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By: R. Rakus, M.A., M.D.
Medical Instructor, George Washington University Medical School
True/False: Bicalutamide (Casodex) 150 mg should no longer be used as monotherapy for prostate cancer While there is no problem with the standard approved 50 mg dose womens health specialists of dallas discount 100mg female viagra otc, the higher 150 mg daily dose was found to be associated with a higher death rate at 5 years in a large European study pregnancy constipation order 50mg female viagra fast delivery. Neuroendocrine women's health center westwood female viagra 100mg otc, endometrioid pregnancy 0 negative blood type generic female viagra 100mg free shipping, small cell, and mucinous are some of the histological variations of prostate cancer. What are the best nomograms for predicting prostate cancer outcomes and prognosis There are a number of nomograms available but most have not been updated, validated, or had their predictions compared to actual results. The websites for a few of the most useful nomograms currently available are listed below. The next best course of action is to obtain pathologic confirmation of recurrent disease. A bone scan would be revealing in a minority of patients in this situation, but may be prudent if salvage therapy is entertained. Imaging to assess extraprostatic disease burden and spread is appropriate after a prostate biopsy has been performed. Systemic chemotherapy would usually be reserved until evidence of bony metastases. This patient is young with no comorbid factors and salvage therapy is a very reasonable option. Pathologic evidence of recurrent disease and a negative metastatic evaluation allow for options of salvage therapy. CyberKnife radiotherapy is not an option given his history of prior brachytherapy. Salvage prostatectomy is an option but is associated with higher procedure-related morbidity than salvage cryotherapy. Before offering a prostate biopsy it might be prudent to repeat the value to rule out an erratic abnormal result. In 2008, what is the likelihood of a man having metastatic prostate cancer at the time of diagnosis Additionally, the Partin tables have been revised due to the increased incidence of T1c disease. In the revised nomograms, approximately 77% of all men who underwent surgical extirpation had nonpalpable lesions at the time of diagnosis. This marker performed similarly to other conventional means of identifying patients at risk for disease. Therefore, this patient is in the favorable-risk group for 10-year biochemical diseasefree survival. A patient without one of the 3 risk factor criteria would be in the moderate-risk group and the lack of 2 or more factors place an individual in the high-risk group for 10-year biochemical disease-free survival. True/False: Black men tend to have higher serum testosterone levels than white men, which might explain their increased risk of prostate cancer. In a large collaborative review of 18 studies comprising nearly 4000 prostate cancer patients and 6500 controls, no relationship could be found between the risk of prostate cancer and serum concentrations of any sex hormones including testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, or estradiol. What percentage of patients newly diagnosed with prostate cancer are 65 years of age or younger Increased sun exposure and growing up in geographic locations with high solar radiation levels can reduce lifetime prostate cancer risk by 50%. True/False: Studies on docetaxel-based regimens have shown a survival benefit in all hormone refractory prostate cancer patient groups, including those with asymptomatic disease. True/False: Nonfat (skim) milk consumption has been linked to advanced prostate cancer. True/False: Diabetic patients have a higher risk of poorly differentiated prostate cancer than nondiabetics. How often will patients ultimately demonstrate higher Gleason scores, bilaterality, or multifocal disease Slightly less than 50% will develop higher Gleason scores, more than 50% will become bilateral, and up to 100% eventually become multifocal. What secondary malignancies following definitive external beam radiation therapy for prostate cancer have the greatest potential impact on survival and how often do they occur The most dangerous secondary malignancies are bladder, colorectal, and skin (melanoma). What is the current 10-year cure rate in radiation therapy patients who undergo salvage cryotherapy and what is their disease-specific survival The 10-year cure rate is approximately one-third and disease-specific survival is 80%. According to the American Cancer Society, what is the estimated number of new cases of prostate cancer and the number of prostate cancer deaths expected in 2008 in the United States More than 186,000 new prostate cancer cases and 28,000 deaths in the United States are predicted. Describe the most important clinical prognostic factors predicting disease-free survival for prostate cancer They provide reproducible outcomes among prostate cancer patients treated with radiation therapy alone. Such a strategy is helpful in providing prognostic information for patients and in stratifying patients for prospective trials. Race is an unclear prognostic factor with some studies showing a worse clinical outcome for African Americans. Which of these factors is the single, strongest predictor of death from prostate cancer
This type of a deficiency usually takes about 5 years to develop from the time of surgery and results in demyelination injury to the dorsal and lateral columns of the spinal cord breast cancer in men statistics buy discount female viagra 100mg. What is the traditional systemic chemotherapy regimen for metastatic bladder cancer and what is the survival rate How has the standard of care changed for the use of systemic chemotherapy for metastatic bladder cancer Although the newer treatment regimen is not without side effects (50% neutropenia/thrombocytopenia) women's health clinic ballarat purchase discount female viagra on-line, its lower toxicity profile has made it the treatment of choice for most centers (Aparicio et al women's health clinic ucf buy female viagra australia. Lymph node metastases are the most common (78%) whole woman's health buy female viagra 50 mg online, and most frequently involve the obturator lymph nodes (64%). The expense of high dose intravesical interferon has limited its use as a primary therapy. What is the reported 5-year survival rate after treatment with external beam radiation therapy in stage T2-T3 disease True/False: the presence of hemorrhagic cystitis correlates with the later development of bladder cancer. It is a chemoprotective agent that is administered during cyclophosphamide or ifosfamide therapy to help reduce the incidence of hemorrhagic cystitis. Acrolein is the most significant carcinogenic metabolite of cyclophosphamide with a latency period of 6 to 13 years. What are the differences between Brunn nests, cystitis cystica, and cystitis glandularis Brunn nests are essentially benign urothelial growths in the submucosal layer of the bladder. They are caused by an invagination or invasive growth of the basal layer and are usually considered a normal urothelial variant. Cystitis cystica has a cyst-like appearance with a liquid filling the center of the lesion. Cystitis glandularis occurs when additional glandular metaplasia has occurred and the cells become more columnar. Is cystitis glandularis considered benign or malignant and what other entities is it associated with It is generally considered benign but may be associated with pelvic lipomatosis and can develop into adenocarcinoma. With solitary tumors, the reduction in recurrence rate was 39% compared to similar patients who did not get the instillation. Open repair is associated with a very high rate of extravesical tumor recurrence and should be avoided. The Hautmann neobladder is created from a "W" of ileum with each limb approximately 15 cm in length and a 5-cm tail. The bowel is opened on its antimesenteric border and the edges sewn together to create a sphere. The shape is important because a sphere has the largest possible volume with the lowest luminal pressure. For a given vesicle radius and internal pressure, a spherical vessel will have half of the wall pressure of a cylinder (law of Laplace). The Studer neobladder has a 15- to 20-cm isoperistaltic limb that acts to carry urine toward the reservoir and theoretically prevent reflux. A nonrefluxing anastomosis is designed to prevent reflux of urine that could lead to high upper tract pressures and pyelonephritis (neither of which is actually prevented). A nonrefluxing type of anastomosis takes more surgery time to perform and is prone to stricture. A blue light illuminates the areas of high porphyrin concentrations, emitting a red fluorescence. Prospective studies suggest a decrease in recurrence rate of 16% with the use of fluorescent cystoscopy (Stenzl, 2010). At least how many lymph nodes should you remove during a cystoprostatectomy with pelvic lymph node dissection and which specific nodes should be included With lymph node-positive disease, patients who had more than 15 lymph nodes removed during dissection had 11% 10-year recurrence-free survival advantage compared to patients who had fewer than 15 nodes resected. At a minimum, pelvic lymph node dissection should include bilateral external iliac, hypogastric, and obturator nodes. What survival advantage can be gained by the administration of neoadjuvant chemotherapy Do childhood cancer survivors (non-Hodgkin lymphoma, retinoblastoma, leukemia, and soft tissue sarcomas) have an increased risk of bladder cancer as adults They are well differentiated and have a low incidence of lymph node and distant metastases. Bilharzial lesions are less likely to be stage T4 and are usually bulky, nodular, and located in the upper hemisphere of the bladder. This is not completely understood, but could be the result of formation of nitrite and N-nitroso compounds that result from parasitic and bacterial metabolism. Vaginal type nonkeratinizing stratified squamous epithelium is commonly found in the trigone of many women and in men receiving estrogen for prostate cancer. What patient populations are at greatest risk for the development of squamous metaplasia Eighty percent of paraplegic patients are found to have squamous metaplasia of the bladder. In squamous metaplasia, is keratinization considered a good or bad prognostic sign Keratinization is somewhat ominous because it is more closely associated with carcinoma; 21% progress to malignancy. Patients with biopsy-proven keratinizing squamous metaplasia of the bladder should have periodic (at least yearly) cystoscopy and urine cytology examinations.
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After initial drainage and management, gradually retract drain away from the area of leakage to prevent suction of urine through the defect. Why is it particularly important to place an orogastric tube and a urinary catheter prior to gaining laparoscopic access in children An impacted retroverted uterus is the most common cause of urinary retention in pregnancy. What is the clinical significance of "atypical small acinar proliferation" on a prostate biopsy and how often is it found It represents approximately 2% of cases and has a 60% chance of developing into prostate cancer. What percentage of low-risk prostate cancer patients with focal or localized disease who undergo saturation prostatic biopsies are ultimately found to have significantly higher Gleason scores or previously undetected contralateral cancer Nineteen percent would have their Gleason scores upgraded and approximately 30% will have contralateral disease. True/False: the bladder should always be emptied rapidly and completely, without clamping the Foley catheter, in cases of acute urinary retention even when the volume is well over 1000 mL. What is the recommended optimal duration of -blocker therapy before removing the catheter for a voiding trial after an episode of acute retention Three days appears to be the reasonable minimum time period to wait for the -blocker therapy to be effective before catheter removal in most cases of acute retention. Is mumps orchitis more common in prepubertal or postpubertal boys and what percentage of boys with mumps will get mumps orchitis What cardiac drug at what dosage can cause a chemical epididymitis, what portion of the epididymis is involved most often and how should it be treated Amiodarone at dosages more than 200 mg/day can cause a chemical epididymitis in 3% to 11% of patients on the medication. What exactly is the function of fructose in the semen and what is the significance of its absence Which kidney is affected most often with angiomyolipomas and with what other disease is it closely associated Approximately 20% of renal angiomyolipomas are associated with tuberous sclerosis and 80% of patients with tuberous sclerosis have angiomyolipomas. Malignancies are uncommon in the spermatic cord, but the most frequent malignant tumor is a liposarcoma. While a cardiac event is possible, it is far more likely that there has been an intraperitoneal bladder rupture. Recurrent renal colic pain caused by intermittent kinking or twisting of the ureter, associated with nephroptosis. Fanconi syndrome is sometimes associated with what other disorder sometimes in kidney stone disease Fordyce spots are the small, 1- to 3-mm painless fleshy bumps commonly found on the shaft of the penis. They are a form of ectopic sebaceous gland and are not considered pathologic so no treatment is necessary or recommended. True/False: the ascending loop of Henle contains active sodium transport and is impermeable to water. Stauffer syndrome is a paraneoplastic liver disorder associated with renal cell carcinoma. Arteriolar vasoconstriction, decreased renal blood flow, sodium retention, and stimulation of aldosterone synthesis. Balkan nephropathy is a rare degenerative interstitial nephritis found typically in rural areas of the Balkans. It is urologically significant because of its associated 100- to 200-fold increase in the risk of upper tract transitional cell carcinoma. Thiazide diuretics inhibit NaCl reabsorption from the luminal side of the early segments of the distal convoluted tubule, resulting in a diuresis. This causes a compensatory increase in the proximal tubular reabsorption of calcium and NaCl, which explains the hypocalciuric effect of thiazides and why it is blunted by excess NaCl. What is the ipsilateral recurrence rate of transitional cell cancer when a segmental ureterectomy is done for distal ureteral disease Urological Grab Bag Challenge 601 What is the nephrectomy rate in major renal trauma cases that are surgically explored At the pelvic brim, where the ureter crosses the iliac artery and courses posterior to the broad ligament and ovarian vessels in women. What percentage of chronic dialysis patients developed renal failure due to polycystic kidney disease
Accordingly menopause uk buy discount female viagra 100mg line, embryos with mosaicism would be expected to show asynchronous division while euploid embryos would divide synchronously menstrual cycle phases order female viagra line. Furthermore breast cancer 4 cm trusted female viagra 100mg, the probability of implantation of day 3 embryos was highest for those with 8 cells; the rate was reduced for 6-cell embryos and was lowest for those with 12 cells [22] the women's health big book of exercises download 100mg female viagra. Embryos with uneven cell numbers and those with >10 cells have been shown to have increased chromosome abnormalities [23]. It is generally agreed that embryos with fewer than 7 cells on day 3 (approximately 72 hours postinsemination) of development in culture are dividing more slowly than normal. Furthermore, a failure to divide in a 24-hour period is considered to be abnormal and may indicate development arrest. Slow cleavage is associated with increased chromosome abnormality [23], reduced blastocyst formation in culture and significantly reduced implantation potential [24, 25]. Precisely timed experiments in enucleated mouse eggs have shown that fragmentation occurs in the cytokinetic phase of the cell cycle [27]. The prerequisite to fragmentation is activation; unactivated eggs neither divide nor fragment, but fragmentation can be induced in activated eggs during both meiotic and mitotic divisions [27]. These experiments and others [28] also suggest that fragmentation occurs as a result of cytoskeletal disorder. Recent time-lapse studies in human embryos seem to confirm that fragmentation represents abnormal cytokinesis also in the human [21]. Fragmentation occurs to different degrees and may show different patterns, although these parameters are subjectively evaluated. A summary of biological and clinical correlations of fragmentation is presented in Figure 30. Fragmentation patterns have been defined based on size and distribution of the fragments relative to those of the blastomeres: type 1 with few small fragments mostly associated with one blastomere; type 2, many small fragments localized in one area, associated with one or more cells; type 3 with small and scattered fragments associated with most blastomeres; and type 4 with large and scattered fragments associated with a number of unevenly sized cells. Certain fragment types, for example types 2 and 4, show significantly fewer cells than other types [29]. Whatever the cause, significant unevenness is associated with multinucleation, increased chromosome abnormalities and reduced development potential [30, 32, 25, 21]. Multinucleation A normally dividing blastomere in a human embryo has a single visible nucleus unless it is in mitosis, in which case it appears anucleate (but appropriately sized with respect to the stage of development). Multinucleation can result from failure of cytokinesis following telophase of mitosis; it could also result from incomplete nuclear and cytoplasmic maturation [33]. Experimental evidence suggests that abnormal spindle formation and modified cytokinetic activity can lead to multinucleation in some cases (M. Although a strict relationship between maternal age and multinucleation has not been established, it appears that the pattern of response in young and older patients may influence multinucleation. Patients with a high response to exogenous gonadotrophins as well as those who require a high dosage of gonadotrophins are more likely to have embryos affected with multinucleation. Moreover, modification of stimulation protocols appears to be effective in lowering the incidence of multinucleation in repeat cycles [33]. Three types of multinucleation may be distinguished in one or more blastomeres of day-2 or day3 embryos: bi-nucleation where the two nuclei are equally sized, sub-nucleation where small nuclei appear along with one normally sized nucleus, and multinucleation where three or more nuclei are seen in each blastomere [34, 33]. It should be noted that a majority of studies do not distinguish among the different types of multinucleation. Embryos with multinucleated blastomeres often result from zygotes with abnormal pronuclear Chapter 30: Morphological expressions of human egg and embryo quality patterns; they have fewer and unequally sized cells and often a high degree of fragmentation. Significantly higher rates of polyploidy and extensive mosaicism have been detected in embryos with multinucleated blastomeres compared to those without multinucleation [33]. Somewhat expectedly, multinucleation has significant negative implications for blastulation in vitro, as well as pregnancy and implantation following intra uterine transfer. However, the latter correlation is nuanced in that some types of multinucleation, namely binucleation, may be less detrimental to clinical outcome than others and the developmental stage at which multinucleation occurs may be an additional predictor of clinical outcome, with day-3 multinucleation being more detrimental [33]. Compaction is prerequisite to blastulation and involves a marked increase in adhesion between cells. A normally compacting embryo on day 4 of development shows a flattening of cells and the disappearance of cell boundaries. Thus, in this system, each embryo on day 5 and 6 of development is assigned a score that Abnormal zona pellucida the zona pellucida is a protein-carbohydrate moiety that surrounds the mammalian egg and remains a crucial component of the embryo until implantation. The exact origin of these characteristics is not known and in most cases, their relationship to embryo viability is difficult to assess. Introducing a gap (or a hole) in the zona pellucida by mechanical or chemical means or by the laser facilitates hatching and is one way to mitigate potential adverse effects of zona pellucida abnormalities. The procedure is also applied to embryos with cleavage abnormalities such as fragmentation. Whether assisted hatching leads to increased live birthrates is still debated, but it is clear that it leads to increased pregnancy and implantation.
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