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By: R. Marcus, M.S., Ph.D.

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Anatomic changes involving the cervical spine antiviral drugs for shingles movfor 200mg discount, temporomandibular joint four stages hiv infection purchase 200 mg movfor overnight delivery, or arytenoids may necessitate awake airway management with a fiberoptic bronchoscope (Table 1) symptoms of hiv infection after 5 years cheapest movfor. Preoperative flexion and extension films are indicated with advanced rheumatoid arthritis examples of antiviral drugs buy discount movfor on line, and cervical fusion of C1 to the occiput may be required before the procedure. Regional anesthesia may avoid the airway challenges of general anesthesia, but it may be difficult in these patients if the loss of range of motion in the joints prevents proper needle placement. Rheumatoid arthritis is associated with cardiovascular disease, and atherosclerosis occurs at an accelerated rate in rheumatoid arthritis, resulting in a greater risk of myocardial infarction and cerebrovascular accident. Trauma Surgical emergencies may require general anesthesia before completing radiologic evaluations. Factors that influence this decision include surgery on more than one extremity, unknown duration of procedure, the need to assess postoperative neurologic function, and surgeon or patient preference. Regional anesthesia may be performed in a child during general anesthesia, but the loss of patient feedback regarding pain and paresthesia increases the risk of neural injury. Regional anesthesia decreases anesthetic and opioid requirements, resulting in shorter wakeup times with general anesthesia. Caudal and spinal blocks have been the most commonly used regional techniques due to the anesthesiologist familiarity and their relative safety when performed in the anesthetized patient. Nerve blocks may provide preemptive analgesia by blocking painful stimuli and lead to lower stress hormone levels and less overall pain. Pediatric regional techniques require smaller needles, which have only recently become available, but continuous blocks are done with adult equipment, a less-than-optimal situation. Pediatric patients require cautious local anesthetic selection and administration to avoid toxicity. Epinephrine is typically added to enable the diagnosis of an intravascular injection of local anesthetic and to decrease its systemic absorption. Continuous peripheral nerve catheters offer the same advantages in pediatric patients as in adults. Table 3 Local Anesthetic Lidocaine Prilocaine Mepivacaine Bupivacaine Ropivacaine Pediatric Doses of Clinical Characteristics of Commonly Used Local Anesthetics* Usual Concentration (%) 0. The potential benefits of an upper extremity nerve block are less nausea, a shorter recovery, and faster discharge from the hospital, in part due to improved postoperative analgesia, requiring fewer narcotics for pain. Cadaveric conditions when the surgery requires no movement Procedure and graft harvest can be in different anatomic locations. Efficient anesthesia recovery with anesthetics such as propofol, sevoflurane, or desflurane No contraindication Carpel tunnel syndrome Multiple sclerosis (spinal anesthesia contraindicated) Stroke Diabetes mellitus Absolute Acute or resolving nerve injury in the regional block distribution Progressive peripheral neuropathy Infection at the puncture site for the block Patient refusal Bleeding disorder: full anticoagulation, thrombolytic therapy, and hemophilia Relative Stable nerve impairment Interscalene blocks with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Fever, bacteremia Contraindications Regional Anesthesia Increases operating room efficiency: nerve blocks are done before entering the operating room, eliminating the time needed for induction and emergence from anesthesia Simplified perioperative management with conditions such as malignant hyperthermia, cardiomyopathy, and obstructive or restrictive lung conditions Continuous nerve blocks may provide anesthesia and be used for postoperative pain control. Less postoperative nausea and vomiting Faster recovery from anesthesia and earlier discharge Less postoperative cognitive dysfunction than from general anesthesia due to superior pain control, fewer sleep disturbances, and fewer unplanned admissions to the hospital By avoiding unplanned admissions to the hospital, the incidence of postoperative cognitive dysfunction is lowered from 9. Shoulder Surgery Because of the intense perioperative pain, particularly with arthroplasty or open rotator cuff operations, general anesthesia is rarely the sole technique for shoulder surgery. Performing regional anesthesia for shoulder surgery requires knowledge of the anatomy and the surgical approach. Once the needle is in approximation to the brachial plexus trunks, local anesthetic is incrementally injected, resulting in anesthesia of the shoulder and proximal arm. Interscalene blocks with bupivacaine or ropivacaine provide perioperative analgesia. Interscalene blocks cause a sympathectomy and resultant redistribution of blood away from the surgical site, decreasing intraoperative blood loss. The semisitting and lateral decubitus positions place the operative site above the heart, rarely resulting in air embolism. Head and neck positioning is crucial to avoid spinal cord compression and neurologic deficits. However, the anesthesiologist may be hampered by this position because the proximity of the surgical incision allows little access to the head. It may be very difficult to convert to general anesthesia without disrupting the sterile surgical field when a patient with a regional anesthetic must be put to sleep in the middle of the procedure. General anesthesia can be administered without endotracheal intubation either by holding a mask on the face or by inserting a laryngeal mask airway while the patient remains in the semisitting position. Because of this potential problem, many anesthesiologists and surgeons alike prefer to use general anesthesia with an endotracheal tube in combination with an interscalene block. This combined anesthetic would also be chosen with complicated reoperations or where induced hypotension is needed. Continuous interscalene blocks may be done to provide analgesia for a prolonged period. Typically 48 hours of postoperative pain is adequate, and catheters are then removed. Prolonged interscalene analgesia may be required in acute surgical shoulder pain in the chronic pain patient or in a patient with a frozen shoulder requiring mobilization therapy. Continuous interscalene blocks have been associated with enhanced physical rehabilitation after shoulder surgery due to superior pain control. These may result in transient loss of ipsilateral diaphragm function, weak voice, miosis, ptosis, and anhydrosis (Horner syndrome). Elbow Surgery Surgical procedures at the elbow, whether for arthroplasty or the reattachment of a biceps brachii tendon, frequently require general anesthesia despite the advantages of regional anesthesia. Regional techniques are often performed in the recovery area after nerve function is assessed. Functional outcomes after elbow surgery often depend on early rehabilitation using continuous passive motion devices. The infraclavicular and the axillary approaches to the brachial plexus are options for catheter placement.

Vital structures in the axilla include the major branches of the infraclavicular portion of the brachial plexus and the axillary vessels hiv infection through eye purchase 200mg movfor otc. Any surgery in this region requires detailed knowledge of and familiarity with these structures stages of hiv infection in humans effective 200 mg movfor. Infraclavicular brachial plexus the lateral hiv infection malaysia purchase movfor canada, posterior natural antiviral herbs movfor 200mg on-line, and medial cords of the infraclavicular brachial plexus are found at the level of the pectoralis minor muscle, where they then give rise to five major branches: the median, ulnar, radial, musculocutaneous, and axillary nerves. The cords and branches run along the axillary vascular sheath as it passes through the axilla. The lateral cord gives rise to the musculocutaneous nerve, which travels along the medial aspect of the conjoint tendon, where it innervates the coracobrachialis and short head of the biceps. This nerve is the first to be identified during the exploration, because it is located in the superficial axillary fat inferior to the coracoid process. The largest portion of the lateral cord combines with the medial cord to create the median nerve. The posterior cord gives rise to the axillary nerve, which travels deep in the space and passes inferior to the glenohumeral joint and subscapularis muscle, where it innervates the deltoid muscle. The main portion of the posterior cord becomes the radial nerve, which travels posterior to the sheath and exits the axillary space along with the axillary sheath. The medial cord gives rise to the ulnar nerve, which travels along the most medial aspect of the sheath and exits distally along with the sheath. Because of its medial position along the sheath, the ulnar nerve is the nerve most commonly involved by tumors arising inferior to the brachial plexus, which can present with symptoms of either weakness or neuropathic pain. The median nerve, formed by a combination of the lateral and medial cords, is found on the lateral aspect of the sheath and exits the inferior aspect of the axillary space along the sheath. Axillary vessels the axillary artery and vein are the continuation of the subclavian vessels, changing name as they enter the apex of the axilla below the clavicle and first rib. These vessels run in a single sheath, surrounded by the cords of the brachial plexus. The vessels pass through the axillary space medial to the coracoid to the medial aspect along the humeral shaft. Major vascular branches in the axillary space include the thoracoacromial artery (with its pectoral, deltoid, clavicular and acromial branches), the lateral thoracic artery, the subscapular artery, and the anterior and posterior humeral circumflex vessels. Schematic of the shoulder girdle and axilla showing the bony and soft tissue contents. The axillary artery enters from the clavicle and exits at the lower portion of the axilla at the level of the pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi muscles. The overlying pectoralis major muscle forming the anterior wall and the latissimus dorsi muscle forming the posterior wall is visualized. All of the muscles of the anterior and posterior wall as well as the deltoid are shown. Lymphatics A substantial amount of fat surrounds the vascular sheath as it runs through the axilla along with the lymphatics and lymph nodes. Major clusters of lymph nodes are found along the brachial and axillary vessels, the lateral thoracic vessels (anterior axillary nodes), and the subscapular vessels (posterior axillary nodes). Axillary tumors may arise from lymph node metastases anywhere along the axillary vessels; the most common sites are nodes along the distal portion of the axillary vessels. Bone involvement and the presence of calcifications in the soft tissues should be noted. The presence or absence of lymphatic involvement should be noted, particularly in patients with a history of metastatic carcinoma. Although the brachial plexus may be very difficult to visualize, particularly when tumors distort or compress the surrounding fatty planes, the anatomic relationship of the nerve sheath to the vessels helps pinpoint their location. Consider venography to evaluate loss of venous drainage indicative of tumor involving the brachial plexus. Dimunition of arterial flow is a late sign indicative of potential loss of limb-consider forequarter amputation. In addition, we have found that venography (of the axillary and brachial veins) is essential to the evaluation of tumors of the axilla and brachial plexus. There are no muscle or skin components adjacent to the tumor, which protrudes anteriorly. This finding is an excellent indication for the use of the anterior portion of the utilitarian incision for resections of large tumors of the proximal humerus. It demonstrates that the axillary space must be completely visualized and that the vessels must be mobilized. Venography, either alone or in conjunction with angiography, can demonstrate venous compression from surrounding tumors. The axillary arterial wall is thick and rarely shows signs of occlusion, whereas the axillary vein is a thin-walled structure that is easily compressed and infiltrated by tumor. Therefore, occlusion is almost synonymous with involvement of the vascular sheath and brachial plexus. Venous occlusion, visualized as absent filling of the axillary vein, is characteristic of significant tumor involvement of the brachial plexus and warrants careful thought as to whether a limb-sparing procedure is possible. The triad of axillary venous occlusion, distal motor weakness, and neuropathic pain is a very reliable predictor of tumor infiltration of the brachial plexus sheath. Infraclavicular brachial plexus and vascular exploration is mandatory before resection is attempted. Tumor involvement of these structures usually indicates that a forequarter amputation is required. Biopsy Core needle biopsy is the preferred method of diagnosis, because it minimizes risk of injury and contamination of the axillary contents. If a metastatic lesion is suspected, fine needle aspiration is the most appropriate means to identify carcinoma cells.

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The brachial plexus and axillary artery and vein are demonstrated coursing through the axillary space antiviral soup cheap 200 mg movfor. The musculature of the axillary space forms the borders of the compartment antiviral natural factors buy cheap movfor 200mg line, including the pectoralis major hiv infection youtube 200 mg movfor amex, latissimus dorsi data on hiv infection rates purchase generic movfor online, short head of the biceps, and clavicle. Each type is subdivided according to the status of the abductor mechanism (the deltoid muscle and rotator cuff): Abductors intact Abductors partially or completely resected Type A resections, in which the abductors are preserved, usually are recommended for high-grade spindle cell bone sarcomas that are entirely intracompartmental (ie, contained within either the proximal humerus or scapula bone). This type of resection also is recommended for low grade-bone sarcomas, selected metastatic carcinomas, and, often, round cell sarcomas. Type B resections, in which the abductors are resected, are extracompartmental resections and are the most common type of resection performed for high-grade spindle cell sarcomas. All six of these types of shoulder girdle resections and their indications are described briefly in the following section. The Functional Anatomic Compartment of the Shoulder Girdle Sarcomas grow locally in a centripetal manner and compress surrounding tissues (muscles) into a pseudocapsular layer. The pseudocapsular layer contains microscopic fingerlike projections of tumor, which are referred to as satellite nodules. A sarcoma will grow to fill the compartment in which it arises, and only rarely will an extremely large sarcoma extend beyond its compartmental borders. In discussing bony sarcomas that extend beyond the cortices into the surrounding soft tissues, the term functional anatomic compartment refers to the investing muscles that are compressed into a pseudocapsular layer (Fig 4). These muscles provide the fascial borders of the compartment, a fact that has important surgical implications. A wide resection of a bone sarcoma removes the entire tumor and pseudocapsular layer and must, therefore, encompass the investing muscle layers (compartmental resection). The functional compartment surrounding the proximal humerus consists of the deltoid, subscapularis and remaining rotator cuff, latissimus dorsi (more distally), brachialis, and portions of the triceps muscles. The glenoid and scapular neck also reside within the functional compartment of the proximal humerus, because they are contained by the rotator cuff and capsule and the subscapularis muscle. Sarcomas that arise from the proximal humerus and extend beyond the cortices compress these muscles into a pseudocapsular layer. The only neurovascular structures that enter this compartment are the axillary nerve and humeral circumflex vessels. The main neurovascular bundle (ie, brachial plexus and axillary vessels) to the upper extremity passes anterior to the subscapularis and latissimus dorsi muscles. Anatomic drawing illustrating the preference for a core needle biopsy for tumors of the proximal humerus. Great care should be taken to avoid the pectoralis major muscle, the deltopectoral interval, and the axillary vessels. The deltoid is innervated by the axillary nerve posteriorly, so a portion of the anterior deltoid can be resected if necessary without significant compromise to the nerve. They also protect the pectoralis major muscle, which must be preserved during surgical resection for soft tissue coverage. High-grade sarcomas that extend beyond the bony cortices of the proximal humerus expand the investing muscles that form the compartmental borders and pseudocapsular layer. These sarcomas grow along the path of least resistance and, therefore, are directed toward the glenoid and scapular neck by the rotator cuff and glenohumeral joint capsule. Anteriorly, the tumor is covered by the subscapularis, which bulges into and displaces the neurovascular bundle. Only rarely does a very large proximal humerus sarcoma extend beyond the compartmental borders. A wide (compartmental) resection for a high-grade sarcoma must, therefore, include the surrounding muscles that form the pseudocapsular layer (ie, deltoid, lateral portions of the rotator cuff), the axillary nerve, humeral circumflex vessels, and the glenoid (extra-articular resection of the proximal humerus). The compartmental borders surrounding the scapular neck consist of the rotator cuff muscles and portions of the teres major and latissimus dorsi muscles. The compartment consists of all of the muscles that originate on the anterior and posterior surfaces of the scapula: the subscapularis, infraspinatus, and teres muscles. The deltoid, although it is not typically considered one of the compartmental borders, since it attaches to a narrow region of the scapular spine and acromion, may be involved secondarily by a large soft tissue extension. In most instances the deltoid is protected by the rotator cuff muscles because the anatomic origin of most tumors is from the neck and body region. Similar to the proximal humerus, the rotator cuff muscles are compressed into a pseudocapsular layer by sarcomas that arise from the scapula. The head of the proximal humerus is contained within the compartment surrounding the scapula by the rotator cuff muscles. Wide resection of a high-grade scapular sarcoma must, therefore, include the rotator cuff and, in most instances, the humeral head. The axillary nerve is not contained within the compartment and therefore can be spared from resection. Additionally, because the deltoid is not compressed into a pseudocapsular layer, it usually can be preserved. A true compartmental site includes the muscles of origin and insertion of a specific group, as well as a major feeding vessel and nerve. This is a conceptual consideration for tumors around the proximal humerus, which does not fit the classic definition of an anatomic compartment. Surgically, however, this area is considered as the shoulder girdle compartment, which consists of the deltoid, the rotator cuff muscles, a portion of the pectoralis major muscle, the latissiumus dorsi, and the teres major. Osteosarcoma of the proximal humerus: long-term results with limb-sparing surgery. Selection of patients for limb-sparing surgery is based on the anatomic location of the tumor and a thorough understanding of the natural history of sarcomas and other malignancies. Chest Wall Involvement Tumors of the shoulder girdle with large extraosseous components occasionally may involve the chest wall, ribs, and intercostal muscles. Chest wall involvement should be evaluated preoperatively with physical examination and imaging studies; however, such involvement often is not determined until the time of surgery.

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The pectoralis major muscle overlying the axilla is dissected free of axillary fat so that its insertion on the humerus can be visualized; this muscle is divided just proximal to its tendinous insertion on the humerus antiviral drug for hiv discount movfor generic, and the portion of the muscle remaining with the patient is tagged with a suture historical hiv infection rates 200 mg movfor. To expose the axillary sheath along its full extent hiv infection rate australia best order movfor, the pectoralis minor short head of the biceps and coracobrachialis muscles are divided at their insertion on the coracoid process antiviral medication for warts buy generic movfor 200mg. All proximal muscles are tagged with sutures for later identification and use in the reconstruction. Vessel loops are passed around the neurovascular bundle near the proximal and distal ends of the dissection. Medial traction on the neurovascular bundle allows visualization of the axillary nerve, posterior circumflex artery, and anterior circumflex artery. If the neurovascular bundle is found to be free of tumor extension, dissection for the limb salvage procedure proceeds. The musculocutaneous nerve is isolated and carefully preserved, although this nerve sometimes must be sacrificed to preserve tumor-free margins. The deep fascia between the short and long heads of the biceps muscle is divided below the tumor mass to separate the short and long heads of the biceps maximally, permitting easy visualization of the musculocutaneous nerve. The radial nerve is identified at the lower border of the latissimus dorsi muscle, passing around and behind the humerus into the triceps muscle group. The radial nerve passes posterior to the humerus in its midportion (spiral groove). To dissect it free of the bone, a finger is passed around the humerus to bluntly move the nerve away from the bone. The short and long heads of the biceps are widely separated to expose the humerus. The site for the humeral osteotomy is determined, and then the long head of the biceps and brachialis muscles are transected at this level. The inferior border of the latissimus dorsi muscle is identified, and a fascial incision is made that allows one to pass a finger behind the latissimus dorsi and teres major muscles several centimeters from their insertion into the humerus or scapula. External rotation of the humerus exposes the subscapularis muscle, which is transected at the level of the coracoid process. The portions of these muscles that are not to be removed during the resection are tagged for future reconstruction. By transecting these muscles the anterior portion of the neck of the scapula has been exposed. The first attempts to regain length used the Kirschner rod fixated into the distal humerus and sutured to the clavicle with wires or heavy sutures. The long-stemmed Neer prosthesis was developed to re-establish humerus length and to avoid the problem of proximal migration. The first custom prosthesis, developed in the mid-1970s to reconstruct the proximal humerus in an anatomic format. No waiting period for a custom prosthesis to be made is required, as formerly was the situation. The head of the prosthesis is secured to the remaining portion of the scapula with 3-mm Dacron tape so that the prosthesis is suspended mediolaterally, to provide horizontal stability. It then is suspended, using more Dacron tape, in a craniocaudal direction from the end of the clavicle to provide vertical stability. Dynamic suspension is provided by transfer of the short head of the biceps muscle to the stump of the clavicle (as described in the next section), which allows elbow flexion. Soft tissue coverage is essential to cover the prosthesis and prevent skin problems and secondary infections. Type I Resection Soft Tissue Reconstruction the remaining muscle groups are tenodesed to the pectoralis major and osteomized border of the scapula with Dacron tape. This procedure is not recommended for highgrade sarcomas with soft tissue extension. A power reamer is used to widen the medullary canal of the remaining humerus; it is reamed until it is 1 mm larger than the stem of the prosthesis. Methylmethacrylate cement is injected into the medullary canal, and the prosthesis is positioned. The head of the prosthesis should be oriented so that it lies anterior to the transected portion of scapula while the arm is in neutral position. The radial nerve should be positioned anterior to the prosthesis so it does not become entrapped between muscle and prosthesis during the reconstruction. Drill holes are made through the scapula at the level of its spine, and also through the distal portion of the transected clavicle. The head of the prosthesis is secured by 3-mm Dacron tape to the remaining portion of the scapula so that the prosthesis is suspended mediolaterally, providing horizontal stability. It is suspended in a craniocaudal direction by a second 3-mm Dacron tape from the end of the clavicle, for vertical stability. The pectoralis minor muscle is sutured to the subscapularis muscle over the neurovascular bundle to protect it from the prosthesis. The pectoralis major muscle is closed over the prosthesis to the cut edge of the scapula and secured with nonabsorbable sutures through drill holes. Following this the trapezius, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and teres minor muscles are secured to the superior and lateral borders of the transected pectoralis major muscle. The teres major and latissimus dorsi muscles are secured to the inferior border of the pectoralis major muscle.
