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By: X. Navaras, M.A., M.D., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Wayne State University School of Medicine
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As he becomes dependent on the management of his intimacy, he renounces his autonomy and his health must decline. It consists in making not only individuals but whole populations survive on inhumanly low levels of personal health. Medical nemesis is the negative feedback of a social organization that set out to improve and equalize the opportunity for each man to cope in autonomy and ended by destroying it. Ackerknecht, History and Geography of the Most Important Diseases (New York: Hafner, 1965). Anderson and Monroe Lerner, Measuring Health Levels in the United States, 1900-1958, Health Information Foundation Research Series no. Marc Lalonde, A New Perspective on the Health of Canadians: A Working Document (Ottawa: Government of Canada, April 1974). This courageous French-English report by the Canadian Federal Secretary for Health contains a multicolored centerfold documenting the change in mortality for Canada in a series of graphs. John Powles, "On the Limitations of Modern Medicine," in Science, Medicine and Man (London: Pergamon, 1973), 1:1-30, gives a critical selection of recent English-language literature on this subject. A critique of the political trends that seek to endow medical technology with an effective impact on health levels by a "democratization of medical consumer products. To use medicine for political liberation it will be necessary to "find in sickness, even when it is distorted by medical intervention, a protest against the existing social order. This well-researched report to the layman substantiates the view that American Cancer Society proclamations that cancer is curable and progress has been made are "reminiscent of Vietnam optimism prior to the deluge. Weisfert, "Das Problem des Schwindsuchtskranken in Drama und Roman," Deutscher Journalistenspiegel 3 (1927): 579-82. On the social, literary, and scientific aspects of 19thcentury tuberculosis; an analysis of its incidence. Rosenberg, the Cholera Years: the United States in 1832, 1849, and 1866 (Chicago: Univ. The New York epidemic of 1832 was a moral dilemma from which deliverance was sought in fasting and prayer. By the time of the epidemics of 1866, the culture that had produced New York slums had as well produced chloride of lime. Reduction in diarrheal diseases is brought about by a better water supply and sanitation, never by curative intervention. Porter, the Contribution of the Biological and Medical Sciences to Human Welfare, Presidential Address to the British Association for the Advancement of Science, Swansea Meeting, 1971 (London: the Association, 1972), p. Gordon, Interactions of Nutrition and Infection (Geneva: World Health Organization, 1968). Frank, Akademische Rede vom Volkselend als der Mutter der Krankheiten (Pavia, 1790; reprint ed. Record, "Reasons for the Decline in Mortality in England and Wales During the Nineteenth Century," Population Studies 16 (1962): 94-122. Edwin Chadwick, Report on the Sanitary Condition of the Labouring Population of Great Britain, 1842, ed. Flinn (Chicago: Aldine, 1965), concluded a century and a half ago that "the primary and most important measures and at the same time the most practical, and within the recognized providence of public administration, are drainage, the removal of all refuse from habitations, streets, and roads, and the improvement of the supplies of water. Sigerist (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins, 1941), calculated a century ago the cost of health to the city of Munich in terms of average wages lost and medical costs created. Public services, especially better water and sewage disposal, he argued, would lower the death rate, morbidity, and absenteeism and this would pay for itself. Ackerknecht, Therapeutics: From the Primitives to the Twentieth Century (New York: Hafner, 1973). Shrewsbury, A History of the Bubonic Plague in the British Isles (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Polgar gives a critical evaluation of each item and the responses of a large number of colleagues to his evaluation. See also Steven Polgar, "Health," in International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences (1968), 6:330-6; Eliot Freidson, "The Sociology of Medicine: A Trend Report and Bibliography," Current Sociology, 1961-62, nos. Paul Slack, "Disease and the Social Historian," Times Literary Supplement, March 8, 1974, pp. With the transition from subsistence on limited staples to either managed or chosen menus, the traditional regional cultures of eating, fasting, and surviving hunger were destroyed.
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The concept of moral derangement was introduced by Benjamin Rush (1812) bacterial 16s sequencing buy cheap colchicine, and of moral insanitybyPrichard(1835) antibiotic overdose discount colchicine 0.5 mg mastercard,whoconsideredthistooccuramongcriminalswhoshowedlossof feeling bacteria at 0 degrees purchase 0.5 mg colchicine with mastercard,ofcontrol light antibiotics for acne purchase colchicine us,andofethicalsense,equivalenttomentaldiseasebutatadifferentlevel. Itis important to stress that not all psychopaths are criminal, nor are all criminals psychopathic. Henderson (1939) described creative, inadequate and aggressive psychopathy, citing Lawrence of Arabiaasanexampleofacreativepsychopath. This personality disorder should not be diagnosed unless the subject is aged over 18years. However,inchildhoodoradolescencemanyofthefollowingmayhavebeendemonstratedby thepersonsubsequentlydiagnosedasdissocial:truancy,expulsionorsuspensionfromschoolfor misbehaviour, delinquency, running away from home, persistent lying, repeated casual sexual intercourse,repeateddrunkenness,substanceabuse,theft,vandalism,schoolperformancebelow expectation,repeatedviolationofrulesathomeandschoolandfighting. Suchapersonmaybemeaninglesslycruel,callous,aggressiveandemotionallycold,rejecting social norms and showing irresponsibility in his relationships. He is often unable to maintain consistencyatwork,withfrequentunemployment,changesofoccupation,absenteeismandpoor relationships. Similarly,thereareunsatisfactoryrelationshipswithsexualpartners,withahistory of several separations or divorces, promiscuity with heterosexual or homosexual preferences, desertion and repeated marital arguments. Such a person may feel miserable and even suicidal when discoveredinanunacceptableact,butthisdoesnotamounttothenormalsenseoffeelingguilt. Theessentialfeatureisliabilitytointemperate anduncontrolledoutburstsofmood,mostfrequentlyviolentangerbutoccasionallyinconsolable grief, extreme anxiety or uproarious hilarity. It is usually aggressiveness that brings individuals withthisdisordertotheattentionofthepsychiatrist;withveryslightprovocation,theymayhave becomeirritableandonoccasionsviolent. Theyaretreatedwithextremecircumspectionbyother people, and their ill humour therefore becomes reinforced as it enables them to get their own way. Mood is fluctuating and inconsistent, and they display towards other people a craving for attention,affectionandappreciation. Theyareoftensuperficiallyfoundvery attractiveandachievetheirshort-termgoalswhilebeingunabletosustainlong-termrelationships; for instance marriage frequently ends in divorce. They may be dependent and helpless, constantly seeking reassurance and the approval of others. Gestures of deliberate self-harm, hysterical conversion symptoms and abuse of alcohol and other drugs are common. Tyrerand Alexanderdonot regard this as a distinctpersonalitydisorderbutcombine it withdependent personalitydisorderinacategoryofpassive dependence. Shecouldnotthrow awayalistuntileverythingonithadbeencompletedand,assomeoftheitemsonthelistswere things that she wished to remind herself to do regularly, she was accumulating such an everincreasingnumberoflistsastobeunmanageable. There is often a lack of awareness of the feelings in others evoked by his behaviour. Insecurity about his abilities and his rela ionships makes the t anankastindecisive. Hedoubtshisowncapacityandonlytooeasily finds himself agreeing in secret with those who criticize him. Heoftenfindshimselfinapositionofambivalenceandmayovercompensateforthisindecisivenessbymakingarbitrarydecisionsthatthenbecomeimmutable on insufficient evidence, or he may compensate for his legalistic rigidity by flaunting thelawostentatiously. The anankast finds the initiation or completion of any activity very difficult, but hard work is highly prized, and he is therefore preparedtocarryonthemiddlepartofthetaskindefinitely. However,developedasapersonalitydisorder,thiswayoflifemaybeincapacitating,especially the indecisiveness and inability to express strong emotion. Suchaperson isunabletoreacttothechangingdemandsoflifeandallowsotherpeople,sometimesoneother person, to assume responsibility for major areas of life. He may function reasonably well and appearinconspicuouswhencarriedalongthroughlifebyadominantcloserelationship. Dependence amounts to passive compliance with the aims and demandsofthemoredominantpartner. Theymaydescribethemselvesasdepressed,butitismorea feeling of inertia and an inability to cope with their problems than the symptoms of affective disorder. Akiskal (1993) has made a convincing case for depressive personalitytobereturnedtothegenericcategoryofpersonalitydisordersratherthanbeingclassified with axis 1 mood (affective) disorders. There is a persistent lifelong abnormality of mood, notamountingtoillness,asopposedtothosereactiveorendogenousdisturbancesofaffectthat areofshorterdurationandareregardedasillness. Themostfrequenttypesofaffectivepersonality disorder show excessive lability of mood or persistent depressive stance towards life. Thosewithcyclothymiashowmarkedfluctuationsofmood,forinstanceforadayoraweek they may be optimistic, energetic, creative and garrulous, then for a period they may become gloomy, morose, taciturn and unable to turn themselves to any useful activity. These cycles maybelinkedtootherbiologicalrhythmssuchasthemenstrualcycle;theymay,however,appear out of the blue, apparently unprovoked. A premorbid cyclothymic personality is thought to predisposetomanic-depressivepsychosis. In cluster Bareantisocial, borderline, histrionic and narcissistic personality disorders. In practice, of course, patients may show features from different clusters, and the validity of this subclassification is still being questioned. References [Anonymous] (1986) Management of borderline personality disorders [leading article]. American Psychiatric Association (2013) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edn. Dolan B and Coid J (1993) Psychopathic and Antisocial Personality Disorders: Treatment and Research Issues. Malmberg A, Lewis G, David A and Allebeck P (1998) Premorbid adjustment and personality in people withschizophrenia.
These risk factors have been shown going back on antibiotics for acne purchase colchicine 0.5mg mastercard, for laryngeal and oropharyngeal cancers bacterial plasmid order colchicine online pills, to have a joint "multiplicative" or synergistic effect bacteria 1 in urine buy cheapest colchicine and colchicine. In the Indian subcontinent antibiotic resistance solutions cheap colchicine 0.5mg without a prescription, chewing tobacco in the form of betel quid (a combination of betel leaf, slaked lime, areca-nut and tobacco with or without other condiments), bidi (a locally hand-rolled cigarette of dried temburni leaf containing coarse tobacco) smoking and drinking locally brewed crude alcoholic drinks are the major causative factors. The role of betel quids without tobacco is not clear, though a recent case-control study from Pakistan reported a high risk of oral cancer [4]. High-risk countries are found in Southern and Eastern Europe, Latin America and Western Asia. A generally impoverished diet, particularly lacking in vegetables and fruits, is another risk factor for oral cancer [5]. Consistently, studies also indicate a protective effect of a diet rich in vegetables and fruits (20-60% reduction in risk). A high intake of salted fish and meat and the release of nitrosamines on cooking such foods have been linked to nasopharyngeal cancer in endemic regions. Additional risk factors implicated in cancer of the larynx include chronic laryngitis, chronic gastric reflux and exposure to wood dust, asbestos or ionizing radiation. Infection with Epstein-Barr virus is important in the etiology of nasopharyngeal cancer. This virus is not found in normal epithelial cells of the nasopharynx, but is present in all nasopharyngeal tumour cells, and even in dysplastic precursor lesions [7] (Chronic infections, p56). Detection Although many head and neck cancers arise in anatomically accessible areas, delayed diagnosis is common. Symptoms of oral cancer include pain, bleeding, difficulty in opening the mouth, chewing, swallowing and speech, and a swelling in the neck. Early lesions are often painless and present as slightly elevated, velvety red mucosal patches, as punctate lesions, or as indurated small ulcers or growths. In more advanced stages, a large ulceroproliferative mass, with areas of necrosis, and extension to neighbouring Head and neck cancer 233 structures such as bone, muscles and skin may be evident. Cancers of the oral cavity may be preceded by, and present with, leukoplakias. Some 5-15% of patients with cancer of the lip mucosa present with lymph node metastases, compared with more than 50-70% of those with tongue and floor of the mouth cancers. A careful oral examination and palpation of the neck leads to diagnosis, which is confirmed by biopsy. Oral visual inspection in high-risk individuals leads to early diagnosis of oral precancer [8,9]. However, the effectiveness of organized screening in reducing incidence of and mortality from oral cancer remains to be established. An asymptomatic high neck mass in an adult is frequently associated with a primary oropharyngeal (tongue base and tonsil) or hypopharyngeal primary tumour. Patients with pharyngeal cancers may complain of difficulty in swallowing and hoarseness of voice, particularly in advanced stages. The early symptoms of laryngeal cancer are hoarseness with dysphagia, pain and a neck mass. In most cases, the first sign of nasopharyngeal cancer is a mass in the neck (due to lymph node metastasis). Because the tumour is close to the foramina through which several cranial nerves pass, there may be signs due to their compression, as well as pain, blocked Eustachian tubes and nasal stuffiness. Early detection of nasopharyngeal cancer by screening for elevated antibody titres to Epstein-Barr virus has been widely performed in populations of Southern China, although so far, it is not known whether this procedure can prevent deaths. Pathology and genetics Most cancers of the head and neck are squamous cell carcinoma, which may be poorly, moderately or well-differentiated, according to the degree of keratinization. Other variants of squamous cell carcinoma include verrucous carcinoma, sarcamoid squamous cell carcinoma and lymphoepithe-. The vast majority of nasopharyngeal cancers in endemic regions is comprised of non-keratinizing and undifferentiated histological types, whereas in non-endemic countries, some 30-50% are keratinizing squamous cell carcinomas [11]. A strong genetic component to the risk of developing nasopharyngeal cancer is evident. Migrant populations of Chinese or North African origin appear to retain their elevated risk, as do their children, born in a new host country. Cytogenetic abnormalities have been reported in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, including gain or loss of the Y chromosome and abnormalities at other loci; very 234 Human cancers by organ site. Early changes include loss of tumour suppressor genes on chromosomes 13p and 9p, followed by 17p. Management Surgery and radiotherapy have been the mainstay of treatment for oral cancer. Those with early or intermediate tumour stages are treated with curative intent with moderate morbidity while those with more advanced disease are treated with definitive radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Radical surgery aims for tumour-free surgical margins with the preservation of critical anatomical structures. However, a major challenge is reconstruction after resection to preserve function and cosmesis. Definitive radiotherapy is delivered either by external beams of radiation from a telecobalt machine or linear accelerator. The mainstay management of lymph node metastases is by radical neck dissection with or without post-operative radiotherapy. For patients with cancer of the larynx, very early tumours and cancer in situ can be managed with local surgery, while early invasive tumours can be managed with radiation therapy.
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He sees himself in relation to other people; his view of himself is not totally dependenton,butimportantlyinfluencedby,howanotherindividualseeshim. The term ego is not phenomenologically describable, and therehasbeenargumentthattheselfcannotobserveitself;thatis,athingandwhatobserves thatthingcannotbethesame. Theroleinsocietyone has adopted and the group with which one identifies are intentionally conveyed and therefore displayself-image. AccordingtoHeadand Holmes (1911), the body schema is formed as the composite experience of sensations. Clearly,abnormalityofbodyimagemaybethe result of abnormal sensations, but this is not always so. For instance, the abnormality of body imageofanamputeeisdirectlybecauseofthephysicaldamage,butahypochondriacalpatient mayhavenoabnormalsensationsyetbelieveshehascancer. Hisdisturbed body image is not a result of disturbed sensation; there is a conflict between ego (the way he experienceshimselfandthegenderheascribestoit)andbodyimage. Disorders of Self Indescriptivepsychopathology,oneusesthetermego disordersordisorders of selftodescribethe abnormal inner experiences of I-ness and my-ness that occur in psychiatric illness. Thus,wenowhavethefollowingcharacteristicsofself-awareness: the feeling of awareness of being or existing(egovitality):IknowthatIamaliveandexist, andthisisfundamentaltoawarenessofself. The feeling of awareness of activity(egoactivity):IknowthatIamanagentwhoinitiates andexecutesmythoughtsandactions. Awareness of identity (ego identity): there is continuity in my biography, physiognomy, gender,genealogicalorigin,etc. Awareness of the boundaries of self(egodemarcation):Iamdistinctfromotherthingsand beings and can distinguish what is myself from the outside world, and I am aware of the boundarybetweenselfandnon-self. Movingmayshowabnormality,forexampleinthepassivityexperienceordelusionsofcontrol of patients with schizophrenia (see below). My fingers are paralysed, the direction of my gaze is changed in order to prevent my finding the correct keys, the tempo is quickened by making the muscles of my fingers move prematurely: all these were and still are daily occurrences and the bellowing-miracle when my muscles serving the processes of respiration are set in motion by the lower God (Ariman) in such a way that I am forced to emit the bellowing noises. Memorizing and imagining may be changed in that the patient with depression feels he is unable to initiate the act of memory or fantasy; or, alternatively, a patient with schizophrenia feelsthatthisactivitywhenitoccursisnotinitiatedbyhimbutfromoutsidehimself. Morerecently,BruggerandRegard(1997)haveidentifiedsixtypesofautoscopy:the feeling of presence;negative heautoscopy;inner heautoscopy;autoscopic hallucination, out of body experience;andheautoscopy proper. Autoscopic hallucination is said to occur when a patient sees an exact mirror image of himself,orofhisfaceortrunk. Thesehallucinatoryexperiences are usually brief, lasting seconds to minutes and followed by flash-like recurrences (Lhermitte,1951;Brugger,2002;Dewhurstetal,1955). Out of body experiences are characterized by the projection of an observing (psychological) selfinextra-personalspaceseeminglytotallydissociatedfromthephysicalbody. Inthisphenomenon, the patient sees himself and the world from a location distinct from his physical body. There is strong self-identification with the second body, often associated with the experience of existing at and perceiving the world from two places at the same time (Heydrich and Blanke, 2013). There may be vestibular sensations such asextremelightnessofthebody,sensationofflying,elevation,rotationandvertigo(Anzellotti etal,2011;Blankeetal,2004). Theusuallegend isthat,asthepersonliesdying,hiswraithfloatsbeforehiseyesandheseeshimselfperforming all the most disreputable and reprehensible actions of his life; they are paraded before him as heexpires. Theterrible, inextricable involvement of the double with the subject in trying to mortify him, goad him, provokehimtodestroythedoubleand/ordestroyhimself. There is growing evidence that autoscopic phenomena occur in association with seizures (Anzellottietal,2011). Furthermore,ithasbeenpostulatedthatautoscopyderivesfromafailure ofintegrationofproprioceptive,tactileandvisualinformationaboutthebodyaccompaniedby vestibular dysfunction (Blanke etal, 2004; Heydrich and Blanke, 2013). The anatomical basis and mechanism of autoscopy is yet to be clarified but there is tentative evidence that the left posteriorinsularisinvolvedinheautoscopyandrightoccipitalcortexinautoscopichallucination (HeydrichandBlanke,2013). If it was occurring now, the hallucinatory self would see you more full face and from higher up than I see you now because it is standing. It seems as clear as a nightmare at the time but I know afterwards that it is a figment like a very vivid dream but more real than a dream.
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