disk Disease," below). Coughing, sneezing, or voluntary contraction o abdominal muscles (li ing heavy objects or straining at stool) may elicit the radiating pain. The description o the pain alone o en ails to distinguish between re erred pain and radiculopathy, although a burning or electric quality avors radiculopathy. Pain associated with muscle spasm, although o obscure origin, is commonly associated with many spine disorders. Knowledge o the circumstances associated with the onset o back pain is important when weighing possible serious underlying causes or the pain. Some patients involved in accidents or work-related injuries may exaggerate their pain or the purpose o compensation or or psychological reasons. Exaggeration o these normal 110 alignments may result in hyperkyphosis o the thoracic spine or hyperlordosis o the lumbar spine. Spine pain reproduced by palpation over the spinous process re ects injury o the a ected vertebrae or adjacent pain-sensitive structures. Forward bending is o en limited by paraspinal muscle spasm; the latter may atten the usual lumbar lordosis. Flexion at the hips is normal in patients with lumbar spine disease, but exion o the lumbar spine is limited and sometimes pain ul. Lateral bending to the side opposite the injured spinal element may stretch the damaged tissues, worsen pain, and limit motion. Hyperextension o the spine (with the patient prone or standing) is limited when nerve root compression, acet joint pathology, or other bony spine disease is present. With the patient supine, passive exion o the extended leg at the hip stretches the L5 and S1 nerve roots and the sciatic nerve. The neurologic examination includes a search or ocal weakness or muscle atrophy, ocal re ex changes, diminished sensation in the legs, or signs o spinal cord injury. The examiner should be alert to the possibility o breakaway weakness, de ned as uctuations in the maximum power generated during muscle testing.

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With these Patient Preparation Bowel preparation is mandatory but generally is dictated by the preceding exenterative surgery gastritis help purchase 15mg prevacid visa. In addition gastritis quimica purchase 30mg prevacid fast delivery, some patients with prior high-dose radiation or chronic bowel disease may also not be good candidates due to poor tissue quality and increased associated risks o anastomotic leaks gastritis headache buy discount prevacid 30 mg on line, ureteral stricture gastritis diet 100 order generic prevacid on line, or stula. The mesentery is scored with an electrosurgical blade, and a Penrose drain is placed around the sections to be divided. Within the mesentery, the underlying vasculature is reviewed to ensure su cient conduit blood supply. The mesenteries are incised down through the avascular areas to the posterior peritoneum. mesenteric de ect is closed with 0-gauge delayed-absorbable suture in a running ashion to prevent internal herniation. O this bowel segment, the entire colonic portion is opened with an electrosurgical blade along the tenia o the antimesenteric border to "detubularize" the bowel. A 14F red rubber catheter is inserted through the terminal ileum segment into the pouch. An anterior abdominal wall opening is made in the right lower quadrant so that the ileal segment o the conduit can be pulled through to approximate its inal position. Surgeries for Gynecologic Malignancies delayed-absorbable suture in a running ashion. Continence may be tested by inserting a red rubber catheter through the plicated ileum, lling the pouch with 250 to 300 mL o saline, removing the red rubber catheter, and gently squeezing the pouch. Additional purse-string sutures may be placed at the ileocecal valve i incontinence is demonstrated. A red rubber catheter is inserted and withdrawn to make sure that the pouch can be easily accessed. The ureteral anastomotic sites to the pouch are selected based on ureter length and their ability to have a straight course to the pouch. In creating the openings or the ureters, the bowel mucosa is incised at sites away rom the suture line. A hemostat is poked through the bowel wall, grasps the ureteral stay suture, and thereby pulls 2 cm o each ureter into the pouch. A large Malecot catheter is brought into the pouch through an incision made away rom the ileocecal valve. Absorbable suture is used or this purse string, as the Malecot catheter will be removed only 2 to 3 weeks postoperatively. There ore, the Malecot catheter is irrigated every ew hours to permit urine drainage. In contrast, the ureteral stents are irrigated only i one o the catheters becomes obstructed. A patient is taught sel -catheterization using an 18F to 22F red rubber catheter and antiseptic technique. The interval between catheterizations is progressively increased over weeks to reach 6 hours during the day and span sleep hours at night. More than hal o patients will have a conduit-related complication postoperatively. Fortunately, most may be success ully managed conservatively without the need or reoperation (Ramirez, 2002). The most common urinary complications are ureteral stricture or obstruction, di cult catheterization, and pyelonephritis (Angioli, 1998; Goldberg, 2006). The gastrointestinal complication rate attributed to Miami pouch is less than 10 percent and includes stulas (Mirhashemi, 2004). Surgeries for Gynecologic Malignancies 1165 46 9 Patients undergoing exenterative surgery are typical candidates or creation o a new vagina. Other less common indications include congenital absence o the vagina, postirradiation stenosis, and total vaginectomy. Not every woman will desire a new vagina, and others will be unhappy with the unctional result (Gleeson, 1994a). Moreover, reconstruction may signi cantly prolong an already lengthy operation and lead to additional perioperative morbidity (Mirhashemi, 2002). However, proponents suggest that lling the large pelvic de ect and bringing in a new source o blood supply may actually prevent postoperative stula or abscess ormation (Goldberg, 2006; Jurado, 2000). O the three choices or vaginal reconstruction, skin aps, such as rhomboid f aps, pudendal thigh asciocutaneous f aps, and advancement or rotational f aps, are technically the easiest to per orm (Burke, 1994; Gleeson, 1994b; Lee, 2006). However, these require that most o the native subcutaneous tissue has been retained at the neovagina site and require months o stenting with a vaginal mold to prevent stricture (Kusiak, 1996). Regardless o reconstruction technique, sexual unction is o ten signi cantly impaired in women a ter pelvic exenteration (Hockel, 2008; Ratli, 1996). Legs are positioned in standard lithotomy in booted support stirrups to permit adequate perineal access. From a perineal approach, the planned incisions are marked along the skin rom the non-hair-bearing areas just lateral to the labia majora. Some women may have unrealistic expectations that are important to address preoperatively.

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I pregnancy does occur gastritis diet coffee buy genuine prevacid on-line, complications a ter ablation include prematurity gastritis differential diagnosis order prevacid 15 mg visa, abnormal placentation gastritis diet инцест 15mg prevacid otc, and perinatal morbidity gastritis what to avoid buy prevacid 15mg with amex. For this reason, many providers recommend concomitant tubal sterilization at the time o endometrial ablation (American College o Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2013b). With cornual hematometra, blood is trapped between the postoperative cornual synechiae. Following ablation, later evaluation o the endometrium or recurrent abnormal bleeding can be challenging. Namely, a Pipelle may not reach remnant endometrium, and endometrial stripe measurements may be less accurate. Endometrial ablation is typically a day-surgery procedure, per ormed under general anesthesia. Some studies state that secondgeneration techniques may be satis actorily completed in an outpatient setting with intravenous sedation, local anesthetic blockade, or both (Sambrook, 2010; Varma, 2010). The patient is placed in dorsal lithotomy position, and the perineum and vagina are surgically prepared. With rst-generation procedures, distending medium is required and selected based on the destructive energy used as described in Chapter 41 (p. In general, saline may be used or laser and bipolar electrical current, whereas monopolar tools require nonelectrolyte solutions. This creates urrows o photocoagulated tissue that are 5 to 6 mm deep (Garry, 1995; Goldrath, 1981). Accordingly, the possibility o pregnancy, endometrial hyperplasia or endometrial cancer, and active pelvic in ection is excluded. However, many second-generation ablation techniques require a normal endometrial cavity, and endometrial pathology, i identi ed, can be treated concurrently by several o these ablative methods. In addition, several second-generation techniques are not appropriate or large endometrial cavities. T us, uterine depth is also assessed preoperatively by uterine sounding or sonography. Myometrial thinning rom prior uterine surgery may increase the risk o damage to surrounding viscera during ablation. There ore, women with prior transmural uterine surgery are evaluated or type and location o uterine scar. A history o prior classical cesarean delivery or o abdominal or laparoscopic myomectomy may be considered a relative contraindication to ablation. Some experts advocate the sonographic evaluation o myometrial thickness to determine whether a patient is a candidate or ablation, although no speci c thickness has been established (American College o Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2013b). Medicine (2008) advises against endometrial ablation in postmenopausal women because excluding malignancy in these women can be more di cult. Complications associated with ablation mirror those with operative hysteroscopy, although the risk o uid volume overload is avoided with second-generation tools. This method uses a resectoscope with monopolar or bipolar electrical current to excise strips o endometrium. The resection technique is similar to that described or hysteroscopic myomectomy (p. A 2- to 4-mm ball-shaped or barrel-shaped electrosurgical electrode can be rolled across the endometrium as an ef ective means o vaporizing the tissue (Vancaillie, 1989). Un ortunately, it is not ef ective in the treatment o intracavitary lesions, and pathology specimens are not obtained. Other balloon systems available in other countries include the Cavaterm Plus system or the T ermablate Endometrial Ablation System. Once inside the cavity, a 5-percent dextrose and water solution is instilled into a disposable silicone balloon at the tip and heated to coagulate the endometrium. The balloon can be introduced without hysteroscopic assistance into the uterine cavity, and when in ated, it con orms to the cavity contour. All hot-liquid balloon devices require no advanced hysteroscopic skills, and complication rates are low (Gurtchef, 2003; Vilos, 2004). Another limitation is the required pharmacologic thinning prior to thermal ablation. Alternatively, mechanical thinning can be accomplished with dilatation and curettage prior to ablation. However, the HydroT ermAblator (H A) system allows treatment o the endometrium concurrent with submucous leiomyomas, polyps, or abnormal uterine anatomy. Another advantage o this system is that it is per ormed under direct hysteroscopic visualization, allowing the surgeon to observe the endometrium being destroyed. However, the risk o external burns rom circulating hot water appears to be higher using this method compared other second-generation methods (Della Badia, 2007). Similarly, the water seal created between the hysteroscope and internal cervical os prevents leakage o uid into the vagina. For this reason, care is taken not to dilate the cervix to a diameter greater than 8 mm.

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